I Just Want to Die

Chapter 532: Let's go home from 1 (10)

As the battle continued, the enemy not only did not decrease, but more and more. The enemy's follow-up troops had already caught up. A Jin glanced at it roughly, and the enemy was about five times as many as theirs.

Sophisticated weapons, sufficient materials, absolute superiority in the air, on their side, backward weapons, food that can only feed the hunger, there is not a single plane, and some are only explosive packs and grenades.

But even so, every soldier sees death as home without fear. When the tank comes up, he will explode with explosives. The enemy will climb up and hit them with bullets and rocks. All the methods that can be used must be used to destroy them. Hit it!

The hygienist found a few trees in the ravine for shelter and temporarily built a treatment room. The cooking team picked up the pots and bowls and set up the machine guns, and the constant vomiting of flames shot down the sprinting enemy again.

After a round, more than a dozen corpses were left on the mountain. The wise commander saw that things were not going well. Although this team was obviously no better than their own long guns and cannons, they were as difficult to chew as other volunteers. He quickly Contacted the Air Force colonel to explain the situation and request support.

Snow fell in the sky at this time, the wind and snow gradually increased, and the visibility in the air was reduced, which would inevitably delay the speed of air force support.

"Oh! This **** weather!" the commander cursed.

A Jin took advantage of the gap and ran to the temporary treatment room: "How is the situation?"

"Company commander, everyone is fine, only a few people have suffered minor injuries."

A Jin nodded: "It's okay."

The few people who were bandaging saw Ah Jin hurriedly left, and the movements of his subordinates couldn't help speeding up.

"Although this Yankee has good weapons, they are really bad at marksmanship. If it weren't for my carelessness, it would be impossible to get this injury."

"No, I think they usually eat too well!"

"Hey! Did you see Squad Leader 6's grenade just now? Such a long distance! Hey! It's really amazing! Just one word, cow!"

"True cow!"

The soldier said that he raised a thumb with his uninjured arm, and a few people chatted and hurriedly wrapped up and went back.

There was not much time left for everyone to rest, and the next round of attacks was launched in the wind and snow.

This time the U.S. military is preparing to construct a blockade network with alternating light and heavy firepower in an attempt to block the volunteers on the Dead Eagle Ridge. The dense bullets and shells exploded on the Dead Eagle Ridge like rain, exploding the fortifications they built. Eight fall.

"Too much bullying!"

A Jin ordered the people to fully fire and prepare their only two mortars and a heavy machine gun. When the enemy wanted to seize the high ground, they opened fire together, knocked them off guard, and dropped their bodies again. Retracted back.

Seeing that the U.S. military commander was unfavorable again, his heart became more anxious, and he only hoped that the snow would stop soon.

"At present, only air strikes can kill them all at once! Before that, do everything possible to consume their supplies!"

The commander clearly knew the weakness of the volunteer army. Although his own ammunition was not replenished in time, he believed that as long as he could be dragged to the air for support, he could win the war.

The third round of the attack was led by two tanks and bombarded the volunteer positions.

A Jin sent a blasting team to blow up these tanks under the cover of heavy machine guns.

Perhaps the first two rounds of attacks were too fierce, or perhaps the previous battles left a serious psychological shadow on the U.S. military. As long as the heavy machine guns began to fire, the pace of the U.S. military would be scared, and they were reluctant to attack even if they were covered by tanks. , It's just that everyone who cares for each has found obstacles to avoid.

Under the cover of heavy machine guns, the blasting team was surprisingly smooth, and it only took about half an hour to blow up the two tanks successfully.

Upon seeing this, the U.S. commander hurriedly ordered a suspension of the offensive, only to retreat to the temporary defensive circle on the road again, and he kept contacting officers from all walks of life to request support.

It is a pity that apart from the Air Force, the planes can still be drawn out. The other troops are entangled by the volunteers. There are no extra troops to send. This commander has been frustrated. One morning has passed. They have nothing but sacrificed dozens of soldiers. Any progress.

"I don't care where you find someone from, anyway, I must send someone to come over, this is an order!"

The person on the other end of the call was really helpless. He thought for a long time, so he had to regroup some of the stragglers gathered on his hand to form a new force, led by a captain to Death Eagle Ridge to support them.

This captain has a small reputation in the army, and he is considered highly regarded by the leaders. Now he is in charge of a new army. Although he has only one hundred and ten manpower, he is also not a small official. He can't help but become a little proud. Plan a bright future again.

However, the reality is always cruel. The army under his hand is just a pile of scattered sand. Just halfway through the journey, they were ambushed by volunteers. It only took a few minutes to go from heaven to hell, and they were captured.

The time came in the afternoon, during which they had fought a few more times. Without exception, all the US forces failed. The US military commander shouted evil. No matter how bad the fight this time, no tactics worked. He has urged the Air Force aircraft countless times. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com can only blame the **** weather that has kept going down.

The volunteers don’t care about evil or evil. They only know that the fight this time is really cool. The enemy has no backhands. One is better than the other. The brothers have also suffered some injuries. The most serious one is that they were beaten to the leg and bandaged. Fortunately, continue to shoot without delay.

While the enemy was resting, everyone ate dry food in the snow. The temperature rose in the afternoon at any time, the snowflakes gradually became scarce, the sky cleared, and everyone's mood gradually became heavier. They all knew what it meant.

"Watch out!"

The US military plane is coming!

First they started flying at low altitude and started frantically shooting. The ground was hit by the powerful bullets and bunches of mud and snow flew up. Then they threw bombs and incendiary bombs at the semi-circular high ground. The soldiers could only go to their side. Drilling in the snow, fortunately there was enough snow lurking a few days ago. With the continuous sound of explosions, the entire highland has been plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

After the bombing, only sharp tinnitus remained in A Jin's ears, and she kept counting the number of people.

"All right!?"

"Class One is fine!"

"Two injured in the second class!"

"Four injured in Class 3!"

"Class 4..."

The uninjured person quickly returned to the fighting point and blocked the rushing enemy. The sixth squad leader had a dark face holding the heavy machine gun.

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

The commander of the U.S. Army was so furious that he immediately called the Air Force and asked them to fly in uninterrupted circling over Dead Eagle Ridge and provide real-time fire support.

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