
Chapter 261 The Power of Technology

“Weihua Mobile Phone”

“Weihua Mobile Phone Experience Store”


“Weihua Mobile Phone Flagship Store”

Through the car window, Li Mo noticed that on both sides of the street, there were suddenly many Weihua mobile phone stores. According to the financial statements sent by Weihua in the past two months, Weihua mobile phones have occupied 70% of the world’s mobile phones, and this share has reached 90% in the field of high-end mobile phones. After going through a crazy 30 consecutive daily limit, its market value has jumped to the 5th place in the world.

He found that if he dumped all his Weihua stocks, he might become the man with the most cash in the world.

“Will Lao Ren expect me not to pay the money because the stock is going to skyrocket?” A funny idea suddenly appeared in Li Mo’s mind.

He drove Biyad X to the garage entrance of the building, and was about to park the car to show his ID to the security guards in the garage, didn’t expect the landing rod went straight up.

“Director Li, welcome back to Weihua!” The young security guard gave a standard military salute.

“Young man, do you know me?” Although Li Mo knows his small reputation, it is unlikely that the security guards also know him,

“Yes, your portrait was taken by Mr. Ren. Hanging in the hall of the company, not only me, but everyone in China knows you.” The young man replied with a smile.

Hanging my portrait? What kind of shit is this?

Li Mo was stunned.

A special parking space is reserved for directors at Huawei headquarters. Although Li Mo rarely appears in the company, the administration department reserved a parking space for him near the elevator.

Pass the elevator in the garage to the office area on the 12th floor. Unlike some large companies, the offices of executives and ordinary employees are arranged on different floors. Weihua Company specially selected an entire floor as the main office area, and the office of General Manager Ren is also in this area.

Li Mo once asked Mr. Ren curiously why he stayed with ordinary employees. Mr. Ren replied: “The biggest fear of a big company is to contract the disease of the big company. The remote, gradually separated from the masses, will gradually decline.”

“Director Li, you are here!”

“Hello, Director Li!” Li Mo walked out of the elevator and the corridor The employees inside the company said hello one after another.

Sure enough, that young man didn’t tell a lie, my portrait must have been hung in the hall, otherwise it wouldn’t be known by so many people.

Li Mo gently pushed open the office door.

Mr. Ren was reviewing materials with glasses on, and when he saw him coming in, he put down his pen.

“Why are you so free today?” There was no silhouette of an assistant in the office, so Mr. Ren got up and poured two glasses of water.

Li Mo took the cup, took out a check from his bag, and pushed it gently, “I’ll pay it back.”

“Good guy, it’s less than half a year. I made 100 million.” Mr. Ren was not surprised, but said with some regret: “I knew you were researching batteries, and I had to take part in whatever you said.”

“Your experiment The Moxing battery developed by the laboratory, if nothing else, will have a profound impact on the global power pattern.”

“It is better to say that in China, the level of our car engines is just average, so replace them with new ones. Energy everyone is on the same starting line. But for those foreign car companies, Moxing battery is tantamount to drawing wages from the bottom of the pot, and they are losing money now.”

Li Mo smiled slightly, which is exactly what The reason why he chose to get involved in the new energy industry. Those old developed countries, relying on the technical barriers built in the early days, controlled 70% of the sales of the world auto industry and included 85% of the profits. If you blindly follow behind them to imitate, it is easy to have patent disputes, and it will always be impossible to surpass them.

The new energy vehicle industry is different. This is a brand new industry, and everyone is on the same starting line. This is also the reason why China will advocate “curving overtaking”.

Mr. Ren put the check lightly in the folder and said with concern: “Recently, several car companies in Japan and M are preparing to join forces to sue Moxing Technology for price discrimination.”


Li Mo nods, “Let them sue. If they lose, the price of Moxing batteries abroad will remain the same. If they win, we Moxing Technology will reduce the quota for developed countries to the current 1 in 5 years. %.”

He was mentally prepared for the trouble caused by “price discrimination”, and Moxing Technology has hired a professional division team. According to international practice, Moxing Technology’s independent pricing does not violate the laws of any country. However, Li Mo never believed that those big capitalists would abide by the rules of the game. Therefore, in addition to the patent barriers, an encryption module is also installed inside the Moxing battery. Any attempt to damage the appearance of the battery will result in the failure of the entire battery.

“1%?” Mr. Ren said in surprise, and immediately burst into laughter, he already fully understood the reasoning. Those countries will likely give up the use of Moxing batteries, and Li Mo’s practice is equivalent to putting a spell on them.

“Is this the power of technology?” Mr. Ren said enviously, because Weihua’s chip factory must purchase foreign equipment in order to develop more advanced chips. But such purchases are often deliberately made difficult. Therefore, although Huawei has a huge amount of money now, it is useless.

Li Mo’s heart moved when he saw Mr. Ren’s expression, and he took the initiative to ask: “Have you encountered any difficulties for Huawei?”

Mr. Ren’s serious expression nodded, “The chip is stuck in After 7NM, there was no breakthrough, and the batch of optical components we ordered was seized by them again.”

Li Mo knew who “they” meant by Mr. Ren.

In recent years, due to Huawei’s hard work in the chip field, Huawei’s chips have occupied half of the low-end chips. This has caused dissatisfaction among foreign chip giants, who often have huge local influence.

Chip is the crystallization of human wisdom, most of the high-end equipment adopts the method of joint research and development, so that the best suppliers can be found in the whole world, including optical components, mechanical devices, etc.

Therefore, the high-end road of Huawei chips has been very hard.

Because of the lack of the most advanced equipment, Huawei can only produce some low-end chips, which is a huge blow to Mr. Ren, who is bent on hitting the high-end market.

“Join if you can’t beat it?” Li Mo asked tentatively after taking a sip of water. The latest news reports say that a foreign chip giant is interested in investing in China. With the participation of foreign capital, the pressure on Huawei is much less.

Mr. Ren looked at the head without the slightest hesitation, “Don’t you understand what they’re thinking?”

“Once we let those capital predators join in, they will We can buy Weihua shares aggressively in the Level 2 market, and eventually we will lose the controlling stake in the company.”

“At that time, the final result must be that Weihua will be refrigerated by them.”


Li Mo kept nodding.

In recent years, foreign capital giants, with their strong capital, have been waving banknotes to buy at a premium in China. For example, Zhonghua toothpaste, which once occupied half of the country’s toothpaste production, after being acquired by foreign capital, its current market share has been pitiful. There are also former civilian cosmetics, “Little Nurse” and “Big Treasure”. Its sinking also has reasons for foreign capital.

The acquisition of a domestic brand by multinational groups does not necessarily mean that they are optimistic about the future of the brand, but more of a “defensive” acquisition to prevent the brand from grabbing market share with them in the future .

So after completing the acquisition, the brand will be gradually refrigerated by them.

(End of this chapter)

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