
Chapter 333 Mistletoe

Big-brained Pajeluian continued: “During 170 cosmic days of uninterrupted observation, in a living dissect state The larvae of Xu Hao gradually matured, and the star observers have completely figured out the secrets of the Xu Hao people. They recorded the genetic information of the single-celled organisms in the brown liquid, and then took the spaceship to leave the Xu Hao star.”

“Then, the star watchers who returned to the command ship issued an order to the Pajelu cleaning force through the Pajelu Expeditionary Force Commander, that is to carry out femto-level indiscriminate cleaning of all planets in the Xuhao Star Domain, Meter-level indiscriminate cleaning is the highest level of cleaning, which means that there will be no living matter on the cleaned planet, and even single-celled organisms cannot survive cleaning.”

“The Pajelu clean-up unit who received the order hesitated, after all, the femto-level indiscriminate cleaning required no less energy than this expedition. But the holographic signature attached to the subsequent order broke their doubts, because the last order of the order The signature is not the commander’s name, but an ancient mysterious symbol.”

“On the 150321st cosmic day, the victorious Pajelu expedition fleet returned to the Droplet Galaxy, under the auspices of the Academy, in a grand The grand celebration has begun. The list of all Pajelu warriors who died in the war is engraved on the bottom layer of the Civilization Monument, which is already a great honor for them.”

“The 150287th Cosmic Day, The stargazers who completed their mission returned to the Pajelu Branch Academy, and they appeared with a formal report.”

“In the report, the stargazers believed that the Xuhao people were not the real Xu. The main body of Hao civilization, they are just the host of a single-celled organism, they named this single-celled organism “quertle”. “After being injected into the brain of the larvae, it quickly multiplied and invaded the functional areas of the brain. The “quertle” that has completed the invasion controls the behavior of Xuhao people by stimulating the brain cells of Xuhao. Although a single “quertle” does not Wisdom, but the brains of trillions of Xuhao people are parasitized by “mistle”, then there are trillions of “mistle” in the entire Xuhao Star Domain.”

“This is a near-ceiling limit. One of the proven mysteries of life in the universe is that very few simple creatures can make up for the defects of simple body structure through numbers, and there is a one in a billion chance of generating group intelligence. “Queer” is a single-celled creature. It is a kind of sojourn creature that produces the wisdom of the group. They control everything in the Xuhao Star Domain by controlling the Xuhao people. “

“Under the control of “Mistle”, the Xu Hao people built an incubation base, so that the new-born Xu Hao larvae could receive the “Mistle” parasitism. The uneasy “Qi” is still branded with a memory seal after the brains of Xu Hao people mature, so that the scene that happened in the incubator will never be recalled by Xu Hao people. “

“When the Xu Hao people mature, they will be surgically implanted with a piece of high-energy explosives in their brains, so that the parasite “Qi” can control the life and death of the Xu Hao people at any time. “

“After the Xu Hao people were captured, the reason why there was a collective self-destruct scene was because the “Qi” in their brains issued a suicide order. ”

“The series of rigorous operations of the group intelligent creatures “Qi” is enough to ensure that they will not be discovered by Xu Hao people. The poor Xuhao people, maybe they thought they were the masters of this planet before they died, but in fact, they were just the hosts of the mistletoe. The civilization history of Xu Hao people for hundreds of thousands of years is actually just the evolutionary history of “Qi”. “

“The report ends here, but the 9th largest scientist in the Academy made a special comment for this report. ”

Every time the big head Pajelu mentions the great scientists of the Pajelu Department Academy, the tone will become particularly enthusiastic. It seems that repeating the words of the great scientists is also a great honor.

Big The head Pajeluian said in a peculiar tone:

“Comment: Although the swarm intelligent creature “Queer” hides the traces of its own existence with strict operation, the wonderful thing about this universe is that everything is full of chance. A Xu Hao pilot who was parasitized by “mistle” encountered Time and Space Storm when exploring the dark light belt, and the spaceship was almost involved in the dark light belt. During this process, Xu Hao pilot was affected by the dark light. The parasitic mistlet in the brain was completely dead, and the unbreakable memory seal was cracked. “

“Being out of the control of “Qi”, Xu Hao pilots noticed the abnormality of Xu Hao civilization from their childhood memories. “Hu”‘s parasitic control of the Xu Hao people made him deeply terrified. The Xu Hao pilot, who thought he had no hope, flew this spaceship through the dark light gap fortunately. He wanted to stay away from the Xu Hao Star Domain, away from those “husks” that enslaved his compatriots. “

“But what can an individual creature who is out of civilization do in this lonely universe? A strong sadness flooded his heart, and at this moment, a huge fleet appeared in front of the spaceship. As a Level 2 civilization, the Xu Hao people immediately recognized the degree of civilization with such a fleet, which is much higher than the Xu Hao civilization. And based on the various weapons and equipment hanging outside these battleships, he determined that this was a technological civilization. ”

“And the great demand of scientific and technological civilization for cosmic resources determines that this civilization is often an expansion civilization, and they will not give up any opportunity to obtain resources. “

“A daring thought in his completely out of control mistletoe brain, attack them!” Lead them to the Xu Hao Star Domain and make those filthy parasites pay. “

“Prompted by this thought, he pressed the weapon firing button with the quivering fifth tentacle. “

“The result is exactly as Xu Hao pilots expected. According to his memory bank, our Pajelu civilization successfully arrived at the Xu Hao Star Domain and wiped out the group intelligent creature “Hu”. Of course, in the process, a small tragedy occurred, and all Xu Hao people were unfortunately lost. “

“At this point, Xu Hao’s story ends! “

The big-brained Pajeluian finally stopped telling it, it’s a long story.

Li Mo was in a trance.

A Level who thinks he is the main body of civilization 2 Civilization, turned out to be just a parasitic puppet of single-celled organisms?

The pathetic Xu Hao people, their whole life is just providing nourishment for the parasitic “quertle”.

At this time, He suddenly remembered a terrifying question.

Earth The human body is not a self-sufficient island outside the world, it is more like a complex ecological system, a huge society. Bacteria and other microorganisms are parasitic on the skin, genitals, oral cavity, especially the intestinal tract of Earth human beings. The sum of the genetic information of these organisms is 200 times that of humans.

Human’s Life activities are inseparable from these bacteria and microorganisms, which control all aspects of the human body.

So to a certain extent, it can be said that these bacteria and microorganisms Sovereign Earth human body.

Then among these bacteria and microorganisms, is there a kind of group intelligent microorganism? Humans are just the puppet of this intelligent microorganism, and all choices made are also made under the stimulation of the brain by intelligent microorganisms Yes.

“I am not me anymore? ”

Femtometer (also known as Fermi, or fm for short, English: femtometre, American English: femtometer) is a unit of length, often used to measure nuclear-level substances. Equivalent to 1×10^-15m

(End of this chapter)

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