
Chapter 265 Celebration

The familiar day has begun again. As a standard senior graduate student, Li Hao ended During his routine morning reading, he walked into the third canteen with a dry rice bowl on time at 8 o’clock. There was his favorite beef vermicelli soup.

Drinking a sip of hot soup, a stream of heat flows down the intestines to the five belly and six internal organs, which is comfortable.

Then take a bite of the fried fritters, which are crunchy and fragrant.

When Li Hao drank 8 1/3 mouthfuls of vermicelli soup, he accidentally found a thumb-sized piece of ground beef in the spoon. He knew that he had won the lottery today. Classmate Gazi once ate ground beef in the beef vermicelli soup in the three cafeterias, and he thought Gazi was bragging at the time.

He put the ground beef in his mouth and chewed it slowly, trying to let his taste buds fully appreciate the aroma of the beef.

At this time, the live news program on the wall-mounted TV in the cafeteria caught his attention.

“This is the national TV station, this is the national TV station, all viewers and friends. Hello everyone.”

“I am currently in Stockholm, Norway. It is reported that the Norwegian Imperial Family Academy will announce this year’s The list of winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics.”

In the live TV screen, a reporter from a national television station was introduced with a microphone. There were many Chinese students waving national flags behind him, cheering as the camera swept past.

“The Nobel Prize in Physics is about to be awarded?” Li Hao was a little surprised by the huge lineup of the live broadcast team this time. The Chemistry Award and Biology Award a few days ago did not have this treatment.

“This year’s physics award is also considered difficult to give birth. I don’t know which big guy can take it home.” He continued to chew the piece of beef. , 81 times” and it was delicious.

The Physics Prize is the most important award of the Nobel Prize. It is usually announced first. This year’s situation seems to be a little different. It was announced, and there was no news of the Physics Prize. There are rumors that this year’s physics prize is fiercely contested, and the Nobel Prize committee is divided.

“I don’t know when the Chinese people will win the Physics Prize. Such a large lineup is not for others to make wedding dresses.” Li Hao felt that the piece of beef in his mouth was finally completely digested, so he won the prize. He picked up the spoon and took a sip of the hot soup. He applied for the postgraduate study of condensed matter physics, and he is naturally clear about the current status of domestic physics. If there is any big man in China who can get his hands on the Nobel Prize in Physics in the future, it is only Professor Li who proposed the theory of LIMO atomic fusion. It is a pity that this theory has not been fully accepted by the academic community. This year, it is impossible to win the award. .

“Now we are in the golden hall, and the speaker in the old uniform on the stage is holding the award list.” Hua Guo reporter said in the picture.

An old man with the appearance of a professor, with the help of his assistant, walked majestically onto the rostrum. Several foreign reporters immediately surrounded the past.

“cough cough!”


“On behalf of the Nobel Prize Committee, I hereby announce that this year’s Nobel Prize winner in Physics is Huaguo-Yenjing University-Professor Li Mo, thank him for creating the theory of atomic fusion, which allows us to peek into the secret of the creator.”

The old man, with a bright spirit, announced with a voice like Hong Zhong.




“Why not Mark Academician, who is in high energy physics Is the contribution made by the audience better than an unproven theory?” The foreign reporters in the audience asked in surprise.

“This is the final result of the discussion of the Nobel Prize Committee. Of course, if Professor Li Mo is unwilling to accept the award, the committee will discuss the list of winners again.”

“If you have any concerns about the award If the winner has any doubts, they can respond to the Imperial Family Academy!” The old professor waved his hand impatiently, as if these few words had exhausted all his energy, and then walked off the podium with the help of the assistant.

The few foreign journalists who were making noise just now looked at each other in blank dismay.

Protest to the Nobel Prize Committee, they don’t have the guts.

“My God! didn’t expect that this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics was actually won by Chinese Li Mo!”

“Everyone in the audience! , Dear audience, in the list of Nobel Prize winners in Physics just announced, Professor Li Mo, a famous Chinese scientist, won the Physics Prize alone!”

“No way! I’m so excited, so excited”

The national TV reporter flushed, waving his arms and roaring in a tearful voice.

