
Chapter 386 Luck

The big head Pajeluian continued: “Luck seems to have 500 years after the Great Collection Project, the first cryptic proton was captured in the Sunflower Star Domain.”

“In the words of you Earth people: A good beginning is half the battle!”

“Since then, the Moradic civilization has successively captured 41 secret protons in 30,000 years. This capture efficiency has surpassed 99% of the civilizations in the big universe.”

“But it’s a pity Yes, the Moradic people do not know this information. During the past 30,000 years, they have gradually acquired the ability to develop and utilize the entire universe. The peeping of the dark light belt made them understand that there seems to be a bigger obstacle behind this obstacle. The existence of the universe.”

“And if you want to pass through this terrifying dark light belt that stretches for thousands of light-years, even light will be deeply trapped in it, the safest way is to become a real Level 5 civilization, use The power that only Level 5 civilizations can possess can change the operation rules of the dark belt.”

“In the process of civilization upgrading from Level 4 to Level 5, the amount of hidden protons that needs to be consumed is not fixed. Maybe only 1 is enough, maybe as many as 42 cryptic protons.”

“According to the rules, when a civilization has 40 cryptic protons, it has a 99.9% probability of success in promotion, When a civilization has 42 secret protons, this probability becomes 100%.”

“The Moradicks naturally understand this rule, so they successfully captured the fertile sunflower Star Domain. After the 41st secret proton, all members of the civilization are looking forward to the appearance of the last secret proton.”

“Maybe, at the next moment, they can be promoted to ceremony and become the universe. A true advanced civilization in the middle of the world, becoming a creator-like existence.”

“Unfortunately, this expectation has lasted for 10,000 years, and there is still no news of the last secret proton.”

“until now, the Moradic civilization, which is rapidly developing under the aura of luck, has made the biggest and only mistake since its birth.”

“They decided to use 41 hidden particles , proceed to the promotion ceremony with a 99.9% chance of success.”

“The lack of hardship has made them lose their awe of this mysterious universe. The lucky past has blinded them, and in their cognition 0.1 A % chance of failure means absolute success.”

“Perhaps a vague unease, Or maybe it was an ominous premonition, the Moradicks deliberately returned to the long-abandoned home planet to hold this promotion ceremony that was related to the fate of the entire civilization. “

“The ceremony officially began when the first rays of sunlight from the large star fell on the surface of Moradic, and the first cryptic proton was captured in the prayers of trillions of Moradic people.” It was put into the rule tester, but unfortunately the expected abnormal results did not appear. “

“The Moradic are not discouraged, as they still have as many as 40 cryptic protons.” “

“Afterwards, the second and third secret protons were successively put into the rule tester, but there was still no result. “

“The promotion to ceremony continues.” “

“When the number of cryptic protons consumed was more than half, the Moradicks began to fear, and for the first time they began to worry about the 0.1% probability of failure. “

“Unfortunately, it was too late. When the 40th secret particle, in the expectation of all Moradick, was thrown into the tester, there was still no response. “

“The Moradicks are in a panic, only the last hidden particle is left in their hands!” “

“The ruthless universe will never care about any intelligent creatures, even the races it once favored.” When the last of the Moradic cryptic particles annihilated in the tester, all the Moradic were in grief, weeping for their failure to advance, a failure that meant tens of thousands of years of hard work had come to nothing. “

“At this time, the leaders who were good at uniting the people stood up, and they used very provocative words to wake up the Moradic people from their grief, and the Moradic civilization did not lose promotion. With the chance, they can also re-collect secret protons and re-upgrade ceremony. “

“In the blueprint drawn by the leader, the optimistic Moradic people saw hope again, and there were bursts of cheers on the star. The industrious Moradic people can’t wait, they want to return to the universe and start their collection work. And this time their target number is an absolute 42. “

“Unfortunately, in this universe, races that waste their opportunities are often severely punished. “

“When the spaceships that set sail on the planet Moradick suddenly fell from in midair to the ground, the childish Moradick realized this. “

“The spaceship of the Moradiks in the Sunflower Star Domain, whether it is a super spaceship using conventional power, vacuum energy, antimatter, or Rule Power, has all lost its ability to fly. Under the action of the gravitational force of the stars, the spaceships that had already been lifted off quickly fell to the ground and became a pile of broken metal. “

“Faced with this mysterious phenomenon, which is completely contrary to the rules of physics, the Moradicks began to panic. “

“However, to their surprise, this was just the beginning. “

“Then, Moradicks spread throughout the Star Domain’s Stargates. lost its effect. The poor Moradic were stranded on the planet. “

“The Moradic scientists with Level 4 civilization Peak technology discovered the reason for the abnormality in the shortest possible time, that is, the rules of the universe have changed, and it was caused by alien intelligence. The creature was maliciously altered. “

“Unfortunately, this discovery came too late.” “

“When the atmosphere of stable gas above the planet began to explode for no apparent reason, the Moradic knew that their end had come.” “

“From now on, there will be no more lucky Moradic people in the universe.” ”

The big-brained Pajeluian stopped telling.

Li Mo, from the inconspicuous metaphors that the big-brained used to tell the story, it is clear that this is a story full of A metaphorical story.

At the same time, this is also a very absurd story. The Moradic civilization was missing a secret proton, which led to the final demise of the entire civilization.

In In the final war, there will be no huge high-tech weapons of various formidable power, no grand scene of hundreds of thousands of space battleships striking each other, and no heroic characters to sing and cry.


The whole process of the war can only be called silent!

But it is such a war that can’t even be called “war”, resulting in a war that ruled thousands of lights Years, the level 4 civilization with tens of millions of planets and trillions of intelligent individuals perished, until in the end they could not even know the slightest information about the enemy.

What kind of existence is the alien civilization that launched the attack?

Level 5?

Level 6?

Or is it a library-like existence?

Maybe, this is the only way High Rank Only a civilization can “easily” destroy a Level 4 civilization.

In addition, Li Mo vaguely felt that the big-headed Pajeluian seems to have deliberately hidden some key issues in the story, such as what is the promotion of ceremony? ?

Why does the promotion from Level 4 to Level 5 require this peculiar promotion ceremony, but the promotion from Level 1 to Level 2 does not?

There is also the real speciality of the original universe What is it?

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts come to me.

“After listening to this story, do you need to change your decision? “While he was reminiscing about the story just now, the big head Pajeluian’s question came from the high platform.

(End of this chapter)

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