
Chapter 189 Impossible Tasks

Question Time

The biggest doubt in Li Mo’s mind now is The high-speed “small star” 7.5 light-years away is fine if it is just a high-speed small star, but if it is an aircraft or something like that, then the problem is bigger.

However, this kind of question obviously does not conform to the provisions of the general principles of the Universal Civilization Law, and there is no way to directly ask the big head Pajeluian.

Li Mo thought about it for a long time, and finally asked, “Can I start asking questions now?”

The gray fog was churning on the high platform, and there was the voice of Pajeluian with a big head.

“Please ask!”

“Is there such a small star in the universe?” Li Mo asked tentatively.

Big-brained Pajeluian didn’t say anything to stop him.

He was overjoyed and continued: “Its trajectory is a straight line, and its speed reaches 1/2 the speed of light.”

“If it is not a small star What would it be?”

These are actually two questions, and Li Mo nervously waited for the answer.

The gray fog was churning on the high platform, and the big-headed Pajeluian seemed to be thinking.

A moment later

“There is no such small star, this is unscientific!” The big head Pajeluian gave a clear answer. “Small stars are the most common celestial bodies in the universe. Their mass and volume are much smaller than planets. The reason for their generation is the part of the mass that escaped in the collision of two massive stars or a supernova explosion.”

“A small star is also a star, it has its own orbit and is affected by the gravitational force of a large star, so it is impossible to have a small star that runs in a straight line at half the speed of light.”

“If it is not What would a small star be?” Li Mo asked eagerly.

“These are actually two questions.” The big head Pajeluian saw through his “conspiracy”, “But this kind of question is too simple, I’ll answer it for you by the way.”

didn’t expect This alien is quite Earth-like, Li Mo thought.

“It runs in a straight line and the speed is half the speed of light. These two conditions determine that it can only be an interstellar spaceship of a certain civilization.” The big head Pajeluian gave the final answer.

“Interstellar spaceship?”

“What did it move towards Earth flight for?” Li Mo was shocked.

A gray fog filled the platform, and no answer came.

Li Mo knew that his big brain would not help him answer this question.

New Mission Released

Mission: Apply What You Learn

Mission Statement: Scientists Are Not Nerds, They Are Future Builders

Mission Requirement: Invent a technological product that can change the world

Task time limit: 365 days

Accept: Yes/No

An invention that changes the world? This requirement is too outrageous. What inventions can change the world. In the long run, the four great inventions of ancient China changed the world.

The invention of Compass made it possible, for the first time, to identify directions without relying on the surrounding scene, and to make long-distance sailing possible.

The emergence of papermaking has greatly reduced the cost of knowledge exchange, allowing human beings to step into a civilized society faster.

The invention of gunpowder marks that the ability of human beings to transform nature has been greatly enhanced, and it is also of great significance to the progress of military weapons

The invention of printing is conducive to saving manpower, material resources, Financial resources; convenient arrangement and modification; greatly improving printing efficiency; conducive to the unification of editions; conducive to the dissemination and retention of culture, and the promotion of knowledge and technology.

For modern times

The steam engine internal combustion engine solves the problem of the engine of the vehicle on the one hand, causes a revolutionary change in the field of transportation, further enhances the production capacity of people, and makes the transportation more efficient. It is convenient and fast, changing people’s way of life, expanding the scope of people’s activities, and strengthening the communication between people.

When the computer appeared, human beings began to have a tool that can simulate human thinking. In the following years, countless scientists worked hard for this goal.

These inventions have changed the way of human life and production, and they are also the crystallization of the wisdom of countless people.

The history of computing shows how difficult all this is.

As early as 1642, Pascal invented the first mechanical computer in human history – Pascal Plus Magical Artifact, of course, it is just a device composed of a series of gears, which can only do addition and subtraction.

Then Leibniz invented a new type of computer, which is about 1 meter long and has a series of gear mechanisms installed inside. Do the addition repeatedly.

The computers shown above are only physical computers, they do calculations by means of gears.

The electronic computer in the true sense was only successfully developed in 1942. It was Elliack, which could perform 5,000 additions per second and 400 multiplications per second. It was an electromechanical computer that used relays to operate. 1,000 times, and 200,000 times that of manual calculation.

Although its performance is very powerful, it consumes a lot of power and costs a lot. It consumes more than 174 kilowatts of electricity, and it is said that in those years, as long as Alexa was turned on, all the lights in the entire city of Philadelphia were suddenly eclipsed. The cost of maintaining it later exceeded 2 million! Elliack’s most fatal flaw is the separation of programming and computation. The program instructions to direct Elliack’s 20,000 tubes to work were stored in the machine’s external circuitry. When a problem needs to be calculated, Eckert must assign dozens of elite soldiers to connect hundreds of lines by hand, and work like a group of telephone operators for several days before he can perform a few minutes of calculation.

At this time, a mathematician stood up, he was von Neumann, later known as the father of modern computers. He used superb theoretical and technical methods to transform Elliott, and even put forward the famous “101-page report”. This report laid a solid foundation for modern computer architecture and is still considered a landmark document in the development of modern computer science to this day.

Subsequent large-scale ultra-large-scale integrated circuits replaced high-energy vacuum tubes. The cost has been greatly reduced, and computers have been able to enter thousands of households and become the driving force of social development.

At this point, the development of computers has truly entered the electronic age and has become an invention that changes the world.

That’s outrageous! Li Mo feels that the tasks given by the system are getting more and more difficult. Is the world so easy to change? Countless teenagers full of heroic ambitions turned into a handful of loess in the end.

“Perhaps the system is in a hurry?” He felt that the tasks given by the system did not conform to the usual “smooth” style, and seemed a little urgent.

Fortunately, this time the system is very willful and gave a super long time of 365 days. Of course, this super long time is relative to the previous 30 days for each task time limit.


He still clicked accept.

“How do you know you can’t do it unless you try it?”

(end of this chapter)

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