At this time, the live broadcast screen cut to the outside of the hall, and the Chinese and international students on the street also learned the news, and the crowd burst into huge cheers “Li Mo! Li Mo! Li Mo! Li Mo! Li Mo!”

A helicopter flew from a distance, and a banner hung on it. With the photographer’s efforts to focus, the audience in front of the TV finally saw the banner clearly. The text “All Chinese congratulate Professor Li Mo on winning the Nobel Prize in Physics!”

“Fuck!” Li Hao kept staring at the TV screen until he bit his finger holding the fried dough stick. woke up.

“Professor Li Mo won the Nobel Prize! Professor Li Mo won the Nobel Prize!” Enduring the pain, he shouted and rushed out of the third canteen.

For a while, cheers spread throughout Yanda University, and some students who liked to join in the fun joined the cheering team after understanding the reason.

“We should go to the laboratory and congratulate Professor Li in person!” a mathematics student suggested.

“Congratulations to Prof. Li Mo for winning the Nobel Prize!”

“Congratulations to Prof. Li Mo for winning the Nobel Prize!”

Hundreds of people The student team, shouting slogans, marched towards the Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory with great momentum. With the addition of students along the way, the team grew larger and larger.

The movement of the students also caught the attention of the Academic Office, and the academic teacher quickly reported the matter to the Vice Principal in charge.

“Professor Li Mo won the Nobel?” Vice Principal in charge asked in surprise on the phone.

The teacher on the phone side didn’t know whether to cry or laugh about Vice Principal’s question. What matters now is not Professor Li Mo, but these students. He asked again: “I’m asking the students for this kind of behavior, do we want to intervene?”

“Oh, Professor Li Mo won the Nobel Prize, which is from our Yan University. Happy event, the children are happy and have fun, there is no need to make a fuss about nothing.” Vice Principal frowned thought for a while, replied.

“You inform the security department and ask them to dispatch manpower to maintain order.”

Hanging up the phone, the serious Vice Principal suddenly jumped up happily, “Nobel Prize winner Li Mo, hahaha, we also have a Nobel Prize winner from Yanda University.”

One person’s voice is not loud, but a hundred people’s voices can resonate in the sky, when the students are far away from the laboratory .

“Congratulations to Prof. Li Mo for winning the Nobel Prize!” The cheers have spread to the laboratory.

Everyone who was busy stopped when they heard the faint voice.

“Boss won the Nobel Prize?” Jing Jing’s ears were the first to hear the content of the slogan.

Liu Mingrui took out his mobile phone and opened the news headlines directly.

“Professor Li Mo, a famous scientist in my country, won the Nobel Prize in Physics this year!” A bold headline was pinned to the top of the news homepage.

“Really, the boss really won the Nobel Prize!”

“Hahaha!” The trio of bags under the eyes hugged together.

There was a lively atmosphere in the laboratory, and it is self-evident what a Nobel Prize winner means to the laboratory.

“Does Boss know this news?” asked the careful Zhou Dafang.

The lab crowd looked at each other in blank dismay.

Quietly thought for a moment and said, “You should know, isn’t there a legendary Nobel Prize phone call?”

None of them offered to tell the good news in person Boss, because Li Mo is still in retreat.

In the office

“Impossible! Impossible!”

Li Mo looked at the 512 of the scratch paper, he had used 3 to calculate the particle mass. A completely different calculation method, but every time the result is this damn 512, this 512 that doesn’t exist on Earth.

“Is my idea really wrong?”

“Is the idea of a quantum chip completely wrong?”

Li Mo knew that he had encountered Never encountered difficulties, throw away the pen in your hand, throw away the draft in your hand, close your eyes, and recline on the sofa.

“Congratulations to Prof. Li Mo. Award” The noise outside the laboratory pulled him out of his thoughts.

Li Mo opened the blinds, and a large area of his head was in front of him. Several boys standing in front were wearing vests and waving their arms.

This is celebrating his team?

Are these students coming for him?

Li Mo’s eyes became moist.

(End of this chapter)

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