
Submission of Chapter 147 didn’t expect

At noon, the sun shines through the glass and sprinkles on the white porcelain vase by the windowsill On the top, the blooming flowers in the vase are extraordinarily enchanting.

At the desk, Professor Wu is frowned carefully reviewing the paper brought by Li Mo: “On: Perfect Conjecture for Odd Numbers”. When his student handed him the thick paper, he was full of surprise, this kid actually wrote the paper.

The bored Li Mo picked up a math journal and sat down at his desk to read it.

Professor Wu read the first 3 pages of the thesis several times, but did not find any obvious mistakes. But how can I not understand the idea, do I really have to ask my students for advice.

Professor Wu decided to give it another try, but the duo’s stomachs groaned “gu gu gu”.

“Shall I treat you to dinner?”

Li Mo nods, the effect of the energy coffee is about to pass.

“Xiao Wang, order two takeaways to be delivered.” Professor Wu dialed the internal number.

Takeaway? Li Mo didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, he thought he had solved the puzzle and the teacher would take him to a big meal.

After eating the takeaway meal, Professor Wu continued to read the paper, while Li Mo was lying on the sofa bored. He was about to finish reading the math journals on his desk.

“Teacher, is there anything wrong with these pages?” Li Mo found that for the past few hours, Professor Wu’s eyes had been stuck on the first 3 pages of the paper. At this speed, more than 600 pages When will the dissertation be read.

Professor Wu knew that he was discovered by the students, and he murmured: “Your conversion here is a bit unclear, I’m still thinking about it.”

Hearing the teacher point out The shortcomings of the paper, Li Mo immediately leaned forward, looked at the place pointed by Professor Wu, and replied: “This is the virtual number method adopted, constrain all the odd numbers that meet the conditions, you can see A”

With his explanation, Professor Wu suddenly realized, he patted the table: “It’s so ingenious, how did you think of it, genius, genius!”

Li Mo sorry laughed, Professor Wu also realized to its own lost self-control.

“You can continue reading, and I will explain the idea of the proof next to me.” Li Mo realized that without his own explanation, it would be difficult for the teacher to understand the paper in a short time, let alone give revisions. opinion.

“Look here, I used a function.”

“Ingenious, ingenious!”

“And here, just reverse the value”

“Wonderful idea. Wonderful idea.”

Li Mo’s explanation always attracts praise from Professor Wu.

Finally, under his “guidance”, Professor Wu read the whole paper.

“Teacher, is there anything that needs to be revised?” Li Mo stared at Professor Wu and asked, which was also the main purpose of his visit this time.

“Ah, revise. Revise what?” Professor Wu was still immersed in the wonderful ideas of the paper. “There is no need for revision. It is a perfect paper with rigorous logic and clear evidence. At least at my level, I can’t suggest any revisions.”

Professor Wu, as a frontline in the Chinese mathematics community Big coffee, can’t put forward revision opinions, it seems that there is no logical error in this paper, Li Mo is also relieved.

“By the way, which foreign magazine is your paper going to be published in, the American Journal of Mathematics, the Journal of the Natural Science Society, or the Annals of Mathematics.” Professor Wu asked, If Li Mo wishes, he is honored to write a letter of introduction to his Disciple.

Li Mo thought for a moment and said, “I’m going to give the exclusive publication rights of the paper to “Mathematics Monthly”.

“Mathematics Monthly?” Professor Wu said in surprise. , “Although “Mathematics Monthly” has a small reputation in China, it does not meet the grade of this paper.”

“Although the perfect odd number conjecture is not as famous as Goldbach’s conjecture and Riemann’s conjecture, it is also a good conjecture. A well-known conjecture in the history of mathematics, Euclid, Descartes, Nico Matthews and Euler have not broken it. If this proof is published in an academic journal, it will surely shock the entire mathematics community.”

The word “shocked” came out of the mouth of an old pedant like Professor Wu.

“Are you afraid that the review of foreign journals is too strict and that the paper will fail. Please rest assured, although I am not specializing in this research, but the method you used in the paper Both logic and logic are impeccable.” Professor Wu worried that Li Mo chose “Mathematics Monthly” because of the difficulty of submitting papers to well-known foreign mathematics journals.

“I have already published several papers in foreign journals. Can I be afraid of this?” Li Mo sincerely replied: “These are not the reasons why I decided to submit to “Mathematics Monthly” .”

“teacher, as you know, “Mathematics Monthly” is one of the few mathematical academic journals left in China. Every time there is an important paper, it needs to apply for reprint from a foreign magazine. The authority of paper journals is becoming less and less, and the discourse power in academia will gradually be monopolized by foreign magazines.” Li Mo said the real reason.

The level of published papers is not high, which is also the current status of domestic academic journals. Many domestic scholars write high-level papers and submit them to foreign journals.

He doesn’t expect to be able to change this situation with the strength of oneself, but at least he has to do his best.

Professor Wu was very pleased that he had such an idea, he said with a smile: “It’s very good for you to think this way, but it’s a pity for this blockbuster paper. In contrast, you It will lose a lot of popularity.”

Li Mo has never cared about the floating name of popularity, because the real reason for his scientific research is the Pajeluians who are thousands of light-years away.

He said with a straight face: “I never care about such external things. As a scientific researcher, new scientific discoveries are the greatest compliment.”

Li Mo After leaving with the paper, Professor Wu sat at his desk and recalled what he just said for a long time.

“You can’t let honest people suffer!” Professor Wu made a decision in the heart, Li Mo’s performance is too in line with honest people’s standards. He picked up the phone and dialed a number: “Old Wang, yes, I’m Lao Wu, like this, I have a student.”

After some conversation, he hung up the phone again. Picked up the phone and dialed a number: “professor liu, I’m Professor Wu”

He made more than ten consecutive calls, all of which were made to his former classmates and academic circles. famous students. There are even several who work in foreign universities. On the phone, Professor Wu recounted the matter and asked them to pay more attention after the paper was published.

For the request of the old colleague and teacher, the person on the other side of the phone naturally agreed.

Professor Wu put down the phone and muttered to himself: “Students have the country in their hearts, and teachers can’t be left behind.”

(End of this chapter)

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