
Chapter 142 The $20 million check

The yacht’s driver watched helplessly as several of them “squeeze in” “In the cab, his “driver’s seat” was also occupied by Xia Qing,

“Ai, can you teach me how to drive a boat. I can drive a car, I can drive a tank, but I haven’t driven traffic in water yet.” The tools.” Xia Qing looked at the dashboard and said with bright eyes.

The driver turned his eyes for help to Brother Hai, who turned his head slightly, as if he didn’t see it.

It has to be said that Xia Qing is very talented in driving. Under the guidance of the pilot, she soon mastered the basics of steering the boat. Of course, this driving technique is limited to sailing on the open sea.

“Hello, Xichen and I have finished talking. He invites you to come over.” Lan Yun knocked on the cab door and said.

Li Mo got up and opened the door, but Hai Ge and Xia Qing did not follow.

“It’s very good here, I want to sleep.” Hai Ge reclined on the sofa and said.

“I have to learn how to sail.” Xia Qing said.

The driver rolled his eyes helplessly.

Li Mo had to follow Lan Yun to the cabin alone.

“I’m sorry, Li Mo, I told mother about the antibody.” Seeing Li Mo, Lan XiChen said apologetically.

Li Mo knew it would be like this when Blue Cloud arrived, and there would be no big secrets between mother and son.

“It’s fine, but please Aunt to keep it a secret. This is a confidential experimental project.” Li Mo warned Lan Yun while looking at it.

Lan Yun nodded, said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I know better than you what the emergence of this medicine means.”

“XiChen wants to stay in Yan Da, I want you to persuade him. Now that his condition is under control, I am going to let him take over the foreign business.”

What kind of business does Lan Yun do, Li Mo doesn’t know , I only know that she can buy a large flat or a school district room for Lan Xichen in Yandaquan. But the scale of the business you want to do will not be too small.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mo asked: “Aunt, do you know Xichen’s ideals? He insisted on studying at Yanda University even when he learned that he was terminally ill. He likes biology, and he hopes to make achievements in the field of biology one day.”

“Of course, your business is also very important, but I think Xichen is happy to be reborn after being robbed, and he still follows his instructions below. Wish.”

Lan Yun heard this, with slightly red eyes, “Maybe my mother ignored your opinion since I was a child, thinking that I just need to give you enough material wealth.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t force you any more from today.”

“Mom” Lan XiChen’s tears rolled down.

Li Mo now knows why Hai Ge and Xia Qing didn’t come in. This mother-son relationship is so touching.

Lan Yun is a business woman and quickly adjusted her mood. He said to Li Mo: “Listen to Xichen, the antibody was specially developed by you for him. I’m really grateful to you.”

“I know that there is no shortage of young geniuses like you. Money. But scientific research and experiments are very expensive, here is 20 million US dollars, as your reward for saving Xichen.” Said, Lan Yun took out a checkbook from his bag, and wrote the number on “shua shua”. Signed. “This is Citibank’s check, which can be accepted worldwide indefinitely.”

Li Mo looked at the piece of paper she handed over, $20 million, equivalent to more than 100 million Chinese national currency , which is a huge asset even for Li Mo now.

But he gently shook the head, “I didn’t save Lan Xichen for money. If you have the heart, you can donate some money to the ALS Fund in China. Because this kind of medicine requires After a long period of clinical trials, they can only be listed on the market. Before that, they have to bear huge economic pressure.”

Lan Yun was shocked by his refusal. Lan XiChen had already told her just now that this talented youngster only came from an ordinary family. But he was able to reject his own $20 million check without the slightest hesitation.

“It turns out that there really are people of such noble character in the world.” Lan Yun thought to herself in the heart, she suddenly began to feel that she was meaningless in the shopping mall.

She said heavily, “Don’t worry, I will donate the $20 million to the ALS Fund in your name when I go back, hoping to help those who have suffered like Xichen. People.”

A certain amount of money can be meaningless, and sometimes no amount of money can buy a life. Therefore, many rich foreigners will donate a lot of funds to scientific research and medical institutions. Because they know that these scientific research institutions are the hope of human progress.

“Boss, eat.” Xia Qing knocked on the door.

Li Mo helped her bring out the food together. Today, there is a special dish, that is, roasted moray eel. This moray eel was caught by him in the sea.

The meat of moray eel is delicious, which is a rare delicacy in the sea. Due to its alert nature, it can only be fished with live bait. Moreover, the moray eel has great strength in the water and will bite off the fishing line, so it is known as the most difficult fish to catch in the sea. Fortunately, this time I was lucky, Li Mo caught one and asked the chef on the yacht to cook it for everyone to eat.

“It tastes really delicious.” Xia Qing praised while eating.

Lan Yun picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks and put it into Lan XiChen’s bowl. Mother and son looked at each other and smiled.

After the meal, Lan Yun took the initiative to undertake the scrubbing work.

A few people moved out of their chairs after dinner and went to the deck outside.

The weather was fine at night, cloudless, and countless twinkling stars filled the sky. A gentle sea breeze blows, and the yacht rips with the waves.

Don’t know where endless void is? Li Mo remembered Pajeluian’s warning, but it should be fine to observe with naked eye.

“The universe is so huge, we humans are not even as good as ants.” Xia Qing sighed while looking at the starry sky.

Hearing her sigh, Li Mo remembered the idea he had when he was a child, he said: “I once had such an idea under the stars, that is what is me and what am I? ?”

“What am I, and what am I?” Lan XiChen repeated his words. As a teenager with a high IQ, Lan XiChen clearly noticed the meaning of Li Mo’s words. real meaning.

Man, as an intelligent creature, is actually a contradictory individual. who I am? where am i from? Where am I going? This is an extremely classic three major questions of life. Countless philosophers have thought about this question, but so far there is no clear answer, because human beings, as three-dimensional creatures, cannot observe the whole picture of the phenomenon.

“Deleting any moment in my life, I can’t be who I am now.” Li Mo went on to say that whether it is victory or setback, whether it is joy or sadness, it constitutes a person’s life. A person cannot be himself without a single moment.

(End of this chapter)

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