
Chapter 393 Opportunity

Actually when they got the call from Dothebys Auction House, they were all suspicious . Because on the phone, the vice president of Du Fu’s refused to reveal any information about the auction. Just kept stressing over the phone that this is definitely a unique and unmatched auction item.

Out of curiosity about Li Mo, a Legendary scientist, these big bosses, who are busy with everything, turned off their busy jobs and came to China to participate in this auction.

Now the Legendary scientist on the booth seems to be telling them with body language that they forgot to bring the auction item.

Is this a joke?

The tech giants in the front row responded with understanding smiles. Because they often make such small mistakes, such as the game masterpiece of the game company under Bill Gai: “Circle – Infinity” has been postponed several times, and fans can only wait indefinitely.

There is even a saying in the game circle: “No one will remember to release junk games on time”, delay has become an Internet marketing strategy.

Is this a “delayed” strategy at auction?

So bold!

Musk’s face was calm, and he wanted to see how Professor Li Mo faced the “things” that were about to happen in the venue.

Sure enough, the big Middle Eastern dog owners sitting in the back row couldn’t bear it any longer. For example, Faisal Prince, who is standing up now, is from the Middle East oil giant Saat. As the second son in the family, he lost hope of inheriting the throne with a superior Brother Xiu.

Life is simply meaningless!

Disappointed, Faisal Prince started a wild life.

For more than ten million Lamborghinis, I bought twenty of them, one for each color.

Buy two luxury yachts worth 100 million, one in the middle of the sea and the other at the pier as a toilet.

As for the clothes, LV is custom made to weigh dozens of pounds, change it in the morning, change it in the afternoon, and throw it away when it gets dirty!

In short, what is extravagant to buy, how to spend and how to play!

Loneliness comes after emptiness!

No matter how “wonderful” life is, there will always be a day of boredom.

Faisal Prince looked back suddenly and found that his life seemed to be spent in trying nothing and accomplishing nothing. A hundred years later, when people mentioned him, they would only call him “the son of a big dog”.

This kind of evaluation is unacceptable to him!

But how can you leave your real name in history?

Faisal Prince arrives at the residence of a famous historian with a box containing $1 million.

After a day of “discussion”, Faisal Prince left the box with the answers.

The answer is:

Humans always like to record the leaders of various industries in the history books to inspire future generations, such as scientists, artists, writers, and even businessmen.

For example, Van Gogh who cut off his ear, Bruno who was swallowed up by fire and smoke in the Campo de’ Fiori in Rome

Faisal Prince thought he had no artistic ability and lacked the sense of truth. ‘s persistence.

A singer? His singing can scare away wolves in the desert.

A dancer? impossible, this life is impossible to dance!

Scientists? Even more impossible. Although he graduated from the Ivy League, he also knew how many barrels of oil the family spent on that diploma.

At this time, a senior who also lives in “emptiness” brings a suggestion: become a collector!

This “professional” does not require proven wisdom, sweet voice, and flexible limbs. All it takes is a lot of money.

As for Faisal Prince, who owns several oil fields, the most important thing is money.

Bright light!

Faisal Prince has since started his collecting career. As a collector with a clear goal, he has a very different collection rule: Odd!

General art collectors have their own hobby, for example, some collect calligraphy and painting, and some collect antiques. But Fisher Prince is not like this. The only requirement for his collection is “strangeness”. As for whether it is antiques, calligraphy and painting, or even works of art, he doesn’t care.

For example, he once spent $2 million to collect the longest hair in the world.

A hair, no matter how long, is worth $2 million?

Is Faisal Prince out of his mind?

On the contrary, as a top student at an Ivy League school, he understands a truth. To engrave his name on the history books, he must have something that others don’t have.

Antique, calligraphy and painting are too popular. The paintings of the famous Impressionist painter Vincent Willem van Gogh have been hyped for sky-high prices in the art market, but few people remember the collector’s name. The most important reason is that Van Gogh created as many as 1,700 works in his lifetime, which means that there are at least hundreds of collectors holding Van Gogh’s paintings all over the world. Is it possible that so many names are engraved on the history books?

So when I received the vice president of Dotheby’s Auction House, I told him in provocative language on the phone that the great scientist Li Mo was about to auction an item, the name of the item was unknown and he needed to be auctioned. When the $200 million deposit was paid in advance, Faisal Prince was acutely aware that it might be time enough to put him in the history books. He rejected the invitation of a sexy star in country M, brought his beloved camel, and flew directly to China on a private jet.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

After seeing the blank paper in Li Mo’s hand, something called bad temper prompted him to loudly shouted: “It’s too much! Professor Li Mo, that’s how you treat us who are flying from all over the world. Is it your guest?”

“Is this the way of hospitality in your country!”

Although Li Mo didn’t know Faisal Prince, he pointed five With a huge gold ring, it was easy to guess his identity – the son of a big dog family.

This kind of person is well-known in the collection industry for not bad money.

Li Mo smiled slightly: “This gentleman don’t be impatient.”

As he spoke, he took out a marker from the box and put it on the white paper. “Randomly” painted.


“This is the auction item this time!”

He held up the work he just “created” in his hand.

On the white paper, there is a not-so-round sphere, on which lies a Matchstick People composed of lines.

“What are you?”

“Do you think you are the master of abstract art, Cy Tombley? Draw some crooked lines on white paper and you can sell it!”

Faisal Prince felt that the great scientist was insulting his few IQs.

Unlike Prince Faisal’s manic expression, Musk, who has been sitting quietly in the front row, is frowned. Among the more than 20 people in the room, only he can be regarded as a real scientist.

As a scientist, he knows that old-fashioned scientists never joke or hide their mistakes. Even if Professor Li Mo forgot to bring the auction item, he can admit it generously. With fame and status there, everyone in the venue will never embarrass him.

Why paint such a “bad” picture.

A little man is lying on the ball?


Musk’s pupils shrank, and a surprised thought appeared in his mind: “Impossible! Has Mozi Technology been so powerful?”

At this time, Li on the booth Mo didn’t feel angry at all because of Faisal Prince’s rebuke. On the contrary, he now has some appreciation for this “upright” dog owner.

At least he dared to call his paintings “cluttered lines”, which is very rare in the collecting world. The art circle is not large, and this small ecological circle is full of blind praise.

“Of course, this auction is not this worthless painting!” Li Mo tore the white paper in his hand, “it’s an opportunity!”

Opportunities can also be sold?

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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