I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Let's give it back to Smoke

As the golden ship got closer, Clow saw it more clearly.

This ship is quite big.

Those fortresses, as well as the broad front and rear decks, looked like small islands.

Ordinary warships, even at the level of large warships, would not be so outrageous.

In fact, according to common sense, pirates' ships are generally smaller than warships, because pirates are themselves fast, convenient, and easy to attack.

But that's common sense.

It is precisely this that the world is unreasonable.

Some pirates ship, that is a big exaggeration, and it is very fast.

Find someone to reason with.


Cullo was still watching the ship when he suddenly saw a small figure waving at him above the bow sculpture.

"Hey, Clow!"

Lida stood on it and waved at Clow.


Clow frowned, then looked elsewhere.

Chloe, Cass, Wilbur, Iron, Binz, Donald, Kikyo, Sazir, Fanny, his subordinates are all there, and behind them, there are some Dougreg's navy, and again Look at the breath, the fortress is full of the breath of Dougreg's naval brigade.

Why, his entire family is on this boat?

The ship was docked at the port, and when he was closest, Cullo saw the huge size of the ship, and the sculpture on the bow made Cullo feel very small in comparison.


Lida jumped off the sculpture and landed firmly in front of Cullo. She pointed at the boat excitedly and said, "Golden, very cool!"

"I know it's cool, but what are you doing on Smoker's ship?" Clow asked.


Lida tilted her head, "What Smoker? Smoker is in G-5, this is your ship."

"Hurry up, get off the Smoker boat."

Cullo didn't seem to hear Lida's words behind him, and said, "Smog is in G-5, he must have a mission. When he comes back and picks up the boat by himself, it would be impolite for you to drive his boat, and we are not without a boat. "

He walked over mechanically, and then pointed to the big warship next to the port, which was like an adult and a child compared to this golden ship, "This is my ship, let's get on this ship, just this one. ."


There were a few more question marks on Lida's head, and she said, "I said this ship is..."

"Ah... I see, this ship is a bit different, then this one is fine, this one, can't be changed anymore, this one is my ship!"

Clow pointed to a ship with a spider pattern on the side, which was slightly larger than a large warship.

"That's the ship of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider." Lida lowered her eyes and said expressionlessly.

"Yeah, I saw it wrong, then I saw it wrong."

Cullo repeatedly pointed to the ship like a mechanical action. He pointed to another ship and said, "This one, this is the one, it can't be changed anymore, let's just use this one."

By the way, the app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] caches reading and reads it offline!

You're like a child messing around for things.

The corners of Lida's mouth twitched for a while, and she continued to say expressionlessly: "That ship seems to belong to Lieutenant General Stellas."

"What are you doing, Lida!"

Clow grinned at her, "Why are you preventing me from finding the ship! Be obedient, return this golden ship to Smoker and find our own ship."

"Mr. Clow..."

At this moment, a weak voice sounded next to him, it was Crow.

Clow's subordinates walked down the stairs that had already been lowered from the side of the ship.


At the speed at which the mentally retarded wearing glasses could not see clearly, Cullo grabbed Crow's collar like a thunderbolt, carried him in front of him, panting and threatening:

"Clue! You tell me, as a navy, you should be more upright, and you can't ignore anything if you can't see it, right?!"

Looking at Clow's bloodshot eyes, Clow swallowed and nodded subconsciously, "Yes, Mr. Clow."

"That's good."

Chloe let go of Chloe and said to Lida with a smile: "So, Lida, don't think about this ship, let's give it back to Smog."

Lida remained expressionless.

"Okay, okay, that's it, one day, I'll call Smoker and lend you a day to play."

Cullo stretched out a finger like pampering, and said helplessly: "Just one day, one day is enough to play with you, Smog is my good friend, this ship is expensive to build, we can't Stealing his stuff, it's not authentic."

Are you robbing Smoker enough yet?

Lida rolled her eyes, then continued her expressionless face.

"Ah, three days, three days, no more, this is my concession to you, three days, well, that's it, I'll call Smog and tell him to pay him back in three days. ."

Saying that, Clow opened the watch phone bug on his wrist and prepared to make a call.

"Mr. Clow!"

At this moment, Wilbur stepped out of the crowd and said excitedly: "This is your boat! I did everything you ordered me to do!"

These words caused a group of blue veins to appear on Cullo's forehead.

He stared at Wilbur with a murderous look, then took a deep breath and forced himself to speak normally.

"How did I order it? Who told you what I said?"

"It's Miss Kikyo..."

Looking at Clow's expression, Wilbur thought he was dissatisfied, and lowered his head in shame, "I'm sorry, Mr. Clow, I couldn't achieve the effect you wanted, but this is my best effort."

The effect I want?

This extra bling is the effect I want? !

"How did Kikyo relay it." His voice began to tremble.

"Miss Kikyo said that the boat should be unusual, eye-catching, and good materials." Wilbur said honestly.


Clow almost didn't take a breath.

Why does Kikyo spread the word? !


I'm not giving it to Lida...


Cullo glared at Lida, "What the **** did you pass on?!"

"I passed it on..."

Lida was frightened by Cullo's eyes and took a step back, where she felt wronged, "I passed it on, Cullo."


Can Kikyo misheard men and women? !

"Kiankyo! What did you say at that time!" Cullo yelled at Kikyo.

"Ah? Do you want to make assorted candy?"

Kikyo was stunned for a moment~www.readwn.com~ and said, "I know, I'll do it later."

"I'm not... ah, forget it!"

Kuro pinched his brows with a headache.

"This ship..."

He looked at the ship that could almost blind him, pursed his lips, and placed his right hand on the handle of the knife subconsciously.

"Mr. Clow!"

At this moment, Cass pulled Wilbur to stand in front of Clow again, bowed his head and said:

"I know Wilbur didn't do well and didn't satisfy you, but please give him a chance! He will do better, I promise! Everyone has a transformation from bad to good , this is what you taught! Wilbur, he, he must be able to transform to the point where you are satisfied!"

Wilbur also lowered his head, and his whole person was about to dim.

Mr. Clow's expression was obviously extremely dissatisfied.

But there is nothing he can do, he has really tried his best.

Looking at Wilbur's gloomy appearance, Clow bared his teeth and sighed helplessly.

He let go of his hand, patted Wilbur's shoulder, and said, "Don't think too much, you've done a good job, but... um, there are some problems with the words passed."

Wilbur, a subordinate who is more reliable in doing things, he can't hurt his subordinate's heart because of his own mentality. After all, they did not make any mistakes and did it according to the requirements he heard.

He Cullo is not an unreasonable person.

This should be mainly due to Lida's problem.

Curse Lida?

That aggrieved look made me angry, and I lost my heart to scold.

Calling Kikyo?

She has to understand.

scolding Chloe...


Let's get started directly!

Chloe suddenly shuddered, and inexplicably had a bad premonition...

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