
Chapter 242 Physics Collapse

Nature Magazine, London, UK

Editor-in-Chief Fried looked at the table with a headache The article “LIMO Atomic Fusion Theory” on the top of the page, after 5 editorial meetings, everyone still did not discuss any results.

Editors are divided into two camps on this new, untested theory. One is that this paper is simply nonsense. Although there is no error in the mathematical logic of the paper, the atomic fusion theory sounds like an absurd civil science theory. If it is published in a magazine and finally proved to be a false theory by science, then “Nature” is going to make a big joke.

The other school insists that although the theory has no provenance and sounds absurd, there is nothing wrong with it. According to the mathematical model given by the genius Hua Guo, the fusion of these two atoms has a stable structure. So it should be published on the front page immediately.

The two factions are at odds with each other, but the final decision is left to the editor-in-chief Fried. This is why he has a headache. His heart is actually inclined to publish this “absurd” paper, because the greatest joy of science is to explore the unknown. If everyone dares not dare to propose new theories, then this world will stand still.

But once the paper is published, he will take full responsibility as the editor-in-chief, and if the theory in the paper is wrong, he may be forced to resign as editor-in-chief.

“Jessica, arrange the layout immediately, and use this paper as the cover paper.” In the end, the pursuit of science allowed him to overcome his worldly heart.

The MIT Academy two days later

Professor Rhonda Hodgson is sitting in his office a little tired. seminar.

At this meeting, CERN announced the results of its most recent experiments, which were fruitless. For this situation, Professor Rhonda Hodgson was mentally prepared to search for new particles in the products of particle collisions, which is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

“CERN is under a lot of pressure.” Rhonda Hodgson recalled the stern expressions of the CERN staff who chaired the meeting at that time, the investment of tens of billions, and the experiment after more than a year of preparation. No gain. This is difficult for any research institute to bear. Although scientific experiments are full of constant failures, it does not mean that the public can tolerate them putting money into illusory research.

Professor Rhonda Hodgson, with a heavy heart, grabbed a magazine, and a paper in the magazine caught his attention.

“LIMO Atomic Fusion Theory”? ?

Professor thought he was confused, so he picked up the glasses cloth and wiped his glasses.

A civil science paper was published on the cover of this issue of “Nature”?

Even a junior high school student will understand that there will be no fusion between atoms, but this civil science paper has been published in a world highest academic journal.

This made Rhonda Hodgson inadvertently, and the author of the paper is Professor Li Mo of Yenching University who recently won the Abel Prize. This young genius has always been like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. of imagination.


Professor Rhonda Hodgson read it carefully.

Oxford University

As one of the oldest universities in the world, Oxford University can still maintain its top position in physics after entering the new century, which is naturally worthwhile. Proud place.

Today is the weekly “round table” time. After afternoon tea, the professors of Physics Academy came to an old Conference Hall one after another.

The “Round Table” is a tradition of Oxford University, and only those who have the status of full professor are eligible to participate. In the roundtable meeting, all professors are free to put forward their own academic views, regardless of their superiority or inferiority.

Professor Bateman, who had just finished his wedding trip, hurriedly stepped into the Conference Hall.

He found that the atmosphere today was very different, and normally the outgoing professors were all stern. Take a seat in a hurry.

“What’s wrong with today?”

“No one congratulates me?”

“Is my popularity so bad?”

Professor Bateman felt slighted. , Britain prides itself as a country of gentlemen, and the people pay the most attention to etiquette, but these professors obviously have no intention of congratulating him.

“Why did everyone bring a copy of “Nature”?” After careful observation, Professor Bateman discovered the uniqueness of this conference. Except for him, every participating professor has a copy of “Nature” in front of him.

At this time, an old man who was walking and warping came to the entrance of the Conference Hall with the help of an assistant. The old man waved his hand gently, and the assistant who was not qualified to participate in the conference quickly withdrew.

Several younger professors stepped forward to take over the role of assistants.

All the professors in the Conference Hall took the initiative to stand up.

“Why did the old man come?” Professor Bateman was shocked. Although there is no distinction between honor and inferiority in the roundtable meeting, this old man created most of the high-energy physics schools with strength of oneself. Without him, the textbooks of high-energy physics would have at least half the number of pages. These achievements are enough to make them admire. .

This old professor has not appeared in the public eye for a long time due to physical reasons. A well-known university once decided to grant him the status of a lifetime honorary professor, but he directly rejected it on the grounds of “lifespan in a few years”.

Today this old professor appeared in today’s roundtable.

“Is there any major event happening in academia?” Professor Bateman felt that there were too many questions today. What did he miss after a short one-week honeymoon trip? He is a little remorseful now.

“Everyone, the roundtable is officially opened.” Professor Audrey Kemp stood up and said, “According to the previous practice, everyone needs to ring the bell in front of the seat before each speech.”

After she finished speaking, she sat back in her seat after completing the task, because the chair of the roundtable meeting was only responsible for a brief opening, and the direction of the subsequent meeting was completely determined by the questions raised by the professors.

Silence, silence.

The professors at the round table bowed their heads in silence. This is a scene that is rarely seen in ordinary times. An Oxford University professor once described the round table as saying that he would rather spend a day with a group of middle-aged women than sit at the round table for an hour. Because at the round table, some controversial frontier topics are often discussed.

Professors who think they uphold the truth will be very stubborn in sticking to their point of view, and eventually there will be scenes of fierce disputes.

But at today’s roundtable, those “fighting roosters” have turned into coy “little hens.”

“cough cough!” Professor Bateman felt unbearable in this atmosphere, and opened the mouth and said first.

“I just spent a wonderful honeymoon on the Pacific island of Fiji with my new wife.”

Silence, still silence

waiting Professor Bateman, who received everyone’s congratulations, was extremely embarrassed, and even his best friend Pete lowered his head and remained silent.

“What happened to our physics?”

“Is the universe starting to collapse?”

Professor Bateman asked angrily, These world Peak physicists are like a group of elementary school students.

No. Elementary students are also happy that their buddies get a new toy, but they don’t respond.

“It’s not the universe that collapsed, it’s physics that collapsed.” At this time, his friend Pete pushed the magazine in front of him.

“LIMO Atomic Fusion Theory,” Professor Bateman read the title. His heart suddenly relaxed. There are many such unconventional papers in the academic world. There is even a college student who claims to have made a black hole by hand on the Internet.

“A civil science paper also uses Are you talking about us?”

Professor Pitt shook the head, “Minke? It would be great if it was a civil science paper, but it was published in the journal Nature.”

“This theory is unacceptable to us, and what is even more irritating is that we have not been able to find any errors in this paper.”

“According to the mathematical model given by the authors, this violation The atomic fusion of the laws of physics may really exist.”

“How could this be?” Professor Bateman slumped in his chair, and he finally understood why everyone was silent. A theory that violates the laws of physics without error is enough to bring down the current academic hall.

(End of this chapter)

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