
Chapter 137 Datian Pharmaceutical

Experiment Log

Day 1, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 The little white mouse has normal physiology, normal posture, and normal stress response.

On the second day, little white mice No. 1, 2 and 3 had normal physiology, normal posture and normal stress response.

On the third day, the little white mouse No. 1 and 2 had normal physiology, and the little white mouse No. 3 had decreased appetite and decreased activity.

On the fourth day, little white mouse No. 1 had normal physiology, and little white mouse No. 2 and No. 3 had decreased appetite and decreased activity.

On the fifth day, the little white mice 1, 2, and 3 all showed decreased appetite and decreased activity.

On the sixth day, the little white mouse No. 1, 2, and 3 had atrophy of the forelimbs, and the mobility was severely reduced.

On the tenth day, the little white mouse No. 1, 2 and 3 all atrophied all limbs and lost the ability to eat.

The performance of the first group little white mouse lifted everyone’s spirits, and their physical symptoms were exactly the same as those of ALS.

Li Mo decided to dissection in vivo immediately and conduct experiments with second group little white mouse.

Living dissection is generally done by boys because they are more rational. didn’t expect Wang Qian, the only girl in charge of dissection in this biological laboratory, skillfully fixed the little white mouse on the dissection stage while showing a sympathetic expression. “little white mouse, little white mouse, you are contributing to mankind.” There were mutter incantations in his mouth. Then the dissection knife is gently stroked.

“This girl is too powerful.” Li Mo has one’s hair stand on end next to him. Wang Qian’s skillful technique shows that she has handled a lot of animals. .

While Zhou Fang was in charge of observing the living samples, he kept adjusting the parameters of the electronic Microscope according to the data displayed in the computer.

An hour later, “BOSS, atrophic motor neurons were found in the little white mouse.” Zhou Fang walked into Li Mo’s office excitedly with the microscope data sheet.

“Sure enough, this biological toxin is the culprit of ALS.” Li Mo is now completely sure. To be completely sure, over the next few days, he had the researchers conduct groups 2 and 3 of little white mouse in vivo experiments.

As a result, these little white mice showed symptoms of ALS without exception. After dissection, it was found that their motor neuron cells were all atrophied.

The next step is to find the “antidote.”

Li Mo has already made up his mind about the search for an “antidote”. Because the essence of biological toxin is a toxic protein containing a variety of enzymes. The poisonous snake’s venom is also a toxic protein containing a variety of enzymes.

The immune system of animals is a gift from God. After animals are bitten by poisonous snake, their own immune system will produce high-priced anti-Poison Blood serum.

Why does the body not produce antibodies to “ALS biotoxin”? That is because the biological toxin itself is produced by the human body itself, and the immune system of the human body will habitually ignore this harmful toxin. Just like cancer cells, they are part of the human body and are naturally not recognized by the immune system.

Li Mo felt that he had completely figured out the pathogenic mechanism of “ALS”.

The next step is to find and extract antibodies to “Alotoxin”.

The animals generally used for antibody production are horses because of their larger size. A small number of injections of biological toxins are given to a horse, and it will produce certain antibodies. But how to find enough horses?

He thought of Brother Hai again.

So I picked up red’s mobile phone and dialed Brother Hai’s number.

“Hey, Brother Hai, I need your help with something.” Li Mo blunt said, he knew that Brother Hai’s behavior was more swift and decisive.

Brother Hai’s voice came from the phone, “I’m still helping you find biological samples from patients with ALS. What can you say?”

“The patient’s The biological samples are no longer needed, and now we need a sufficient number of immunized horses.” Li Mo felt sorry for Hai Ge repeatedly troubled.

The brother Hai on the other side of the phone was stunned, he asked in confusion, “What is an immune horse?”

Li Mo explained: “Immune horses are used to make immune antibodies. Serum horse.” He thought for a second and said, “It’s the horse that the pharmaceutical company used to make the snake Poison Blood Qing.”

The horse that made the snake Poison Blood Qing, Hai Ge understood immediately, he replied : “I’ll contact you right away, waiting for news.”

Putting down the phone, Li Mo came to the biological laboratory. He said to the researchers: “Everyone, organize all the experimental data, and then you can get off work, keeping in mind the principle of confidentiality.”

“I’m going on a business trip tomorrow, and your task is to observe the little white mouse. status and record it.”

The tasks of these laboratory researchers have been completed, and the following tasks need the cooperation of the pharmaceutical factory.

“Di Di” means red’s cell phone is ringing and Li Mo is connected.

“Tomorrow at 8 o’clock, Datian Pharmaceutical Factory in the suburbs of Beijing, I made an appointment with their boss.” Hai Ge said on the phone.

“Thank you!”

“Beep..beep..” The call was hung up.

After all the researchers left the biological laboratory, Li Mo asked Xia Qing to start protective measures. And then used the alien frozen light Microscope to make several biotoxins,

8 o’clock in the morning, Beijing suburbs, Datian Pharmaceutical Factory

Li Mo followed behind Hai Ge, beside him Xia Qing was carrying two large boxes.

“Officer Hai, welcome.” As soon as he stepped into the general manager’s office, a scholar-looking middle age person greeted him.

He said enthusiastically, “I’ll ask the secretary to make tea.”

Brother Hai waved his hand and said, “No, let me introduce you first.”

“This is Mr. Ye from Datian Pharmaceutical. Ye is always a graduate of Yan University’s Department of Biology.”

“This youngster is Researcher Li, currently studying at Yan University.”

When Mr. Ye heard that Li Mo was studying at Yanda University, the smile on his face thickened a bit. “Alumni, welcome!”

The two shook hands warmly.

“I don’t know how many of you are here. Do you need any help?” Mr. Ye asked them as he invited them to take a seat.

Li Mo did not speak, but gestured to Xia Qing with his eyes.

Xia Qing opened a suitcase, which contained an anti-eavesdropping device, and she turned on the power of the anti-eavesdropping device. Watching the indicator light above glow green, this is nodded.

Mr. Ye looked at the strange instruments in the box without showing any surprised expression. Because the above has already informed him, fully cooperate with this mysterious visitor.

It’s just that he didn’t expect this mysterious visitor to be so young and an alumnus of Yan University.

Li Mo made sure that the anti-eavesdropping device was working properly, so he said: “I came here to use your company’s equipment to make an immune antibody against a multi-enzyme toxic protein.”

“Isn’t the multi-enzyme toxic protein snake venom?” Mr. Ye thought to himself, now he understands the purpose of these people, because Datian Pharmaceutical has the most advanced snake venom antibody production technology in the country.

Nodded said: “This is no problem, our company’s snake venom antibody production equipment is the most advanced in the country and even in the world.”

“Then there is Mr. Lao, this is The second mission is a secret mission, and I hope Mr. Ye will choose some reliable candidates to complete it.” Li Mo reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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