
Chapter 108 Brochure

The convoy stopped in front of a manor-style building in the suburbs and saw the convoy approach, two The armed police on duty quickly pushed open the door. The big SUV slowly passed through the gate of the manor. Through the car window, Li Mo found that this was a super-large house.

The big SUV drove for a few minutes before it stopped in front of a two-storey building. Mr. Mian opened the door and said, “Mr. Li Mo, we are here.”

The two-storey building seems to be The ancient buildings a hundred years ago had blue tiles as the roof and logs as the pillars. The roof is covered with green moss, the road all around is paved with bluestone, and there is a rockery not far away. There are several white birds playing on the rockery. Behind the rockery is a small lake with a small pavilion standing in the middle of the lake. This beautiful environment, if it is said that it is the location of the TV series, Li Mo will believe it.

“Where is this?” he asked.

Mr. Mian looked at the time on the phone and replied: “The Thirteenth Division.”

Isn’t the Thirteenth Division affiliated to the police station? Why is it here? However, since Mr. Mian entered the manor, he put away the iconic smile on his face, showing a cautious look, and Li Mo didn’t ask much.

“My mission has also been completed.” At this time, the thin old man also got out of the car, and he took out of materials and handed them to Mr. Mian.

Mr. Mian took the material, drew a weird bird on it, and handed it back.

The thin old man looked at the “weird bird” on the material, nodded with a smile and said, “I have to go back to hand in the task, so let’s stop it.”

Mr. Mian Nodding, the thin old man said into the walkie-talkie: “The task is complete, the code name is o2.” Then he jumped into the ambulance that had been following and waved goodbye. Mr. Mian just pretended he didn’t see it, but Li Mo waved his hand in response.

After Li Mo carefully checked the surrounding environment, Mr. Mian made an invitation. Then he stepped forward a few steps, gently pushed open the door of the small building, and Li Mo then entered the small building.

After entering the small building, Li Mo realized that the inside and the outside were obviously different. The lobby on the first floor is brightly lit, and the entire row of LED lights on the roof illuminates the whole room without any dead spots. There are rows of computers in the house, and several people in black uniforms in front of the computers are constantly busy. There are also several female uniforms wearing headphones talking to the outside world, checking satellite images from time to time.

“Mr. Mian is back, is the mission going well?” Seeing the two coming in, a short-haired female in a black uniform stepped forward and asked.

Mr. Mian said with a stern face: “There was a little stubble, but it went well.”

The female uniform said softly with a smile: “Mr. is waiting for you. , let’s go.”

Mr. Mian nodded in response, then took Li Mo up the stairs.

The design style of the second floor is completely different from that of the lobby on the first floor. If the first floor is modern and fast-paced, then the second floor is an antique with a long artistic conception. The antique blue fishtail plum blossom vase, the screen of plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, and even the incense burner next to it is lit with incense. Maybe it’s authentic sandalwood, Li Mo felt refreshed immediately after smelling it.

A hair grey-white old man was working at his desk under a lamp, Li Mo only then realized that the house had no windows. Now it is daytime outside, but the inside is still pitch-dark. Only the lamp on the desk gave off a dim light.

Mr. Mian was very familiar with the layout of the room and walked to the desk with ease. Respectfully bent down and said softly, “Sir, I’m back.”

The old man stopped the pen in his hand, raised his head, looked past Mr. Mian, and looked directly at Li Mo. He smiled and said: “This youngster is the great hero of our country, Li Mo, right?”

Li Mo understood what it meant to be like a spring breeze, the old man’s eyes were like a beam of sunlight shining on On him, it made him feel warm in his heart.

Li Mo hurriedly stepped forward and said, “I don’t dare to be the hero, I am Li Mo.”

The old man waved, “Don’t stand and talk, sit down.”


Li Mo sat opposite the old man, while Mr. Mian still stood respectfully.

“I heard that there was another attack on the way back?” the old man asked in a light tone.

Mr. Mian replied with regret: “Yes, I wanted to keep the mouth alive, but they brought poison with them. Although I made them incapacitated with one shot, the poison sac in the mouth still needs to be kept alive. They lost their lives.”

The old man clapped his hands lightly and said, “This incident happened suddenly, and you are fortunate to be able to quickly relieve the situation.”

“You first Go out, Li Mo and I will chat alone.”

Mr. Mian retreated and left the room.

The old man smiled and looked at Li Mo and said, “They didn’t explain to you what happened today?”

Li Mo nods, to be honest, he has been in a state of confusion now . Seeing that he can get out of the police station soon, he was brought here.

The old man saw the confusion on his face, and looked the head said: “Mianzi is too focused on results, my order is to let him bring you back safely, he should also help you on the road. Explain.”

Mianzi, the scarred face in his forties was actually called “Mianzi” by the old man, Li Mo thought it was a bit funny.

“Now it seems that I, the old fogey, have to spend more time talking.”

“First of all, we are not a thirteenth subject here.” The old man straight to the point said.

“Not the thirteenth subject?” Li Mo asked in surprise. Mr. Mian from the police station took him out as the 13th Division. On the way, Mr. Mian also always emphasized that they were going to the 13th Division, and when they arrived at the place, Mr. Mian also solemnly vowed that this is the 13th Division. Now the old man in front of him suddenly said that this is not the thirteenth subject, which made Li Mo difficult to accept.

The old man said slowly: “The thirteenth department is only our cooperative unit. This time I asked Mianzi to use the identity of the thirteenth department to avoid attracting attention.”

“We are the Talent Protection Bureau.”

Li Mo asked suspiciously: “The Talent Protection Bureau? Is there such a unit?” He has lived in China for 18 years and has never heard of this The unit that bears this title.

Seeing his reaction, the old man laughed proudly, and then said: “We are a unit set up by the state to protect high-tech talents. It has existed since the war.”

“This is a new era, and of course we have been given new tasks.” Said the old man stood up, took out a manual and handed it to Li Mo.

Li Mo stood up and took it. The booklet was not a book published by the public but was bound like a personal collection. He opened the first page, which read:

1. Time: January 2010; Person: DHL University professor masude. Ali; Location: DHL; Method: Motorcycle bomb; Guess the culprit: M country.

2. Time: November 2020; Character: Shariari; Location: Beheshti; Method: Bomb; Guess the culprit: Country M.

3. Time January 2012; Character: Roshan; Location: DHL; Method: Car bomb; Guess the culprit: Country M.

4. Time August 2018; Character: Aziz Isbo Academician; Location: Hamas; Method: Car bomb; Guess the culprit: YSL;

On the booklet Densely packed records of assassinated scientists in the world, Li Mo flipped through the booklet with just a few pages. If the data recorded in the booklet are true, it is estimated that hundreds of scientists were killed as a result of the assassination.

The old man said with a serious expression: “There are only some well-known scientists recorded here, and there are countless young geniuses who are growing up silently but not known to the world.”

(End of this chapter)

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