
Chapter 173 is based on trade and technology

Nordic, Norwegian Arts and Sciences Academy

A simplified notation In the Conference Hall, there are five professors of different ages, who are the five-member selection committee for the Abel Prize.

Professor Stormer, headed by him, opened an envelope and read through glasses:

Recommended by: Professor Sitting at Oxford University, recommended by: Professor Labrador at Oxford University; reason for recommendation : Contributions made in topological distribution

Second envelope;

Recommended by: Professor Nicholas of Moscow International University, Russia; Recommended by: Professor of State Dokmov; Recommended Reason: New bridge between mathematics and theoretical physics;

The third envelope;

The sixth envelope;

Recommended by: University of Cambridge Prof. Sk is recommended by: Li Mo, a graduate student of Huaguo-Yenjing University. Reason for recommendation: LIMO transformation theory

the seventh envelope;

the fifteenth envelope;

Recommender: Prof. Trump, University of California Recommender: Li Mo, graduate student of Huaguo-Yenjing University; reason for recommendation: LIMO conversion theory

After reading more than 30 letters, the aged Prof. Stormer appeared to be A little tired, “So far, Li Mo, a graduate student from Yenching University, tops the list with 5 votes, followed by Professor Labrador from the Department of Mathematics at Oxford University.”

“For this The two award-winning candidates, what do you think?”

Although the Abel Prize is not as well-known as the Fitz Award, it is also known as the Little Nobel Prize. And the amount of the prize is roughly similar to the Nobel Prize, so every year it attracts the attention of many professors who have made new achievements in mathematics.

Over the years, the Abel Prizes are awarded to mathematics professors or scholars.

This is Li Mo, a graduate student of Yenching University

And the Abel Prize does not stipulate that those with the highest recommended votes will definitely win.

“I think the prize should be awarded to Professor Labrador. His theory has been confirmed.” Professor Cidi said first.

“I also think that Professor Labrador is more suitable. He has done a great job in mathematics over the years and should be commended.” Professor Milnor also agreed.

Professor Stormer watched from the sidelines.

One of the most crucial questions missing from their answer was that Li Mo was only a graduate student.

Should you win awards for your proficiency? The Abel Award was changed to the Dedication Award.

The reason not to say it is the biggest reason, he sighed in the heart, the stinky rule of seniority in mathematics still exists.

He doesn’t care who Li Mo is, even if the youngster is just a primary school student, as long as he achieves results, the award should be awarded to him, which does not disgrace the original intention of the Abel Award.

An old friend, Professor Sinai, twirled his pen in boredom.

Professor Stormer’s mind turned.

“I wonder what Professor Sinai thinks?” He knew that this old friend was someone who dared to speak out.

Sinai stopped the ballpoint pen flying on his fingertips, stared at him and asked, “I want to ask everyone here, what is the original intention of setting up the Abel Prize?”

Come Yes, Professor Stormer is overjoyed.

“Niels Henrik Abel, the greatest mathematician in Norway, made countless achievements in mathematics in his life, but because of his obscurity, he finally died in poverty. So today’s Abel The Bell Prize is to help those who are unknown in the mathematics community.”

The judges here have gone from obscurity to today. Most of them have experienced that kind of hardships, and they are very close.

“I have already read the selection materials of Professor Labrador. Although there are a lot of content involved, they are all summed up on the basis of predecessors.”

“The LIMO transformation theory proposed by graduate student Li Mo is a brand-new mathematical theory. It has made great achievements in topology and number theory, so my point of view is to award this year’s Abel Prize to him.”

Professor Sinai does not speak, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, speaking very fast.

“Also, last time I was a guest with an old man, and he was full of praise for the LIMO conversion.”

As soon as this remark came out, including Professor Stormer All four of them have a complexion changed, and they all know who the old man is talking about in Professor Sinai’s mouth.

didn’t expect LIMO conversion actually got his eye.

“Raise your hands to vote now!” Professor Stormer saw that the overall situation was decided, “Please raise your hand if you support Li Mo to win this year’s Abel Prize.”

“I support!” Professor Sinai.

“I support!” Professor Ainol.

“I support it!” Prof. Cidi.

“Support!” Professor Milnor.

Professor Stormer raised his right hand, “Support!”

“Unanimously approved, I will report my name to the Norwegian Academy, thank you for your work.”

Yanjing Weihua Company served as the general office

“Today without you, the result is unpredictable.” Mr. Ren made tea himself.

Li Mo shook his head, “The first time I sat on the board, I was shot by you. In fact, the result was the same without me.”

“Oh, hope to hear the details ?” A smile appeared on Mr. Ren’s face.

“First, a plan of tens of billions of dollars. I am afraid you have already made all preparations. It is estimated that the personnel and venue have already been selected.” Li Mo stretched out his first finger.

“Second, for Huawei to insist on being independent and independent to this day, those directors are not short-sighted.” Li Mo stretched out his second finger.

Ren Zong nodded, this youngster has new achievements in academics, and he has also made a lot of progress in the world.

“How can they not see the problems that Huawei needs to face to continue to develop, just feel sorry for the money.”

“For Huawei, for China, if you want to be for China, We need to overcome obstacles.” Li Mo knows that once the chip manufacturing project is launched, the financial pressure that Huawei needs to face is not ordinary.

Small chips almost represent the highest level of human practical technology.

The chip industry needs huge to massive capital investment, rich and uninterrupted talent pool, and strong technical support in all aspects. More importantly, the development and production of chips requires a long time cycle. Whether it is in the R&D stage or in the production stage, it is often counted in decades.

At the same time, the chip industry is still a winner-take-all industry, and the loser can almost lose to a bankrupt industry.

Is there a stormy sea hidden under Mr. Ren’s calm exterior?

“Stop my annual dividends until I make a profit for Huawei Chip.” Li Mo knew that this was an utterly inadequate measure, so he would do his best.

“Oh, I will inform the finance department.” Mr. Ren replied.

There was no surprise on Mr. Ren’s face, no shirk.

Being a major event, Li Mo knows the reason why Huaneng has achieved what it is today.

“As a scientist, can you give some suggestions for our chip project?” Mr. Ren took out a pen and paper.

“Me? A scientist?”

“Now I can only be regarded as a researcher with small achievements.” Li Mo laughed at himself.

“Hey, researcher, give me some advice.” President Ren urged.

This is the real purpose of Mr. Ren.

Li Mo thought for a moment and said, “I’m not in the chip industry, so I can only give a simple opinion as a bystander.”

“First: in the chip industry, Hardware is actually more important than software, and hardware is the foundation. If you want to truly build China’s own chip industry, you must start from the foundation, from a grain of sand and a lens.”

“Second: Don’t focus directly on high-end technology with trade and technology. Now the most advanced chips in the world are 5NM chips. We can make 50NM chips. Huaguo has a complete industrial base and a large population, so there may not be a market for 50NM chips. Only by accumulating technology and being fed back on the other hand can Huawei chips achieve sustainable development.”

He thought about it for a while and determined that there was no better insight. “As a layman, display one’s slight skill before an expert will let you laugh.”

“Start from the basics and cultivate skills with trade, not simple.” Mr. Ren thought carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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