
Chapter 211 Wu Weiwei

Li Mo also secretly drank red wine at a banquet in junior high school, and ended up holding it in the ceremony The bride’s legs are not lost, making a joke of neither too big nor too small.

After “getting acquainted” with the Pajelu star, in order to avoid doing irrational things after drinking and causing injury, he has since stayed away from this thing.

“You know? I’m not a good teacher.” Professor Wu said with a big tongue, “Everyone else is a student who is proud of the teacher. After graduation, they go out to find a job and write on their resume that they have obtained Professor Yan Da Wu has verbally praised it several times.”

“tsk tsk, maybe the interviewer gave a few extra points at that time.”

“Now, it’s the other way around!”

“Do you know what other professors will call me after I return to China?”

“Abel Prize winner’s teacher!”

“Is it nice?”

“Not good listen!”

“I’m Professor Wu from the Department of Mathematics at Yan University, and I have my own name!”

Professor Wu poured another glass of wine and drank it At the end of the day, Li Mo was sure that he had drunk too much, because he had given up the chopsticks and grabbed the peanuts directly with his hands.

“I have only met two students like you in my life.”

Li Mo is a little curious, does he still have a talented Senior Brother?

“Who is that?”

Professor Wu’s face darkened suddenly, “You are my student and half a son, so it’s okay to tell you.”

“Remember when I told you that I used to have a son?” “Before,” Li Mo speculated on the meaning of his words, and did not interrupt him. Wu teacherer did say about him before. The son died abroad, and the mother was also depressed for a long time.

“His name is Wu Weiwei. In my opinion, Weiwei’s talent is no worse than yours. Are you believing or not?” Professor Wu’s eyes were wide and bloodshot.

Li Mo nominates, he never thinks his innate talent can be compared with a real genius. If not relying on the learning aid system, he is just an ordinary student.

Professor Wu, as a big coffee in the domestic mathematics circle, has a lot of fruit and plums all over the world, and naturally has a vision for people.

“He was able to perform four arithmetic operations when he was 3 years old.”

“I remember the first time I saw him calculate the result of adding two three-digit numbers through self-study, I hugged and cheered with your wife, we have a gifted child.”

“When he was 5 years old, he was sent by your wife to the SA intelligence club to take an IQ test, and he was absorbed by the club as S- Rank member.” Professor Wu fell into memory.

After Li Mo got the learning aid system, in order to try not to be so different from ordinary people, he once studied IQ. In general IQ tests, IQ is a 200-point scale. Those with a score of 90 to 110 belong to the normal intelligence range, those with a score of 120 to 140 are smart people, and those with a score of 140 or more are called geniuses. As the most well-known high IQ club in the world, SA Men’s Intelligence Club takes the IQ level as the entry standard.

The SA door intellectual club prides itself on equal membership in the club, and Li Mo has never seen the SA door intellectual club and its membership level in any literature.

So he asked suspiciously: “There are still S-Rank members in the SA intelligence club?”

Professor Wu poured another glass of wine, looked at the shadow in the glass, and said : “Unexpectedly, when the senior management of the club invited us to the headquarters of SA Gate, we learned that the SA Gate Intelligence Club is not an ordinary IQ testing institution. The club will conduct all-round IQ tests for members with an IQ higher than 140. They do not tell the test subjects the purpose of these tests, and only after the test subjects pass these tests will they issue invitations.”

“By accepting the invitation, the test subjects can truly become SAs. S-Rank member of the intelligence club.”

Li Mo couldn’t help nodding, which also solved the confusion in his heart for a long time. According to the literature, the SA intelligence club was established abroad in the 1940s. , Over time, it has developed into a multinational club, and all countries in the world have its silhouettes. It’s odd that this club doesn’t charge membership fees and offers a free IQ test to anyone who tries to join the club.

Since its establishment, it has always adhered to the principle of non-profit, and its only source of income is the royalties from some IQ test books published. But these are obviously not enough to support this huge multinational club.

Professor Wu revealed that there are S-Rank members in the SA intelligence club, which perfectly explained this problem. Li Mo now deduces that the SA Intellectual Club is actually an organization that selects “seeds” for foreign countries.

Sure enough, Professor Wu picked up the wine cup and drank it again.

“After Sanwei became a member of S-Rank, a senior executive of the SA intelligence club flew in from abroad. He invited your wife and I to the hotel where we stayed.”

“At the first meeting, he screened the club staff present and showed a passport. The passport showed that his name was Pandora Letta and his nationality was Italian. He had a high nose bridge, silver curly hair, and his eyes seemed a little strange. With one big eye and one small eye, I will never forget what he looked like.”

“Pandora Letta begged us to hand over 3D to him and let him study abroad. There are SA doors there. One of the club’s schools, with the best facilities and teachers in the world, the children in the school are all S-Rank members.”

“He assured us that 100% of the children will enter the Ivy League schools in the future. “

“I was against it at the time. As a professor in Hua, how can I send my child abroad to receive education from others.”

Speaking of this, Professor Wu went back again. After drinking a glass of wine and drinking it again, Li Mo knew that something must have happened later.

“Pandora Letta opened the suitcase he was carrying at this time, and it was full of hundred dollar bills, which was as many as one million.”

“No To tell you the truth, my wife and I were both stunned at the time. The impact brought by millions of cash in front of us is much larger than the numbers on the mobile phone now.”

“You know, I was He is just an ordinary lecturer with a monthly salary of less than 2,000 yuan. A family of 3 and his mother-in-law are crammed into a house of only 30 square meters. When I saw the dollar bills, I was moved.”

“At that time, the house price in Yanjing was only more than 3,000 yuan per square meter. With so much money, we were enough to change to a big house.”

“But I still refused. Although I am just a poor teacher, I won’t make a fortune by selling my son.”

A million dollars in the 1990s is indeed not something that ordinary people can refuse, but Li Mo believes that Wu teacher has this courage. Since it is not for money, what is it for? ?

More than half of the wine in the bottle had gone down, but Professor Wu’s expression became more and more sober. He continued: “At this time, he took out a document and put it on the table.”

“I took a look, and it listed the list of students who have studied in SA schools. Most of the students in the list have worked in foreign scientific research institutions or large companies.”

“What surprised me even more was that the last two names on the list were replaced by numbers.”

“Pandora Letta told me the full names of those two people, and I was I am astonished, because these two are very famous in the history of science. Without their outstanding contributions in physics, the era of high-energy physics may have been delayed for more than ten years.”

“ One of them, the RAcademician, also led a huge plan, and finally succeeded in creating a force capable of destroying the world.”

(End of this chapter)

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