
Chapter 355 fire star dust storm

Universe — Observable Universe — Laniakea Supercluster — Virgo Supercluster — The local galaxy sheet – the local galaxy group – the small group of the Milky Way – the Milky Way – the Orion arm – the Gould belt – the local bubble – the local interstellar cloud – in the solar system, a silver miniature spaceship drags the blue tail , sailing in the void between the third planet and the fourth planet at an ultra-low speed of light.

The silver spaceship is so tiny that any common stray meteorite in the universe could knock it into fly ash.

The silver spaceship is so slow that some high-speed comets can easily pass it.

But this “primordial” spaceship carries the dream of more than 6 billion intelligent creatures on the blue planet.

On the Navigator spaceship

Li Mo ended the last global live broadcast, because it is already not far from their destination – fire star, the mysterious of the universe can be the same Shared by the entire world, the “treasure” on fire star belongs to him alone.

“It is about to enter the deceleration state!” Ying Weiqun, the spaceship operator, reminded: “Captain, please prepare yourself mentally.”

Mental preparation?

Li Mo took a deep breath.

Sure enough, with the rapid decline of the spaceship speed, a strong sense of discomfort struck again.

But this time the physical discomfort only lasted for a few seconds.

Perhaps because his body already had memories, he didn’t have the “near-death experience” that he had when the spaceship took off.

“Captain, are you all right?” The Qashqai on the side was always paying attention to his state.

Li Mo nodded in thanks: “It’s fine.”

“I feel better this time.”

His calm expression made Qashqai scratch his head in confusion, “It shouldn’t be.” At first, it took him three months of training to overcome the discomfort caused by acceleration.

But the captain’s “comfortable” expression indicated that his body had fully adapted to the enormous acceleration of the spaceship.

After 5 Earth days, with the fire star within easy reach, the Navigator’s speed gradually decreased to the second cosmic speed.

“fire star, here we come.”

Through the glass window, Li Mo could clearly see the dust storm flying all over the surface of this dark yellow-brown planet.

The gray-yellow dust covered most of the surface of the fire star.

“Familiar dust storm, familiar smell.”

“Are we back in Yanjing again?” The Qashqai on the side also leaned over and said a wit.

Li Mo stared at the dust storm that was about to engulf the world on the surface of the fire star, and frowned: “It seems that our luck is not very good.”

The atmosphere of the fire star is very dense Small, only about 1% of Earth’s, because its elliptical orbit is close to the sun, the enhanced solar illumination results in a stronger temperature contrast, and the resulting air movement is more likely to carry dust particles away from the surface – some of which are Size up to 0.01mm.

Fire star sandstorms are not common. Basically, they only happen once a fire star year. Didn’t expect the Navigator to catch up this time.

“With such a large sandstorm, it is difficult for the Navigator to find an accurate landing site.”

“And, with such a strong wind, we can’t go out of the ship to perform exploration missions. Ah.” Qashqai frowned.

Li Mo smiled and looked at the head, “You’ve watched too many sci-fi movies.”

“The fire star sandstorm visual is spectacular, but the formidable power is not large, even in the Under this kind of wind, you can’t even fly a kite. In foreign blockbusters, for commercial art and plot considerations, this kind of sandstorm without formidable power is often portrayed as a super disaster.”

“Then we can land right away?” Qashqai was delighted. He was an expedition member of the spaceship, and he had long been looking forward to boarding this planet that had never been traced by Earth people.

Li Mo called the head again: “On the contrary, although the wind of the sandstorm on the fire star is not strong, the dust of the fire star will cause damage to some highly sensitive instruments.”

“So, we still need to wait. According to the climate record of fire star, this kind of sandstorm will disappear in about 6 days.”

After listening to his analysis, the Qashqai showed a face Sad face, “Ai, so close, so long!”

A planet full of unknowns is waiting for the guests from Earth to unravel its mysterious veil, but these guests are waiting for it to wash Finished face.

Li Mo can fully understand the eagerness of the Qashqai, but this is the maiden voyage of the Navigator, and it is also the first time that humans have set foot on the fire star. There are countless unknowns. As the captain, he The spaceship must be secured and all risks minimized.

“Send a message to the Earth spaceship ground command center that we are suspending the landing due to a global dust storm on the surface of the fire star.” He began issuing orders.

“As for the specific landing time, the Navigator will be notified separately.”

This is the advantage of having a completely personal spaceship, and the ground commander is usually in the position of issuing orders. The center has been reduced to a logistics group, and Li Mo can decide the next action of the spaceship according to the actual situation.

For the next 6 days, Qashqai stayed in front of the small window every day, staring blankly at the bottom, while Li Mo was always in the spaceship laboratory.

“So, the galaxy map we are currently using is wrong?” Li Mo frowned as he looked at the data on the big screen, which was painted red by little flowers.

“It shouldn’t be said to be a mistake.” Xiaohua corrected him, “It should be an artificial tampering, based on the data measured by quantum wave radar.”

“Obviously It can be seen that the astronomical data of the Earth-Moon system is completely accurate, while the celestial bodies outside the Earth-Moon system have slight errors in both orbital data and data such as the volume and mass of the planet.”

“This kind of error is difficult to find on the Earth’s surface through astronomical observation equipment.”

“Of course, due to the small error in the data, this kind of tampered data, even if it is found by highly sensitive instruments, It will also be considered by the researchers to be caused by the precision of the equipment.”

Li Mo’s heart was surprised by Xiaohua’s statement, “You mean that the galaxy data we use has been artificially manipulated. What is their purpose?”

“Or, in space activities, what are the consequences of using such fake astronomical data?”

Xiaohua replied: “Because the error of these data is only changed to the 6th place after the decimal point, it has little impact on general low-precision space activities, such as launching space probes and satellites, but it will It will have a serious impact on flight activities that require precise coordinates, such as landing probes and manned spaceships.”

“Wrong coordinates will make them deviate from the pre-set landing points, thus affecting the The space program has caused a lot of trouble.”

He already fully understood what Xiaohua meant. If the small errors in the galaxy map they are currently using are caused by objective reasons such as detection methods, then why? The lunar data does not have this small error.

There is only one reason, and that is that this error is intentional by a certain force, a trap they set for their pursuers in the space domain, neither too big nor too small.

“Fortunately, thanks to your reminder, I have fixed this error, and the landing point of the Navigator will not have any deviation.” Xiaohua added.

Li Mo shook the head with a wry smile, this is really a brilliant trick.

Even after returning to Earth, he disclosed this error method to the world, but he would be shied away by the instrument error by those who initiated it.

(End of this chapter)

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