
Chapter 369 Piorio’s final choice

Piorio, who witnessed the destruction of the fire star civilization, Instead, there is a sense of relief.

It’s time to end.

He said softly to the flowers on the table: “Activate the Adjudicator!”

A moment later

There was a violent vibration inside the fire star, The shock wave from the explosion superconducted along the rocky crust to the surface of the fire star, the whole fire star began to tremble, and a global volcanic eruption followed, and the lava surged out.

The once beautiful home has instantly turned into a scene of purgatory on earth.

fortune plays with people

didn’t expect this super bomb that the civilized recorder relies on, and its final mission is to destroy the entire fire star.

Pioreo didn’t feel sad for those mini fire star people underground, what he couldn’t bear was that the founder of fire star civilization became a group of ignorant insects, and the great ancestors thus Desecrated!

In this case, he decided to complete the final duty of the Civilization Recorder—seal the fire star civilization, and then rushed into the rolling lava to return to the embrace of the ancestral spirit.

Close the metal book gently.

Li Mo stood in front of the wall for a long time. He didn’t expect that such a developed intelligent civilization had appeared on the fire star hundreds of millions of years ago. What’s more, he didn’t expect that this kind of civilization has gone out The fire star civilization of the home planet will be destroyed in this dramatic way.

According to the records of the fire star civilization recorder, it can be determined that the blue star is Earth. If there is no mysterious meteorite attack, fire star people may have colonized successfully, then maybe Earth human civilization will impossible to appear.

The intelligent fire star man has turned into a kind of worm, and this universe is full of malice to intelligent creatures.

Li Mo lightly sighed, then turned around and put all the metal books into the backpack of the foggy space. He would use these real civilization histories in exchange for the “library” civilization. Resources needed for Earth.

Unfortunately, there is no record of fire star technology in the civilized room. After confirming that the “sweeping activity” was carried out very thoroughly, Li Mo put the “flower pot” on the table into the backpack. , under the gaze of the fire star civilization recorder — Piorio statue, walked out of the stone chamber.

“Captain. Captain, please answer!”

“Captain. Captain, please answer!”

Just stepped out of the stone chamber, the communicator immediately There was a hurried call from the Qashqai.

Li Mo looked at the time. Unconsciously, he had been in the stone chamber for 10 hours. No wonder the Qashqai on the surface of the fire star was so anxious.


“Everything is safe!”

He walked along the dark cave, towards the light at the entrance of the cave.

“Very good, we thought you had an accident.” The excited voice of Qashqai came from the communicator.

Li Mo walked to the entrance of the cave and tied the rope climbing on the rock tightly around his waist, “Now pull me up.”

The rope slowly ascended, he glanced again that cave.

“Captain, what’s the catch?” The Qashqai extended the hand and pulled him up.

Li Mo shook the head, “The bottom is just a natural cave, and there is no trace of any intelligent creatures.”

There is only civilization records in the cave civilization room, and there is no technology or resources. , does not have any substantial help for the current Earth civilization.

And going to the fire star civilization hundreds of millions of years ago almost turned Earth into their colony. Once the secret of this universe is known to the Earth public, it is likely to cause unnecessary panic, so he decided to keep such a secret. Hidden temporarily.

Qashqai’s eyes widened: “But you stayed below for 10 hours. And what’s the matter with the metal sensor on the radar?”

“These days running around The surface of the fire star, I was so tired, accidentally fell asleep in the cave!” Li Mo walked towards the space excavator without looking back, “As for the metal sensor, it may be that the high-sensitivity radar has malfunctioned.”

As the captain, he is under no obligation to explain to anyone.

So his words are full of “whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway!”.


Ying Weiqun, the spaceship operator who has been silent, also cast a strange look. He deeply felt that the captain seemed to be hiding something from them. . This thought was fleeting in his mind. Astronaut is a highly confidential profession. As the spaceship operator of the Navigator, he has undergone strict confidentiality training.

The core of confidentiality is: don’t say what you shouldn’t say, don’t listen to what you shouldn’t listen to, don’t know what you shouldn’t know, don’t think what you shouldn’t think!

Ying Weiqun knew that as the spaceship operator, his duty was to make the Navigator meet Earth intact. As for the strange discovery on the fire star, it had little to do with him.

Sitting in the driver’s seat of the space excavator, Li Mo turned on the radar.

“Look, there’s nothing on the radar!”

Those metal plates had already been placed in his backpack in the foggy space, and the metal sensor that originally existed on the radar disappeared naturally.

“Yeah, why did it disappear?”

“Is there really a problem with the radar?” Qashqai doubted.

Li Mo started the space excavator and ran towards the Navigator. “The fire star lacks the protection of the atmosphere, and there are a lot of various cosmic rays. Maybe a certain kind of ray caused the abnormality of the radar.”

“Back to Earth, I will ask the engineers who designed the radar to add cosmic ray protection to the radar.”

The last trace of Qashqai’s doubts seemed to have disappeared, and he added: “This broken radar has made us wait so long, and must deduct their bonuses.”

Ying Weiqun, who was sitting in the back row, remained silent and seemed to be preoccupied.

“Finally I can go home!” Ying Weiqun, who was worried, the first thing he did when he returned to the Navigator was to open the spaceship’s self-inspection system, his face showed a relieved expression. expression.

“Ground command center, this is the Navigator, I’m Captain Li Mo, please reply.” Li Mo turned on the communication system.

“This is the ground command center, please speak.”

“The Navigator is ready to start the return procedure to return to Earth, requesting approval.” Although he has full control of the spaceship, he The necessary procedures must be strictly followed.

“The Navigator is coming back!”

“Professor Li Mo is going back to Earth!” There was a cheer from the communicator.

Are you so excited?

“cough cough!” Li Mo asked again: “Navigator is going to start the return procedure to return to Earth, requesting approval.”

“Approval! Approval!”

“All the members of the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory, warmly welcome the return of the Navigator.” The staff opposite the communicator realized that this was the procedure specified in the manual, and immediately gave a definite answer.

“I wish the Navigator a safe journey!”

“I wish Professor Li Mo a safe journey!”

There was another cheer from the opposite side of the communicator.

Li Mo shook the head, hung up the communicator, “Start the engine!”

Accompanied by the light press of spaceship operator Ying Weiqun, the bottom of the spaceship spurted three The blue rays of light, the rays of light composed of high-energy light particles, propel the Navigator slowly upward.

The fiery-red planet is gradually being left behind, slowly getting smaller.

In the distance, the planet of that cyan is getting bigger and bigger.

“Earth, we’re back!”

(end of chapter)

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