I Just Won’t Play by the Book

: My Hu Han 3 is back!

   When I first came up with the book’s insights, I was very happy. I was also very happy to make settings. At least this is a setting that makes me feel very interesting.

   But at the same time it is interesting, this setting is really very difficult to write, so the speed is not fast.

   This really needs the strong support of readers, so I have the motivation to spend more time thinking and codewords.

   As the saying goes, there is motivation only when there is pressure, and it is recommended that the ticket plus update event be opened again.

  The rules are still the same. Cast the recommended votes in your hands. If the recommended votes of the day exceed 2000, then two changes will be stable, and if it exceeds 4000, then three changes!

   In addition, I will attach one more this time. Whatever you owe will be noted down, and will definitely be paid back!

   Please support this book!

   Thank you!


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