
Chapter 169 Norwegian Liar?

Li Mo was sitting at his desk when he received a call from the Norwegian Academy of Sciences. With the experimental data of rocket engines in his mind, he tried to discover their digital logic and constructed a combustion chamber that could “predict” Mathematical model of inner Qi flow operation.

“It’s too difficult, the NS equation is based on the continuity assumption, and the minimum scale problem is involved here.”

“No, if in the case of viscous fluids, this assumption It cannot be established.”

“The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the NS equation have not been proved, and closure is an extremely weak condition.”

Li Mo rubbed his head, This is the first time he has such a sense of powerlessness, and the data seems to have no connection.

It seems that it is difficult to derive this model purely from mathematical analysis, maybe.

“DiDi” 0047-xxxxx calls

0047? Very strange area code, is it from abroad?

Li Mo picks up the phone.

“HELLO, are you the author of “On LIMO Transformation Theory”?” The man on the other side of the phone spoke in broken English.

“I am, who are you?” Li Mo was a little strange, and the other party actually said the thesis he just wrote.

“I’m William, the editor of New Advances in Mathematics”

Li Mo hung up the phone directly.

“You actually want to lie to me?” Although he is in the ivory tower, he has heard from the media that there are many transnational telephone scams. As for the foreign number displayed on the caller ID, scammers can change the number through software. And he did not leave a phone number in the email he submitted.

“Now the liars are becoming more and more professional, and they can even speak English.”

“Even poor students are cheating, and these liars are getting more and more arrogant.”


“Fortunately, I’m smart.”

Li Mo was very angry at being interrupted by a “scam call”.

William on the opposite side of the phone held the phone that was directly hung up and the editor-in-chief looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Are you sure the number is correct?” he asked.

Arnold took out his mobile phone and looked at it carefully, “Yes, it is the phone number of the ink star discoverer. I got it from a professor through a relationship, I can’t be wrong.”

Through the email “decrypting the contributor”, they found out that the author of the paper was the magical young man who discovered Moxing, and their confidence was even greater. The editor-in-chief Arnold found his number through a relationship and tried to contact the author, but didn’t expect the above scene.

“Shall I try again?” William asked.

Arnold nodded.

“DiDi” Li Mo picked up the phone, 0047-xxxxx

It was the same number just now, isn’t the liar ready to give up? Li Mo gets on the phone, and he decides to teach the crooks a lesson for trying to defraud a poor student.

“Hey, the phone call has been recorded by me. Everything you say will become a clue for the police to solve the case. Here I advise you to surrender as soon as possible.” Li Mo felt that he had been possessed by justice at this moment. .

William held the phone and listened to the eloquent language on the other side of the phone, with a helpless expression on his face.

“What did he say?” Arnold asked impatiently.

“I don’t understand Chinese.”


“Dear Mr. Li Mo, can you speak English?” William tried again.

Speak English? Is it really a foreign liar?

Li Mo couldn’t help but sigh that everything must be professional now!

He said righteously again: “Hello, the phone has been recorded by me. Everything you said will become a clue for the police to solve the case. Here, I advise you to surrender to the law as soon as possible.”

This time William understood, and the other side of the phone regarded him as an online liar, which made him didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

He said in broken English: “You misunderstood, I’m William, editor of Advances in Mathematics, and we got your number from Professor Chris.”

Afraid that Li Mo wouldn’t believe him, he added: “Professor Chris is a professor of mathematics at Stanford University, and he just had surgery on one eye.”

Li Mo remembered that at the seminar Above is a Stanford professor with gauze wrapped around one eye, who seems to be called Chris, and took the number from him after the seminar.

Is it really a misunderstanding?

“Oh, sorry, don’t the general journals not contact the author before the paper is published?” He asked his own question.

William wiped the sweat from the top of his head. The author’s brain circuit is too strange.

“That is the general situation. Your paper is reviewed collectively by the editors of our entire journal, so there is no such problem.”

That is the case, it seems that the paper has caused the opponent’s attention.

“As usual, I’m going to turn on the call recording now and ask you a few questions,” William continued.

Li Mo replied: “Yes.”

“May I ask if you did this paper independently.” William raised the first question.


“In the process of writing this paper, you did not refer to other people’s published or unpublished papers, did you?” William A second question was raised.

“Yes!” Li Mo replied without the slightest hesitation.

I heard his questions were answered with certainty, William sighed in relief, and academic disputes are the scene that a magazine is most willing to see.

“We will submit your paper to the anonymous math professor of dozens for cross-review, and we need your consent here.”

Li Mo thought for a while and replied: “I agree.”

Hearing his cooperation, William almost jumped up excitedly, he said: “Congratulations to you in advance, if there is no problem with cross-reviewing, this paper will receive Eligibility for a cover paper.”

It’s another cover paper, and it seems that the content determines the value. Li Mo said: “Thank you for your hard work!”

After hanging up, he was completely relieved, and he had full confidence in the correctness of the paper.

The LIMO theory was the first mathematical theory he proposed, just like his child, he hoped that this theory could be accepted by the mathematical community as soon as possible.

Cambridge University, UK

The phone in Professor Riske’s office rang. The professor was no longer in the office. Assistant Miss Paco picked up the phone gently. After some conversation, she gave a satisfactory answer to the other party.

Although it was close to the end of get off work, Miss Paco decided to sort out the students’ usual grades, because the strict Riske would always give these students low grades, “Those students, still Is it necessary to be so strict at a playful age?”

At this time, Professor Riske walked into the office wearing a trench coat, and Miss Paco put away the grade sheet, took the crutches and hat, and said softly: ” The editor-in-chief of “New Advances in Mathematics” called and asked me to tell you that there is an important academic paper in your mailbox that needs your review.”

“Yeah, since I rejected them last time After one time, the magazine has not asked me to review the manuscript for a long time.”

(End of this chapter)

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