"Oh! The Golden Dragon!" Cass was inexplicably excited: "I understand, Mr. Clow!"

You understand something, you understand it all day long.

Cullo rolled his eyes, too lazy to see Cass being excited, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, take me to the office to have a look, everyone else will find a position on the boat if they are all right, Cass, you come and deploy your navy team. ."

"Mr. Clow, please follow me, your ship's residence is there." Wilbur pointed to the largest fort in the fort group.

There, it's Clow's place.

At the top of the fort was Cullo's own room, with only one floor and one room, the largest and the highest.

On the lower floor, is Clow's office.

The office is also very large. On a golden chair covered with soft blankets is a huge square desk. In front of the desk are two large sofas. There is a coffee table in front of the sofa. is very gorgeous.

And at the door, there is also a pair of naval flags, erected there.

As for the lower part, although there is a room, it has not yet been decided, and it is all blank.

When Wilbur was supervising the construction of this ship, he only considered Clow, and no one else considered it.

"Well, in this big fortress, choose your own office, but if you have a room, you can go to other fortresses."

After Cullo finished visiting his room and office, he sat down on the golden chair, shifted his butt, then leaned back and sat there comfortably.

I have to mention that although this ship is very high profile, I have to say...

Very fragrant.

They are all high-quality materials, and the feeling of dressing can be compared with that of Mary Joa.

"Eh? Don't you live in one piece?" Lida was a little disappointed.

"Why are you disappointed, I didn't live with you before, go and choose your own room." Cullo rolled his eyes.

"Well, in that room, I want the fort next door to you."

Lida muttered: "If the office is on the next floor."

"Whatever you want, let Wilbur know if you need it." Crow said: "Crow, you also need to get acquainted."

"Yes, Mr. Clow, I will do it." Wilbur nodded.

Mr. Clow still has something for him to do, which means that he has not lost his trust.


"Then now..."

Cullo crossed Erlang's legs, propped his chin with one hand, and pressed the other hand on the golden sculpture armrest of the seat.


Outside, the huge golden scorpion suddenly rose from the sea, causing a splash of sea water.

"Fly, fly!"

The nearby navy raised their heads one by one, looking surprised.

"Lieutenant General, Lieutenant General, this ship is flying!"

The nearby navy started to report in panic.

"Don't get excited, it's normal."

That lieutenant general was the flying squirrel.

He raised his head and glanced at the ship that was gradually flying high in the sky, and said, "It's Lieutenant General Jin Li's ship. It's normal to fly. As a navy, you have to be calm in everything you encounter, otherwise you will be easily seen by the enemy. of."

"Yes, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!" The navy was stunned for a moment and saluted.


Flying Squirrel shook his head and said, "That's an exaggeration, Cullo, for such a big ship, if it flies, it flies."

However, it is not surprising.

His strength is obvious to all within the navy.

The ship ascended to the sky, gradually reached out of their sight, reached the clouds, and began to sail.

Under the control of Cullo's ability, the ship flew directly towards the red soil continent.

Inside the Jin Ling, there are 3,000 Greg navy teams that control the ships. Although there is no need to control the ships now, the navigation at this time does not depend on them, but on the ability of Cullo itself, but The preparations are to be done.

As for the others, they have already gone to choose their own offices and rooms.


In the huge office, Cullo stared at the floor-to-ceiling windows at the front, and in that direction, he could see everything outside.

He moved his fingers unconsciously, and steered the Jin Ling to sail in the air. He sighed, "I'm like this, what's the difference between that old guy and Shi Kee, but if he can fly all the time, it's not bad."

Flying in the sky, then there are no pirates.

No matter how conspicuous the boat is, it can be seen by others.

But this kind of thing...

There is no need.

Well, the boat is for sailing. He uses his ability to fly in the sky all day long, and he is still sailing in the fart sea. He can't see others, and no one can see him.

After all, he's still a navy.


On the other end of the Red Earth Continent, opposite the New World.

"Boys, we're back!"

On the sea, a coated pirate ship bubbled from the sea and floated to the surface.

The ship is huge, but it's a little tattered overall.

On the deck, a rough man in a captain's hat held a knife in one hand and shouted to the sky.


In front of him, a group of pirates raised their arms and shouted wildly.

"Finally out of that hell!"

A pirate wept with joy, "I don't want to go to that ghostly place in the new world, it's better to be a paradise!"

"Yes, it's still a paradise!"

The captain showed a wicked smile: "New World, we will never go there again, we can just loot in Paradise in the future, we can't go to that place, but we survived, and when we go to Paradise, we will definitely have a very broad prospect. !"

The new world is **** for them.

It is very lucky to be able to come back alive~www.readwn.com~.

But as long as he comes back, with the domineering level he has experienced in the new world, he can of course fight the pirates here casually.

Even the navy, he is not afraid!

"Let's take a rest, then find a town to loot and announce our return!" The captain laughed.


Just as the pirates cheered, a shadow suddenly appeared above their heads.

A pirate looked up and was stunned. Above that, a huge golden light was falling.

"The sun, has it set?" The pirate murmured subconsciously.

But soon, he reacted and exclaimed: "Something has fallen!"

A group of pirates looked up at this time and looked at the golden object falling from the side.


The object fell on the sea, and a big wave rolled up, hitting the pirate ship, almost knocking the ship upside down. The ship was pushed far away by the waves, so that it could stand on the sea surface without being overturned. in the water.

"What it is!"

The captain got up from the deck, straightened his captain's hat, and looked in that direction.

With just one glance, he froze on the spot, staring blankly ahead.

The golden object gradually revealed its shape for these pirates to see.

"Gold! It's gold, Captain! That's a golden ship!" a pirate shouted.

"Oh! A lot of gold, so shiny!"

"Golden boat, is it a legend?! I heard that the sea sometimes falls from the sky to the boat, but I didn't expect the golden boat to fall!"

"Golden boat..."

The captain murmured, with a smile on his face, his eyes full of greed, "It's a treasure! Little ones, lean over, let's go to that ship!"

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