
Chapter 314 Want to eat big?

It can be seen from the above that

Any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers.

At this point, the proof is complete.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Li Mo rubbed the temple.

After 6 days of liver bursting, under the action of inspirational water, he successfully proved Goldbach’s conjecture.

“It is worthy of being a well-known conjecture that has plagued the mathematics community for hundreds of years.”

“It’s so difficult that I almost overturned my car.”

Li Mo calmed down. Mood, all that needs to be done now is to compile the dissertation into a book.

That’s right, the entire proof process of Goldbach’s conjecture was extremely cumbersome, costing more than 3,000 pages of manuscript paper.

These more than 3,000 pages of manuscript paper are still the result of his streamlining.

This is quite a thick book.

In the proof, almost all fields of mathematics are involved, and massive logical structure reasoning is required at the same time. This difficulty has exceeded the limit of the human brain. Rao is Li Mo’s “optimized” brain. Almost “iterative machine”, it is no wonder that many famous mathematicians will fold the sand before this problem.

At 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, the office door was gently pushed open, a head came in, and a pair of round eyes gu lu gu lu turned around.

“Boss, the vegetable supper is coming!”

The owner of this head is Xia Qing. Since the “sickness” incident, Li Mo has entered a state of retreat in time. She still stubbornly comes in to visit every 3 hours.

This made Li Mo very helpless, but the crystal tears in those big eyes were about to fall, and he could only let it go.

What makes him even more helpless is that Xia Qing has become a vegetable hobbyist under the guidance of the health nurse of the Security Bureau.

Li Mo looked at the green plate in front of him, “What is today?”

“Carrots, white radishes, green apples, red apples, and a mix-up of lettuce leaves. .” Xia Qing handed over a pair of chopsticks expectantly, “teacher said, you rarely bask in the sun, you need to supplement vitamin.”

This is raised as a rabbit.

Li Mo:.

Same as last month, due to the thunderstorm incident on the Nasdada stock exchange, the international media was very active, and experts from all walks of life made different appearances.

This month, the world seems to be much calmer. Many website editors can only make up some old-fashioned jokes for their own amusement. Some third-rate stars can also take the opportunity to make scandals, show their thighs, and try their luck on the page. .

But this calm was shattered with the release of the “Acta Mathematica Special Issue”,

This time Li Mo chose the Swedish quarterly “Acta Mathematica” as Gothic The first issue of the proof of the Bach conjecture.

“Acta Mathematica” and “Annals of Mathematics”, “Inventiones Mathematicae”, “Journal Of The American Mathematical Society” and known as the world’s four top mathematics journals, it was published by Gsta Mittag-Leffler in 1882 Founded at the Academy Mittag-Leffler Institute of the Imperial Family Section in Sweden. As a quarterly journal, there are only a few articles published each year, so the quality is the best among the four majors.

A paper proving Brother Ming Debach’s conjecture at this level is easy to cause controversy. After all, there are many oolong incidents in academia. Therefore, the review is always a very long process, and it has to go through a series of tedious steps such as preliminary review, collective review, peer review, and public review.

Li Mo started enjoying quiet time again after emailing the manuscript to the bearded man in Sweden. When he was bored, he thought of showing his face in all his laboratories, so that those scientists who had never met his daoist knew who was the boss of the laboratory.

But after three consecutive days of “wandering”, Li Mo lost the novelty of the beginning.

didn’t expect

He rubbed his sore ankles and asked, “How many labs have you left?”

Xia Qing looked at him amusingly beside him, Boss’s cleverness she I know very well that every time I inspect a laboratory, I always have to delay it until the meal time, and then stay there to eat with a cheeky face.

Still not greedy for meat!

For this kind of child’s behavior, she just let it go. Sister Xue taught her not to take men too seriously.

Thinking of this, she smiled and said: “Due to your super high work efficiency, there are currently 23 laboratories including biology laboratory, polymer physics laboratory, nuclear magnetic research laboratory, and superconductivity laboratory. I haven’t been there before.”

“So many?” Li Mo said in surprise. Unconsciously, the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory, which started with five people, has grown into a huge monster.

The huge wealth brought by Moxing Battery was invested in the construction of the laboratory, and the excellent graduate cities of Yanda University and Qingda University became the fresh blood of the laboratory. Well-known scientists at home and abroad come here for scientific ideals.

“Ai, it looks like it’s going to speed up.” Li Mo sighed, gritted his teeth, and had to finish his inspection.

Just then, the phone rang.

Swedish number, maybe for papers.

Li Mo picks up the phone.

“Reviewer for the Imperial Family Section Academy in Sweden?”

“Oh where are you?”


Hanging After dropping the phone, Li Mo looked strange.

“The reviewer of this magazine is not in the magazine, what are you doing in our country?”

The person who called just now was the paper reviewer from “Acta Mathematica” member, he has some thesis questions and would like to ask Li Mo directly.

“Xia Qing, you arrange a car to go to the international airport and pick up the Swedes.” The visitor is a guest, and Li Mo has no reason to refuse the visit of his peers.

Watching Xia Qing pick up the phone to make arrangements, he added: “Let the logistics department issue a taxi invoice based on the price of a taxi in Yanjing, and then find a magazine for reimbursement.”


Come to rub the car from thousands of miles away, wishful thinking.

Twenty minutes later

Xia Qing received a call from the logistics department, frowned listened for a while, then covered the microphone and said, “Boss, the car we sent will not fit.”


“Can’t sit down?” Li Mo put down the math journal in his hand. “Is the back office Sect a motorcycle?”

These guys can’t really be so stingy, it’s a shame.

“No, there are too many guests from Sweden. According to the feedback from the driver at the airport, there are a total of 26 Swedes in the company.” Xia Qing immediately explained to the logistics department that she didn’t want to. Zhang Xiaoli has a black cauldron on her back.

“26 people?”

“Why are you here to ask questions? It’s clearly a big eater.” Li Mo’s head was overwhelmed, please don’t accept it. In the newspaper tomorrow, There will be news of Li Mo leaving international friends at the airport. Come on, there are 26 people. With the size of a Swede, you can eat a cow in one meal.

These are big losses.

“Go! Send a bus and take them to the hotel where the laboratory is used to entertain and exchange scholars, and then ask the finance department to issue a full invoice and calculate all the reception fees.” Li Mo finally made this decision. He would like to see what the 26 Swedes are here for.

If you want to eat big, it depends on whether these Swedes have this ability.

(End of this chapter)

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