Chapter 572 Wilbur Kills the Quartet


"Mr. Clow wants the best materials to make a ship! Hurry up and list the best materials!"

"What?! You ask me who Mr. Clow is?! Russuru Clow! The direct subordinate of General Kizaru, Lieutenant General Jin Ling, the general candidate, defeated the Golden Lion, Redfield, Bundy Ward's Man, you don't even know him!"

Wilbur ran to tell him.

"Hey, this navy, do you know Lucy Cullo? Lieutenant General Jin Li, he wants to get a ship, the best materials, the most aggressive ship, can you find a good designer? If you If you find it, Mr. Clow will not treat you badly!"

"Who am I? I'm Wilbur! [Big gun] Wilbur, a little colonel under Mr. Clow, but don't underestimate me, I will become Mr. Clow's spear sooner or later. Man! Now Mr. Clow has entrusted me with a heavy responsibility, and my words represent Mr. Clow's demands!"

"Hello, I'm Lieutenant General Jin Li's subordinate. Lieutenant Lieutenant Jin Li is going to build the ship. Do you have any channels? As long as the ship is successfully completed and Mr. Clow is satisfied, then he will definitely not treat you badly. I Wilbur is willing to accept you as a subordinate."

"What? Are you a major general? Do you want to join Mr. Clow's command? I can't guarantee this, but I'm willing to ask for you."

Wilbur killed the Quartet.

The entire headquarters made a mess for him.

Mr. Clow wants a good ship, this is a big thing, and Wilbur wants to do it seriously.

Then he discovered that the materials that the headquarters could provide could not meet the standard in Wilbur's mind. Even if all the materials were used, it was only slightly higher than other lieutenant-general ships.

How can that be!

Mr. Clow wants the best materials!

But if you can't do it yourself

Then save your face and ask for help from your navy colleagues!

From the ordinary navy to the high-level navy, everyone knew that Cullo wanted to be a lieutenant admiral ship with huge materials, good style and handsome style.

But there is a way for ordinary navies to just listen to them, but some middle tiers are different.

Especially the marginalized people who know the current faction division of the navy and have no factions themselves.

In their eyes, this is not about building a ship, it's about recruiting subordinates through the ship's business.

Some marginalized people want to live their own lives of one-third of an acre, but they are willing to deal with Cullo, the Prince of the Yellow Monkey Sect, who must be a general in the future, and have contributed their treasures one after another.

And some marginal generals, who want to defect to Cullo's command, are naturally more enthusiastic.

The rich contributed the money, and the powerful ones, who had nothing and did not want to offend anyone, simply joined the army of messengers. In just a few days, the entire navy headquarters knew all about it.

Good ship.

That is to say, that Lieutenant General Jin Ling is about to show his edge in the new world.

After all, the ship is the same as the pirate ship of the pirates. It is unique and represents the philosophy of a navy.

Entering the New World with such a ship is a sign of wrestling with the pirates of the New World.

When it comes to the face of the navy, they will naturally help.

Even so, the news reached the general's side.

"Oh~ Kuro, have you changed your mind?"

Kizuna thoughtfully picked up the phone and dialed the number.

Mary Joa.

"What fun things have happened recently? It's so boring."

In the Tianlong people's residence, Charles Ross, who looked like an idiot, shook the red wine and said to the subordinate who was standing by: "Is the martial law in Chambord not over yet? Brother Cullo, why doesn't he contact me?"

If he ignored his runny nose, he might be an elegant person.

"Saint Charles Rose, Lieutenant General Jin Li has been transferred to the new world. Now Colonel Zhan Taomaru is guarding the Chambord. There is no news yet. Whether the martial law is lifted in Chambord, I don't know yet, but some things happened before. It's a matter, the Straw Hats. They appeared in Chambord before and were chased away by Lieutenant General Jin Li." The man in black replied honestly.

"Eh?! That hateful straw hat! How can it be repaired, it's still alive, no, I'm going to tell the Five Old Stars to catch them and kill them!"

When Charles Ross thought of the punch he was hit back then, he gritted his teeth.

"Brother Cullo went to the new world? It's a pity I couldn't say goodbye to him. He is an interesting and loyal person, and he respects me very much. Well, there is no gift for him. Does he want a slave?"

This made a layer of sweat appear on the face of the man in black.

Although he is the guardian of the Tianlong people, he is not stupid.

Now who doesn't know that the man hates slavery the most. Back then, during the martial law period in Chambord, a large number of slaves were released, and it was legal and just, you still want to give him slaves?

You will be fine, but the person who sent it is hard to say.

In a hurry, the man in black thought of the recent rumors and said, "Lieutenant General Jin Li seems to be going to be a ship in the headquarters recently, the best and largest ship, if Charles Rose has something proposed in this regard, Presumably he will be grateful."

"Ship? Ship?"

Charles Ross thought for a while and said, "Speaking of this, is there anything I can give him?"

"Saint Charles, you bought a piece of 'Adam' wood a few years ago and planned to use it as a wooden boat to swim in the lake, but you thought it was too big, and it was useless later." The man in black reminded .

"Do I have this thing?" Charles Ross thought for a while and said.

"Yes, you have." The man in black said.

That was the auction a few years ago, and he was there at the time. The auction produced the wood of a treasure tree [Adam], and he took it to St. Charles Rose, but he later felt that he could not make a wooden boat, so he put it there went.

The material of Baoshu, just want to be a wooden boat for swimming in the lake?

Think it's too big and hate it?

Ruthless things!

"Forget If that thing is useful, you can find it and give it to Brother Cullo."

Charles Ross said, and thought about it again: "But it's not enough. What's the use of a broken piece of wood, it's better to send some gold, you can send some gold to Brother Cullo."

"Yes, I understand, I will definitely bring it."

The man in black breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the treasure tree Adam is precious, and the amount of gold sent by Charles Ross is definitely not small, it is nothing to the Tianlong people.

Better than sending slaves.

If you really want to send the slave over, he probably will be sent away too.

It seems that his ex didn't survive because he offended the man.

Although it wasn't the man who did it himself, it was even more terrifying because he couldn't find the handle.

That kind of person, just let him fight the stinky pirates in the new world, don't come to the first half, and don't come to Chambord and Mary Joa, otherwise the Tianlong people may be fine, but their subordinates may not be alive. All right.

(End of this chapter)

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