
Chapter 374 Transactions

“Di Di Di Di”

“The new task is completed, you have rewards waiting to be claimed .”

In the office, Li Mo closed his eyes, and a pink rabbit-shaped learning machine appeared in the fog.

Click Task Options.

Mission: Go to Space

Description: The bright planets in the universe are waiting for you to explore, first set a small goal and launch a space rocket.

Completion progress: 100%

Rewards: 1 million subject experience points + 500,000 special rewards (released), one ordinary lottery.

Any special rewards?

Li Mo realized that this was due to the fact that the Navigator completed the fire star journey perfectly and overdid the mission.

Click the Attribute Panel.

1. Math level: 8 (101500/10000000)

2. Physics level: 5 (102000/200000)

3. Chemistry level 4 ( 2000/100000)

4. Biology level: 4 (2000/100000)

5. Spiritual wisdom level: 5+1

Available points: 150 Wan

spiritual wisdom has also added Level 1!

With the deepening of “study”, Li Mo is more and more aware of the importance of “spiritual wisdom”, sometimes a difficult problem that has plagued him for weeks, maybe in the next moment, accompanied by flashing in his mind A ray of light can be solved.

And the level of spiritual wisdom determines the chance of this “light” appearing.

With 1.5 million subject experience points, 1 point of spiritual wisdom, and a metal plate in the backpack, this fire star trip is really profitable.

Of course, there are two more opportunities to ask questions!

Li Mo held back his inner excitement and figured out how to distribute the 1.5 million experience points. Mathematics has already reached Level 8, and it takes 10 million experience to rise to the next Level 1, even if he adds all the 1.5 million points. In mathematics, it’s just an utterly inadequate measure.

Perhaps the level of physics, chemistry and biology should be improved. After all, good students should not be partial to subjects, and with the expansion of Mozi technology, new projects in various fields have been launched. His Sect Master must have extensive scientific knowledge.

As a trade-off, he finally decided to add the remaining credits to the Maths subject on the premise of upgrading Physics, Chemistry and Biology to Level 6.

Upgraded character attribute:

1. Math level: 8 (111000/10000000)

2. Physics level: 6 (0/500000)

3. Chemistry Level 6 (0/500000)

4. Biology Level: 6 (0/500000)

5. Spiritual Wisdom Level: 6

Available credits: 0

lottery moment!

system hint: “You have a normal lottery chance, do you want to draw it now?”

Draw now!

The big lottery wheel with a flashing marquee appeared in front of him.


1. A micro-system with 156 planets.

2. A star numbered P-1876.

3.R19-12011 One galaxy resource planet.

4. A brainwave knowledge infusion machine.

5. A double helix laser sniper gun.

6. 10 cans of energy coffee.

Li Mo doesn’t need these on the big turntable of the galaxy, star, planet, and lottery. Besides, even if you give it to him, it can’t be used. Want a star for grilling?

A brainwave knowledge infusion machine!

The 4th prize caught his attention, the brainwave knowledge infusion machine, a technology product that appeared in Pajelu’s story, can directly infuse all kinds of knowledge into wisdom The biological brain is definitely an ultimate weapon for the current Earth civilization.

If you can have it, students on Earth can easily become super academic masters.

I really want it!

Li Mo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned the big turntable gently.

Looking forward to it! expect!

“Ding Dong.”

“Congratulations on getting the system reward: 6. 10 cans of energy coffee.” A mechanical voice came into his ears.

This learning aid system is so ruthless!

Li Mo: “#$^&%!$#…*&%¥&@34%#!!”

After half an hour

While Li Mo was still breathing fragrance.

“cough cough!”

“Excuse me.”

On the high platform filled with gray fog, came the voice of Pajeluian with a big head, “As usual .Should you ask a question?”

“The opening of the gray fog space also consumes energy”

After venting his emotions, Li Mo still has some ideas, but The most important thing in front of me is those metal plates in my backpack.

He hooked the head: “No questions this time.”

“No questions?” The big head Pajeluian heart startled, could this Earth man really be taken by Lottery System stimulated?

A green light appeared in the gray fog and slowly moved towards the position where Li Mo was standing.

Is this to scan? Although he has not seen this kind of light, according to his understanding of Pajeluian technology, this green light should have the function of scanning living organisms.

Li Mo immediately stopped: “Don’t worry!”

“It’s not that I don’t ask questions, but I want to use these two opportunities to ask questions in exchange for a transaction.”


He was not afraid of the green light scan, but the most important thing was that after the scan, the lifespan of the big Pajeluian would be reduced for several years due to energy consumption.

“Trade?” The big head Pajeluian was even more puzzled. He didn’t think there was anything worth trading in Earth civilization. Could it be that this human scientist discovered something amazing when he was dormant?

No, according to the level of human science and technology, it is difficult to develop technology that interests the Pajelu civilization for thousands of years.

On the high platform, with the big head Pajeluian’s doubts, the gray fog began to roll violently.

“Yes, I have a real historical record of an extinct civilization here.” Li Mo took out several metal plates from his backpack.

“The real historical record of civilization?” Pajeluian asked in surprise, “Are you sure?”

Library civilization loves to collect the real historical record of this civilization, and it has become a The secrets in the universe as everyone knows.

Unfortunately, the appearance of every real historical record means the extinction of an intelligent civilization. Although there are many intelligent creatures in the universe, not many can form a real civilization, and even fewer can leave true historical records after extinction.

Of course, there are many civilizations like Pajelu that have lasted for hundreds of millions of years and will continue to inherit. They naturally have their own real historical records, but what is certain is that they It will never betray the greatest secret of this civilization.

In other words, the real history of civilization is recorded in the entire universe, and it is also an absolutely rare existence.

Where did this Earth human scientist come from?

Is it?

Big head Pajelu instantly thought of this system task.

“Is the metal plate in your hand from fire star?”

Li Mo nods Shen, “This is the real historical record of fire star Erlang Shen civilization, I want to use it from the library Civilization exchanged something.”

“Erlang Shen civilization?” The big head Pajelu savored the strange name, but was relieved immediately, the name of an extinct civilization no longer matters.

“What level of civilization is the fire star Erlang Shen civilization in your mouth?” This is the crux of the question. Although the purpose of the library civilization to collect real historical records is not clear, it is certain that it does not. Not doing charity, it assigns different prices to records based on civilization level, the higher the civilization level, the higher the price, and vice versa.

“According to the civilization history engraved on the metal plate, the fire star Erlang Shen civilization should be approaching the threshold of Level 1 civilization. They are a technological civilization that is good at manipulating plants.” Information obtained in the Civilization Room.

“Without the real historical records of Level 1 civilization, it’s of little value!” Pajeluian, the big head, was a little disappointed.

“However, there are not many scientific and technological civilizations that are good at manipulating plants, which may add some value to this record.”

“You want to pass our Pajeluian, from the book What is exchanged with the museum civilization?”

(end of this chapter)

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