I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 621: One of the children in my free shipping area is more cold-resistant than one

Grand Harbour, Iceland.

The weather in the new world is more changeable than in the paradise. If the weather in the paradise can be felt after entering a certain sea area, then in the new world, you may not be able to feel it when you enter the sea area. Only when you are close to the island can you feel it. Know specific weather changes.

As for the sea area, the weather may be more violent.

"Hey, it's a little cold."

As the Jin Ling entered the sea, Lida on the deck hugged her arms and her body was shaking.

In front of the Golden Eagle, a huge island of ice and snow came into view.

On the ice and snow island, mixed with wind and snow, the whistling sound brought six diamond-shaped snowflake ice crystals into one palm.

"Wear more."

Clow looked at the melting snowflakes in his palms, beckoned, and a Doug navy came over beside him.

"Go, get some thick cloaks, it's really a bit cold in this broken place."

Soon, the thick cloak was brought over by the navy and draped over the shoulders of Cullo and the others.

The Jin Ling was also docked at the port of Grand Port at this time.

This island, as a town, has only this port city, so it is named after Grand Port, not an island.

There are other villages on the island, but the meeting point is in this city.

It belongs to the jurisdiction of the navy, but according to the information from Claude, this place is actually not easy to manage.

Because of the 'popularity' here.

It is said that as early as 100 years ago, this was the 'piracy production place' famous in the New World.

Because the way this island lives is 'looting'.

The way to choose a leader is to fight.

Whoever wins is the boss.

As for wisdom...

Wisdom can be a 'prophet', but never a 'leader'.

It's easy for Clow to think of the 'Viking Barbarians' in his previous life.

They are the most brave pirates. Even after the navy is under the jurisdiction, there are not a few people who go out to sea as pirates on this island.

But on the contrary, the G-3 fortress also has many brave and good fighters, and their heads are full of reckless navy.

Especially in these decades, after Karp entered the G-3, this forward direction has intensified.

There was also this part of the reason why Clow decided to bring Cass over.

A very good source of troops, it would be a pity to destroy it so rashly.

It is also better to use a more euphemistic approach.

The empty space on the side of the ship descended the stairs, and a group of navies appeared in the port in a mighty manner. The 3,000-strong navy brigade was dispatched this time, and soon the port was full.

Port, no one...

Cool and cool.

Cullo glanced around, and it was not much different from G-3. It was also a boat that had not been used for a long time, with dusty fishing nets and fishing gear harpoons.

It's been a while here, too, and no one has come to use it.


Cullo frowned as he looked at the large amount of life breath piled up in the town ahead.


Cullo took the lead and entered the town.

Of course there are shops in the town, and Clow could smell a fishy smell, but it was too light.

The empty stalls on both sides of the street were supposed to be filled with fish from the sea, but now I can't see a single bit of blood, only a little fishy smell lingers.

Other than that, there are only a few stalls with some berries and wild vegetables, but not much.

In the square in front, a group of people gathered there, kneeling on the ground, with their hands on their thighs, forming a circle, their eyes closed and their heads lowered.

I don't even know what it's doing.

Most of these people are scantily clad, of course, not poor.

It is the custom of Grand Harbor. They are naturally cold-resistant and are a 'warrior' family. They are known for their bravery. The way to keep out of the cold is to hunt an animal by themselves, use it as a cloak or a scarf, and then women wear very thin clothes. The commoner, men, basically don't wear half of the body, or just tie a belt to carry weapons.

This degree of cold resistance is comparable to the children of the big package post area in the previous life.

Hearing the footsteps of the crowd, some of these kneeling people opened their eyes, glanced over there, and then continued to close their eyes as if nothing had happened.

Cullo led the people to the front of these people. After stopping, he glanced at them. Among the crowd, he found some people wearing navy uniforms, but also kneeling and closing their eyes.

"Hey, get up."

Clow walked over and kicked a caped navy in the lead.


The navy's voice said, "Don't interrupt my confession and atonement."

"Atonement? Atonement for what?" Clow asked, squinting.

"I'm repenting for my sins by killing indiscriminately for my own lack of desire, and killing life for my own narrow standpoint." The navy said lightly without opening his eyes.

In response, Cullo didn't speak, and waved, "Cass."


Cass stood up and said, "Mr. Clow!"

"You will solve it."

Unsurprisingly, all the people here were 'assimilated', including his colleagues.

Hearing this, Cass nodded and walked to the navy first~www.readwn.com~ said solemnly: "Why do you think this is a sin?"

"Because killing is a sin, no one has the right to deprive other people of their lives, no matter what position he stands on." The navy still closed his eyes and said lightly: "The Holy Lady is right, we are born with Guilty, so repentance is needed, and only then can true peace be found."

Penance, Atonement, and the Holy Maiden...

have to.

Cullo smacked his lips and said, "The ability is getting more and more proficient..."

From peace, to ease, to now repentance and the like...

This is a triple jump of ability, which means that the user of this ability must be more and more proficient in ability.

However, where did such a person come from, he had never heard of it.


Just when Clow thought so, Cass suddenly shouted loudly, and that voice had an inexplicable sense of justice, which made the navy open his eyes.

Some of the people near him also opened their eyes and stared at Cass silently.

"Peace is not something that can be obtained by repentance!"

Cass said loudly: "What we need to repent is why we can't protect civilians in a timely manner! What we need to repent is why we can't become stronger, why can't we fight better against pirates! Every colleague who dies, every civilian who dies. , every time we see a village destroyed, it is worth our repentance! The duty of the navy is to fight pirates and protect civilians! Your self-repentance, you can't protect anything, it will only make those evils who don't want to repent more and more The more rampant!"

Standing in front of the 3,000 Greg Navy Brigade, aiming at the people who formed a circle, Cass stared, and the white air was entangled in it, mixing with the 3,000 people, forming a rich white air. The fog spreads around.

"Wake up!"

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