
Chapter 150 750 million kilometers

“Di Di” Li Mo took out his mobile phone, it was a message from the cosmic quantum fluctuation monitor. Is it the discovery of a new star?

Click on the message: “Quantum Wave detected a suspected target: ID: 11210, distance: 379445 AU, volume: 65890M3, mass estimation: the target material is complex and cannot be estimated. Reminder! Reminder! Reminder! This target is similar to the exploration file ID: 12165 detection target.”

The distance is 379445 AU, he converted it in the heart, 1 light year is 63241 AU, which means the target 6 light years from Earth. The volume is 65890M3, which is much larger than the average small meteorite.

Li Mo pulls out the information from the last cosmic quantum fluctuation monitor: Quantum fluctuation detected a suspected target: ID: 12165, distance: 379450 AU, volume: 65890M3, mass estimation: target The material is complex and unpredictable.

Two months apart, in the results of the two detections, the volume of the target is the same, indicating that it is the same object.

“Is it the same meteorite?” Last time Li Mo classified the target as a meteorite.

The first detection distance: 379450 AU.

The second detection distance: 379445 AU.

In just two months, the target traveled 5 AU, and AU is the distance between Earth and the sun (150 million kilometers).

So this impossible is a meteorite, no meteorite can travel a distance of 750 million kilometers in two months.

Li Mo stood up all of a sudden, “Is there an uninvited guest in space?”

Since he has learned a lot about the history of the Pajelu civilization, he knows that the universe is actually a very “crowded”. “The place, in the vast starry sky, there are countless alien civilizations in the branch.

Thinking of this, Li Mo opened the door and said to Xia Qing who was doing yoga in front of the TV: “Please prepare the car, I need to go somewhere.”

Xia Qing looked at the darkness outside, put away her posture, and asked, “It’s so late, where are you going?”

“I have something important to do, I’m going to a remote place.” Li Mo said: Knowing how to describe Xiaoshan Laboratory, this name is his own name and is not displayed on the map.

50 minutes later, under the guidance of Li Mo, the driver of the Security Bureau successfully drove the car to the gate of Xiaoshan Laboratory.

The door of the lab was locked, Li Mo took out his phone and called Dayong: “Dayong, I’m outside, open the door.”

The car drove in In the laboratory, Xia Qing looked curiously at this place she didn’t know, the towering antenna, the cameras in the courtyard, and the inspection team of two people. It can be seen from these that the security here is carefully arranged.

“Boss, if you don’t come again, Brother Qiu and I thought you forgot us?” After not seeing each other for a few months, Dayong was white and fat. He rushed over and hugged him with a bear. Brother Qiu was still standing far away in the corner.

Li Mo sorry: “I’ve been very busy lately, as you know. I don’t feel relieved to leave it to others.”

“When the task is over, I will treat you well. Yes.”

Dayong said indifferently: “Look at what you said, I was ordered by Mr. Ren to stay here, not to mention that you saved my life.”

Li Mo patted his shoulders heavily.

Xia Qing has been watching silently behind her. This big man named Dayong should have a good relationship with the BOSS. Judging from his physique, he was born as a private bodyguard. Although the figure is strong, it is not a cause for concern. In real combat, she is confident to bring down this big man within 5 minutes.

What really caught her attention was the thin scarred face in the corner, and his eyes would unconsciously stare at the weak parts of people. Like a poisonous snake, in a guard’s intuition, this is a dangerous person.

Li Mo thought of Xia Qing behind him at this moment, he pointed at Xia Qing who was wearing tight clothes introduced: “This is my assistant, Miss Xia Qing.”

Then he pointed to He pointed and said, “Dayong, Brother Qiu, my former bodyguard, now help me take care of this laboratory.”

Dayong extended his hand enthusiastically, while Brother Qiu was still standing in the corner.

“It’s the first time we meet, so please take care of me.” Xia Qing shook her hand gently, it seemed that this was the BOSS’ former bodyguard team.

Although it was already late at night, the two-person inspection team upstairs still inspected every 30 minutes. It seems that they also paid attention. Li Mo nods.

At this moment, Dayong asked, “Boss, who are you here this time?” Li Mo has not been here for a long time, if it weren’t for the “weng weng” sound all day long in that mysterious laboratory , there are still sky-high electricity bills every month. They thought it had been abandoned.

Li Mo said with a smile: “I need to conduct a small experiment, you guys are on guard, no one can open the door of the laboratory until I come out.”

Then He turned around again and explained: “Xia Qing, you are guarding the door.”

“Yes, Boss!”

“Okay, BOSS!”

The “new and old” bodyguards glanced at each other, wiping out a bit of anger.

It’s business as usual in the laboratory, and the cosmic quantum fluctuation monitor still emits the sound of “weng weng”.

Li Mo sits in front of the listener, turns on the screen, and looks for the experiment log.

“According to the system network record, this planet is estimated to be Uranus, and this planet has been recorded.”


“According to the system network record, it is estimated that this planet is Tianwei 1, and this planet has been recorded.”


“According to the system network records, this planet is estimated to be Neptune, and this planet has been recorded.”


“According to the system networking records, this planet is estimated to be Triton 1, and this planet has been recorded.”


“According to system network records, this planet is estimated to be Charon, and this planet has been recorded.”


Distance: 379450 AU, volume: 65890M3, mass estimation: The target material is complex and cannot be estimated. Write ID: 12165, send reminder information. The reminder information has been sent.


Distance: 379445 AU, Volume: 65890M3, Mass Estimate: The target material is complex and cannot be estimated. Write ID: ID: 11210, send reminder information. The reminder information has been sent.


Li Mo found the primordial log, which clearly recorded that the target of this unknown material traveled about 750 million kilometers in just two months.

Why does this happen?

One possibility is that there is an error in the cosmic quantum fluctuation monitor, but in Li Mo’s experience, the medicine and equipment produced by the extraterrestrial learning aid system have never had problems.

Then there is only one probability left. 6 light years away, there is an object of unknown material that is sailing at super high speed.

Maybe it’s an alien spaceship?

Li Mo was taken aback by this absurd thought. But he thought about it again, is it really impossible?

The world is big, the universe is bigger, there are countless civilizations in the universe, maybe there is a spaceship of an alien civilization passing by.

Thinking of this, he decided to change the detection target of the cosmic quantum fluctuation monitor, and by re-editing the program, let the monitor “look” on that area.

If it is really an alien spaceship, its trajectory will definitely have traces of external force intervention, which is easy to distinguish.

After doing all this, Li Mo pushed open the door of the laboratory, and Xia Qing was standing straight at the door.

“Dayong, Brother Qiu, you still need to work hard here for a while.” Li Mo held a short meeting, “No one is allowed to enter the laboratory.”

Dayong repeatedly make a guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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