Sharp stared blankly at Soros with a complicated expression.

"That's it!"

A man with a wooden knife stood in front of Sharp and said, "Mr. Sharp, I was also saved by you, no matter what kind of mentality you had at the time, but being saved by you is a fact, I don't admire you as much as Soros, But I know how to be grateful."

He clenched the wooden knife tightly, as if he was holding some magical weapon, giving him infinite power.

"Yes, Mr. Sharp, no matter what that person said, this year, it was you who encouraged us. We have been in a daze for the past few years. Only when you were there last year did we have a little hope."

Another person stood up and stood in front of Sharp, "No matter what others say, here, you are our hero!"

Three, four, five...

One by one, they came out and stood in front of Sharp, their eyes firmly facing the person opposite.

"It seems that we can't talk."

George shook his head and sneered: "You can fight us even if you hold wood? Little ones, arrest this group of slaves!"

The remaining pirates drank and rushed to face the slaves.

The battle continues.

They have fought before.

Although this group of slaves said that they did not have good weapons, they had survived in this primeval forest for a long time, and their physique was not weak.

The people like George are pirates who have been on the great route for a long time, and their fighting awareness is not bad. They fight endlessly. With their weapons, they even have the upper hand.

"Too slow, too slow."

Morrow shook his head and said to Massey, "Hey, Navy, you guys should also go up and help."

"But they're pirates..." Marcy said hesitantly.

"What's wrong with the pirates, you have delayed Saint Charles Rose, can you afford it!" Morrow shouted.

"I...I know..."

Marcy gritted his teeth and waved his hand, "Come on, help them catch those slaves."

"However, Colonel Marcy, we have already disobeyed Major General Clow's orders. It would not be good to help the pirates." A lieutenant hesitated.

"I'm your boss!"

Marcy shouted: "Now, obey the order, go and help them take down those slaves!"

The ghost likes to stay under the command of Cullo, who doesn't follow the rules at all. That guy can do whatever he wants, but he can't do it.

It took him so many years to climb to the colonel, and he didn't want to play with that lunatic. If he could hug the Tianlong people's thighs, after this incident, he could be transferred to a good place, and maybe he could be promoted. Woolen cloth.

"Yes, Colonel Marcy."

In the face of Marcy's anger, the lieutenant could only listen to the order, and led people to join the pirates' battle line to fight against the slaves with the pirates.

Originally, the pirates had the upper hand in fighting these slaves, but as soon as the navy joined, the battle became even more one-sided.

"How can it be repaired!"

Soros, who was seriously injured in his arm, pushed the wooden spear forward and overturned a pirate, but was quickly bullied by another pirate, and a knife cut his injured shoulder, Soros stepped back, and the wooden spear was pushed up again, poking the pirate over.

Among the slaves present, this one named Soros is obviously the strongest.

George raised his gun in the crowd, aimed it at the boy and was about to pull the trigger.


Suddenly, a figure bumped over, knocking George into a stagger, and a little blood dripped from his nose.


He took a few steps back, covered his nose, looked at the determined man in shock, and shouted, "Are you crazy!"

"Captain, stop it!"

Seeing George bleeding, Sharp looked a little unbearable. He opened his mouth and still persuaded: "I won't get on the boat anymore, captain, look at my face and spare them!"

"You think it's my call?"

George's face darkened, "Also, do you think you are a big man! You know how your bounty came from, don't use this preaching tone to talk to me!"

As he said that, he put the gun back on his waist, and threw himself up to fight Sharp.

"Don't want to get on the boat? Then don't get on the boat! Do you think I really think you are a crew member?"

He punched Sharp in the face, knocked him back, and shouted, "I just did a stupid thing when I was drunk, and the bounty is higher than mine! I can't forgive it, I can't forgive it! "


Being hit by a punch, Sharp wanted to fight back, but George's words made his body stiff.


Then, he was knocked over again by a punch from George who rushed over. George rode on him and attacked him violently with punch after punch.

"What 'Explosive Envoy'! What a reward of more than 100 million yuan! I only have more than 20 million yuan! You were on the ship back then, and your reputation was higher than mine! I am very jealous, I am very jealous!"

Watching Sharp gradually lose his mind, George took out the pistol at his waist, aimed it between his eyebrows, and grinned: "Did you think I would really pick you up at that time? No, if you weren't caught by the navy at that time, you would end up in the end. You will only starve to death on that island! That island is an isolated island with no shipping routes around, and in the end, you will die there."

"In the end, you were caught by the navy. I thought it was over, but you contacted me again last year. I was going to rush to Chambord again, thinking of using your name to recruit some powerful marines. Thief, and then find a chance to drop you again."

