
How about Chapter 177?

“An appointment?” The hostess opened her mouth wide, as if she had heard something funny.

“Li Mo classmate, that’s the way it is.” A man in a hat stepped forward, he should be the director of the program group, at least Li Mo thought he was the director.

“Our Genius Brain is the program with the highest ratings in China, and the invited guests are also super geniuses. Through our program, they can quickly become popular in China.”

Then what?

Is it a little strange for a director to go to someone else’s room in the middle of the night and talk about some popular things? Li Mo still squinted at the director, so he felt he could better express his dissatisfaction.

The director saw that the interviewee seemed to remain unmoved, and continued: “You know, you can become a star after you become popular. There are many people looking for you to endorse, and you will get rich if you have an endorsement.”

“Xiao Wang, did the guy who backed Pi in the last issue just received a 200,000 endorsement advertisement?” He glanced at the hostess.

The hostess said with an envious look: “Yeah, it seems to be an advertisement for a sanitary napkin.”

“Have you heard, one advertisement can earn money 200,000, this is the charm of our genius brain.” The director continued.

“And then what?”

This is the first time Li Mo has spoken to the director. Did he do it in the middle of the night? Can you just break in just by doing a show?

“Oh…then…taking advantage of the popularity of the Abel Awards, we can do a show for you alone, in which you recite the natural constant e backwards, which will definitely be better than sanitary napkins. The kid is more red.”

“How is it?” The director was full of expectations for his vision.

This director is too much like the weird Uncle who seduces kindergarten children with a lollipop.

Yes, and a pair of sunglasses. Li Mo is also someone who has seen Crayon Shin-chan.

“How’s it going?” The director asked eagerly. With a great chance, the ratings of this show will definitely explode.

Li Mo turned around and said, “Xia Qing, inform the hotel that someone broke in privately, and their security is not up to standard!” He felt that it was too rude to reject others in person.

“You…you…” The director was stunned by his words.

“Hey, hello, some strangers broke into the 666 presidential suite. Please come up to the security guard.” Xia Qing picked up the phone on the table.

“Boss, let’s go, breaking into a house without permission is a big crime in Norway, and we will be deported if we don’t know.” The hostess saw that Xia Qing had notified the security guard, lost one’s head out of fear.

The director stomped his feet fiercely: “You wait, one day I will…”

“Let’s go, director.” The hostess pulled him forcibly out.

5 minutes later, the hotel manager brought security to the door of the room.

“You tell them, I’m not satisfied with the security of the hotel.” Li Mo felt that he should show the attitude of the customer, although he didn’t spend a penny.

At the door of the room, Xia Qing had a cross-border exchange with the hotel manager.

“Boos, the hotel apologizes for what happened and decided to waive our accommodation fee.” Xia Qing returned to the sofa and reported the results of the exchange.

About accommodation fees?

But the accommodation didn’t cost anything at all. Li Mo reluctantly shook the head, this foreign devil is really shrewd.

Also, just take it as the money saved for the Norwegian Academy. For scientific research, it is not well-off, and every cent you can save is a cent.

The hotel manager with a satisfactory answer bows again and again.

Xia Qing lightly closed the door.

“Boss, do you still want to take a shower?”

Li Mo shook his head, it’s all like this, what else to wash.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk…” Someone knocked on the door again.

The director just now came back? Li Mo turned his inquiring eyes to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing gently opened the door.

“Li Mo ah…”

Professor Wu rushed into the room with a face full of excitement, when he saw Li Mo’s untidy clothes, he stopped involuntarily .

He looked towards Xia Qing.

Fortunately, Xia Qing’s makeup is neat.

He was sighed in relief.

Said to his students: “Li Mo, I just received news that the national TV station has decided to send a team of reporters to broadcast the award ceremony live.”

Another wave? But this time he didn’t dare to say a word, because it is the teacher’s dream to be on national TV.

Sure enough

Professor Wu said excitedly: “Maybe, I may be able to show my face on national TV.”

“No, I’m going to buy a set New suits, don’t embarrass Yan.”

Li Mo looked at the time on his phone, it was already ten o’clock in the evening, people from abroad are not as dedicated as in China, and it is estimated that the shops selling clothes have already closed. .

“I think your clothes are well-dressed, simple and generous, which can better show our Yanda’s hard and simple style.” Li Mo said with a smile, “If you buy a western suit that costs tens of thousands of dollars, Maybe it will be picked up by netizens tomorrow.”

“. I just want to spend a thousand dollars to buy a suit.” Professor Wu was frightened by the tone of the students, thinking that foreign clothes would definitely not Cheap.

He pulled up the cuffs of his trousers, “Yes, my clothes are not bad, they fit well.”

“I’ll go back first, let’s continue talking.”

After completing the task, Professor Wu showed a strange smile.

The next day

The Abel Prize Award Ceremony was held in Oslo’s City Hall, which has several points of shabby compared to the Nobel Prize presentation scene.

A simple stage arrangement, a hall that can only accommodate hundreds of people.

Only the dozens of live broadcast cars parked on the road outside the door indicate the real value of this award.

BBC, NAC, SBC, … and live cars from Huaguo National TV.

Li Mo got off the limousine, the reporters crowded up, and the long spear came up to him.

“LIMO, you won the Abel Prize before you were 20 years old, does that mean that the international mathematics community has no successor?”

A reporter asked firstly with a microphone , with the BBC logo on the microphone.

This is a reporter with harboring malicious intentions, who cleverly used Li Mo’s age to set him up against the international mathematics community.

Li Mo looked at the camera and said with a faint smile: “I can win such a big award under the age of 20, it just shows that the international mathematics community is revitalizing, and the older generation of mathematicians has an open mind. Press The rotten system of seniority does not exist in mathematics circles.”

Hearing his ingenious answer, the reporter showed a surprised look.

“I heard that during the voting process, there was a dispute within the Abel committee. Some people think that another professor from Oxford is more suitable. What do you think?”

And Such a thing? But it is normal to think about it. As the top award in the field of mathematics, the Abel Prize will definitely be favored by countless mathematicians.

“It doesn’t matter how I look at it, what matters is that it’s me who is standing here now.” Li Mo still smiled, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll go in and attend the awards ceremony and receive what belongs to me. $800,000.”

This year’s Abel Prize winner looks a bit unusual, as the BBC reporter felt his carefully prepared “fist” hit a ball of cotton. With such newcomers joining, the international math circle will become more and more lively.

“Li Mo, congratulations to you for winning this year’s Abel Award. As the first Chinese to win this award, how do you feel?” A microphone marked CTV reach in front of him. A sophisticated oriental woman with rolled-up hair stands out among the many foreign faces.

“First of all, I am honored to receive this award, and secondly, maybe I am a Chinese who won the first place award, but I will definitely not be the last.”

Very good, Generous, decent, realistic, and looking to the future. The youngster’s words were completely standard news headlines. The big eyes of the female reporter flickered, and she had already thought about how to write a press release.

(End of this chapter)

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