
Chapter 216 Back to Alma Mater

“Welcome back to school, Li Mo, the cracker of the Koalas conjecture of the world problem!”

“Welcome back to school, Li Mo, the prover of the four-color conjecture of the world problem!”

“Welcome back to school, Li Mo, the prover of the perfect conjecture of odd numbers in the world problem!”

“Welcome Li Mo, the first prize winner of the National Natural Science Award, back to school!”

“Welcome Li Mo, winner of the Abel Prize, back to school!”

In the downtown area, Several propaganda vans pulled banners and drove slowly in the streets, with several students in performance costumes beating gongs and drums. The streets that are not spacious are occupied by floats, and the pedestrians next to them stop to watch.

This. This is a Meng City style float parade?

“How is it?” Jiao Xuefeng Principal’s face showed a smug expression, “Is it very creative?”

Li Mo felt that the scene in front of him had surpassed his own. Imagination, banner hobby Principal Jiao Xuefeng This is to carry forward banner culture.

It’s too flamboyant to parade around the streets with banners.

He looked towards Teacher Wang next to him.

Teacher Wang noticed his gaze and lowered his head quickly, his face flushed.

It seems that this is entirely the idea of Principal Jiao.

Thinking of this, Li Mo sighed pretended to be disappointed.

“What’s wrong?” Principal Jiao asked suspiciously when he saw that his float parade didn’t get the praise he deserved.

Li Mo frowned said: “The banner is wrong!”

“The banner is wrong?” Principal Jiao was nervous, “Impossible, I designed the banner myself, the impossible error is wrong. !”

Although a high school Principal doesn’t have a lot of money, but there are a lot of trivial matters, such as designing a banner, it seems to be true love.

Li Mo raised his face and sighed, “I am now a professor at Yan University! The banner says classmates, so the banner is wrong.”



Didn’t expect Teacher Wang, who has always been refined in manner, was the first to swear.

“Really? Are you already a professor, or a professor at Yan University?” Principal Jiao’s voice trembled a little. As a graduate student, he naturally knows the weight of the title of professor, and he also has some positions in the university. The students who have worked diligently for many years are still only lecturers, and the one with the best development has just applied for Associate Professor.

“Our Boss has been appointed as a visiting professor by Yan University last semester, and now he leads an independent laboratory.” Xia Qing next to her decided to add brilliance to Li Mo.

There was silence in the car.

For a long time, Teacher Wang was the first to break the silence, “didn’t expect you have progressed to this level, and I’m still complacent about being Vice Principal.”

“As a teacher , I’m really ashamed!”

Li Mo turned his head and said solemnly: “Student is no big, you will always be my teacher.”

Teacher Wang raised his head and smiled. The teacher said: “Just kidding, every progress of the students, as a teacher will be happy.”

“Those who are jealous of students’ achievements are not worthy of being a teacher at all.”

Li Mo knew in his heart that his teacher was always upright, and the promotion of his position did not make the teacher lose his heart.

“So, my banner is really wrong?” Jiao Xuefeng Principal’s face showed a confused look, he was still struggling with this issue.

“Principal, it’s almost time, may I inform the classmates who will be greeted?” The assistant next to him took out his mobile phone and asked.

“Ah yes, let them know.” Jiao Xuefeng returned to normal.

MPV slowly opened to the school gate. Li Mo found that the school had changed to a new gate. The double-curved arched gate looked particularly modern.

A pair of honor guard students played music under the leadership of the teachers. Next to them were a few classmates in lion dance costumes performing lion dance. This is a combination of Chinese and Western.

“Li Mo, big guy Li Mo!” The classmates in the school gate noticed the MPV’s arrival and gathered around them one after another.

MPV was unable to move forward for a while, Jiao Principal frowned said: “Notify the teacher in the Academic Affairs Office, please let the students get out of the way, the leaders in the auditorium are still waiting.”

The assistant took When I was about to dial my phone, Li Mo gently stopped me, “I think as a student of Meng City No. 1 High School, I should walk back to my alma mater. At the same time, I can check the development of the school.”

“Also, there are a lot of students in the high school, and driving on campus will affect the safety of students.”

hearing this, Assistant Principal said quickly: “But in the auditorium, the ceremony is about to start.”

Li Mo cast his sharp eyes on Principal Jiao, Jiao Xuefeng frowned for a moment, nodded. “Professor Li Mo’s statement is correct. There are not a few accidents caused by vehicles on campus, and some even lead to irreparable tragedies.”

“Wang Shan, please record it.”

“Wang Shan, please record it.”


“From today onwards, except for logistical supply vehicles, any private vehicles, including those of leaders and teachers, are not allowed to enter the campus.”

“For vehicles that do not obey the advice, you can contact us. The resident police officer.”

“Notify the school security department and execute it immediately.”

“Yes, Principal.” The assistant wrote down his words verbatim in the notebook .

Swift and decisive, Li Mo saw the other side of the banner Principal.

It seems that Meng City Yigao has been able to develop so well in the past two years, and this Jiao Principal has contributed greatly. Li Mo praised inwardly.

“Let’s go, I’ll walk with you today.” Jiao Xuefeng motioned for the driver to open the door.

Teacher Wang stepped out of the MPV first and shouted to the students who were rushing around: “Let’s all give way and line up.”

“Let your Li Mo Senior Let’s see how the current Menggao students are!”

The students who were still huddled together just now consciously separated their paths.

Li Mo stepped off the MPV.

“Big guy, big guy, big guy!”

“It’s so handsome, I heard that the big guy has graduated from Yanda University, he’s arrogant!” A man wearing glasses The classmates gave a thumbs up.

Li Mo smiled slightly, the classmate’s words were too true.

“Big guy, help me sign your name.” A female classmate took out a paper and a pen from her schoolbag, and Li Mo took it like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing and wrote her name.

“And me!”

“Boss, I’m sitting where you used to be, and everyone says I’m making great progress.”

“Yes With the signature of the boss, I will definitely get a good grade in the exam this semester.”

Those students who didn’t bring a pen and paper could only look up to the sky and heave a deep sigh, they all didn’t expect this The big guy will really get off.

“Ding bell, ding bell, ding bell.” The class bell rang, and the students who had been huddled in a circle just turned around and ran into the classroom without the slightest hesitation. The signed notebook, but its original owner could not be found.

“Give it to me, I’ll deliver it to that classmate later.” Teacher Wang took the autograph.

Li Mo couldn’t help but sigh that the current learning atmosphere of Meng City No. 1 High School is very good.

“This is a newly built computer center. The city invested part of the money, we raised part of it ourselves, and hired a professional computer teacher.” Principal Jiao Xuefeng pointed to a new building next to it introduced.

Li Mo is nominee, and now we have entered the computer era. Due to the weak investment in education, small cities generally do not pay attention to cultivating students’ abilities in this area. Meng City Yigao is very far-sighted.

“This is the experimental building. The school organizes students to form interest groups outside of class and conduct scientific experiments under the leadership of the teacher.”

“We also regularly organize students to meet with the provincial capital. Key high schools to communicate.” Jiao Principal is quite proud of his attempt in quality education.

(End of this chapter)

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