"But what I didn't expect was that the navy here started to investigate. I can only use you first. I don't know that you are still so stupid. I tell you the truth, Alex Sharp, you are in my eyes. It's just a one-time fuel! When it's used up, you're useless! All heroes and big pirates are fake, they're all lies, and I'll expose the true face of you, a liar!"

With that said, George was about to pull the trigger.

"Lord Sharp!"

Suddenly, a loud roar came from behind him, and Soros broke away from the fight, rammed straight at George, and knocked him off Sharp's body.

"Master Sharp, don't be tempted by that man, you have always been the best!"

Soros exclaimed: "It was you who told me the wonders of the sea, and it was you who taught us how to survive better. Did you forget, before you came, what kind of life we ​​lived in those years!"

"Master Alex Sharp! My name is Soros, the child you saved six years ago!"

"Ah... have I rescued it? Forget it, in short, thank you for taking me away from the navy's pursuit. This is... Area 0."

"Where do you live? Have you been crowded in this tree hole for six years? Alchiman mangroves can produce good bubbles. Why don't you collect some materials to build a tree house, so that you will live more comfortably? ."

"What? You don't have any contact with those companions? That's not good, I tell you, whether it's sailing at sea or surviving on land, companions are very important. Well... let me try, don't you say Am I very prestigious, let me help you, and treat it as your revenge for saving me."

"The sea? The sea is very beautiful, hahahaha, when there is a chance in the future, I, Alex Sharp, will take you to the sea, but now what you want is to exercise, especially you Soros, look at you, you are all thin What is it like, if you don't exercise well, you are not qualified to go out to sea with me."

The picture is vivid, Soros clenched the spear in one hand and shouted at Sharp: "Alex Sharp, aren't you going to take me to sea!!"

These words made Sharp suddenly quiver in despair, and his gray eyes showed a slight fluctuation. He wiped the blood on his face and straightened half body, "I want to take you out to sea..."

"Yeah! You're taking me, taking us out to sea! That pirate is nothing special! You are the most remarkable! If there is any captain, you are the captain! Cheer up, captain! We are now... .But in a crisis!!" Soros shouted.

Sharp stared blankly at Soros, and then turned to look at the slaves who were entangled with the navy and pirates and gradually retreated. No matter men, women, or children, they were all holding weapons. Not a single one showed fear.

They are actually weak, they are not strong.

It is because of my own suggestion that I have been trained within this year, and now I can have such a scale of resistance.

It's his credit.

These people are all his credit.

He can also...


The sound of the gunshots drowned out the fierce battle, and at this moment, the air was almost still.

Soros immediately turned his head and looked at the phantom that the projectile had turned into, and was stunned on the spot.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of him.

Sharp opened his hands and faced Soros, allowing the bullet to penetrate his back heart, smearing blood red in the heart.


Soros stared blankly at Sharp, his lips trembling.

Sharp smiled at him, and leaned forward, leaning on Soros's shoulder.

"Soros...sorry, I'm really not the hero you think it is."

"No, Lord Sharp, you are, you will always be." Soros let go of the wooden gun subconsciously, held Sharp with his trembling hand, and tears fell, "Lord Sharp..."

"Do not talk..."

Sharp smiled slightly, "I, it's really impossible... Soros, I thank you very much. Actually... I'm very I saved you seven years ago, it was just done by chance, I was at that time. ... not thinking like that."

"When I couldn't get in touch with the captain, I thought that I would just die like this... It was you, you, who gave me the motivation at the time, I deceived you and made you all come here. .. even now, I still want to go back to the captain."

"But, you say I'm a hero..."

"Heroes are sacrificed..."

He struggled to straighten up, stretched out his **** hand, and touched Soros's hand, "It's up to you to replace my will."

"I'm not qualified to carry such a heavy thing on my back, but your words... you can, Soros, you are better than me, if, if I were your hero..."

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and smiled at Soros: "The hero, at least do something heroic. Although it doesn't look shocking, it's the best thing I can do to block bullets for you."

"I... just an unknown person, a small person, I can do a big thing I am willing to do in this life, I am very satisfied..."

"People like me can also be useful..."

He bared his teeth, his eyes suddenly widened, and he pushed Soros back with all his might, "Run! Then, let's go to sea!!"

The moment he pushed Soros away, his body fell back and fell to the ground. The hand left Soros's body and stretched towards the sky.

"Hey, little Sharp, what kind of person do you want to be in the future."

"Me? Huh? I want to be a hero!"

The child with a runny nose said with a look of longing.

"That...can be considered a hero."

With a smile, he fell heavily to the ground, no longer making a sound.

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