
Chapter 187 Visiting Professor

Finally, graduated.

After receiving the diploma and degree certificate from Professor Wang, Li Mo felt a little melancholy for a while.

However, this melancholy did not stay in his heart for too long.

After all, for him, he had already graduated from the time he received the Abel Prize from Professor Stormer at the Norwegian Abel Awards Ceremony.

When he first won the National Natural Science Award, it was because he “accidentally” discovered a new planet. To be honest, it can’t be considered academic achievements, but the LIMO conversion is different from the Abel Prize. No school would allow an Abel Prize winner to exist solely as a graduate student.

Professor Wang looked at the young student. When he went to Meng City for an inspection, he didn’t expect this youngster to have such grades today.

He asked with a smile, “You have graduated from graduate school, what are you going to do next?”

Li Mo has long thought about this question, and many students who continue to study I will choose a well-known foreign school, so that I can broaden my horizons. Not to mention, it will be very compelling to mention the graduate school when I get a job in the future.

However, this problem does not exist for him. With the learning assistance system, he does not need to study abroad. With the halo of the National Natural Science Award and the Abel Award, the issue of employment does not need to be considered .

He just needs an environment where he can concentrate on academic research, and Yanda, the environment he is familiar with, is perfect.

Of course, Academician still needs to be read, after all, this degree is also very compelling.

To read Academician, you need a mentor, or is it a wild Academician?

Thinking of this, Li Mo put on a smile on his face: “I’m going to continue reading your Academician, okay?”

Professor Wang complexion changed, taking this genius monster In terms of current academic performance, not to mention domestic ones, there are not many academician tutors who can afford him abroad.

Under normal circumstances, when tutors meet talented and intelligent students, they are eager for talents. But when the student has already emitted rays of light, they have to make a strategic withdrawal, because in the future speaking of which, the teacher will not be famous for the newly admitted student, which is too embarrassing.

This is exactly the case with Li Mo, if this household-name genius is folded into his own hands, it will not be cast aside.

Professor Wang’s face showed a hesitant expression, “How about you think about it again, it’s a little bit at my level.”

Let a person admit that his level is not good, he feels really No face to speak.

Li Mo was mentally prepared for Professor Wang’s evasion. He smiled and said, “teacher, you forgot that I am your graduate student.” He raised the diploma in his hand.

Professor Wang’s eyes lit up, Li Mo’s master’s degree can be said to have graduated from self-study, maybe

he knew what the student’s idea was.

“Well then, I’ll accept you as an Academician with reluctance, but you still need to rely on yourself academically.”

Li Mo, one old and one young People look at each other and smile.

Leaving the Department of Mathematics, Li Mo did not return to the dormitory immediately, but took his assistant Xia Qing to the School of Engineering, where he borrowed a master’s suit.

The styles of the master’s suit and the bachelor’s suit are not much different, except that the tassel of the bachelor’s suit is black, and the tassel of the master’s suit is changed to blue.

But even the slightest difference means something completely different.

After changing into the master’s uniform, Li Mo asked Xia Qing to help him take several photos on campus. Occasionally passing students who knew him also joined the group photo group.

The scenery of Yanda this season is still very good, Li Mo picked out the most handsome one, PO is on Weibo, the title is only one line: “Finally graduated!”


“Didn’t the great god just graduate?”

“Looking at the clothes, it should mean that you have graduated with a master’s degree.”

“After only one semester, you will graduate with a master’s degree, and the great god is the great god. .”





Li Mo looked at the replies from the netizens, smiled slightly, turned off the phone, brushed off his clothes, and hid himself deeply.

Yan University Conference Hall

Vice Principal Zhou Feng held the microphone, his eyes fell on the Principals in charge of logistics and infrastructure, he cleared his throat: “Since everyone is not willing If you speak, let me lead the way.”

On this occasion, he hardly spoke a word that caught everyone’s attention.

Yan Da’s leader also nodded slightly> to show encouragement.

“This semester, the Charity Committee has received more than 20 million donations, and the number of donations has increased by 30%, ranking first among universities in the country.” Zhou Feng introduced his achievements with a smile.

The school leaders present showed their surprised expressions. The 30% increase was unprecedented in the past years.

“Zhou Feng’s Principal’s job is very good, can you tell us about your experience?” The leader recognized his achievements.

Zhou Feng said humbly: “Where is the experience? Everyone knows that we are engaged in charity work. If others don’t want to donate, we can still grab it?”

He said this The big truth led to have a big laughter. Everyone knows what he means. Once a university was exposed to fundraising and apportionment, and it eventually became an international laughing stock.

“Here I would like to thank a classmate of Yan University.” Zhou Feng continued.

“That is Li Mo, the winner of the Abel Prize. He first donated 500,000 yuan to establish the Li Mo Education Fund, and later made an additional donation of 5 million yuan. This semester, he has helped 312 poor families. Students.”

“It is even more rare that Li Mo did not put forward any additional conditions.”

His this remark aroused discussion among the leaders of the conference, and donated more than 5 million yuan in China Not too often.

“Did Li Mo donate the prize money he just won the Abel Prize?” asked one of the leaders.

“After conversion, the bonus is basically 5 million, it should be.”

“This youngster is worth our study.”

Sit down The leader of Yan Da on stage asked, “I heard that this Abel Prize winner has graduated now, what do you think?”

“It seems that he has reported to Professor Wang’s Academician again. Will stay in Yanda.” Vice Principal in charge of academic affairs replied.

They all understand what Principal means. Li Mo, who is famous for winning the Abel Prize, actually has a better choice. As long as he is willing, countless top foreign universities will rush to extend an olive branch. At that time, Yan Da struggled again, and it was a success.

“I think Li Mo’s grades and reputation are in line with the standards of our visiting professor at Yan University, why not?” Zhou Feng Vice Principal glanced at him.

“Visiting professor? Isn’t this position too important? He’s still just an Academician student.”

“I don’t think much of it. After others study abroad, you will It will be difficult to come back.”

“That is, to be able to donate so much money shows that Li Mo is not a money-oriented person, and we can only use our reputation to win.”

Offstage When discussing spiritedly, everyone turned their attention to the leader. Although the Principal was only in his 50s, his swift and decisive style brought a new look to the century-old school of Yanda.

“I think Li Mo can be hired as a visiting professor in the Department of Mathematics, but don’t arrange any teaching jobs.” In the end, it’s still a matter of one hand and one hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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