I Just Want to Die

Chapter 42: Keeping Baby (3)

  Without spending money to receive food, you can only go to the autumn harvest. And the food divided by the brigade is simply not enough to eat. In order to improve the quality of life, A Jin can only use the legacy left by the original father and mother.

   As for the roof, it is still some time away from winter, so it can only be repaired slowly. There can never be heavy snow outside the house in winter.

   is still in the 1960s, and the country does not allow private trading. Even if there were stolen items, a 16-year-old girl from Ajin couldn't get out of the village at all.

   The most urgent task now is to endure these years, and it will be much better in the seventies.

   Early the next morning, Ajin got up to cook on time. The rice he used this time closed the door while cooking. After all, the high-quality rice tastes too fragrant. She is afraid of being suspected.

  Facts have proved that A Jin thinks too much, every family is cooking in the morning, even if there is fragrance, they are mixed together, and no one will doubt four poor children.

  Ajin boiled cabbage with water and added salt. There is no other seasoning besides salt at home.

   Fortunately, the cabbage is crisp and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness, accompanied by thick rice porridge with rice flavor, and the eyes of the three children eat.

  Ajin put down his chopsticks and said, "This is the food and vegetables that I secretly stolen. Don't talk nonsense when you go out. If you are caught, we won't have to eat."

   The three children quickly nodded together and vowed never to speak.

   They are never curious about where their elder sister gets their food. The three children can be said to rely on Ah Jin for their whole-hearted trust.

  A Jin also told them to pick up some more hay and come back to repair the roof, and the three should get off again.

   came to the brigade, A Jin still partnered with Uncle Fang. After strengthening the energy, A Jin was able to plan the ground faster, and Uncle Fang could no longer keep up with A Jin.

  Ajin also took a break while waiting for Uncle Fang.

   The blisters on his hands were worn away when climbing the tree, and now they have dried out, and the epidermis is sticking to the meat.

   Uncle Fang was surprised when he saw Ajin’s hand:

   "My obedient, does it hurt, you tell the uncle, the uncle comes to plan the ground."

   "Uncle, I'm fine, let's continue."

   After he finished speaking, he waved his **** to continue digging the ground. Uncle Fang also felt distressed in his heart, how could it not hurt, he also came from that time.

   At that time, when he had a pain, he couldn't hold the bowl when he ate. When the blisters broke, he should continue to grind until the palm of the palm is thick, and the cocoon will not hurt.

   He looked at A Jin's digging the ground again and again, the expression on his face did not change at all, and his heart also admired faintly. At first he was not as good as her.

   Until the noon, the person in charge of the brigade whistle to eat, and A Jin called back the little four and went home to cook and eat together.

   At this moment, A Jin heard someone call her:

   "Zhaodi! Zhaodi! You can go to school and see, your brother is fighting with others!"

  Thanks to this aunt, A Jin took Primary Four to school.

  When Ajin arrived, the people had already separated the fights, three or two.

  Second, naturally, they are Ajin's two younger brothers.

  Ajin looked at the two and asked, "Won, lost?"

  The youngest man lifted his chest: "Naturally won!"

  She asked the second child again: "What's going on?"

  The second son was angry: "They first cursed people, they said that we were mourning stars, that we had no father and mother, and the third son and I could not hold back..."

  After listening to Ajin, he looked at the other three children, all of them in their own village. He usually likes to mess with cats and dogs.

  A Jin asked them three: "Are you cursing?"

   is led by Fang Dahua, and his family is still honest.

   He looked at Ajin and said: "I'm right, your father and mother are all dead, is it not a mourning star?"

   Ajin took a step forward, "slap" a slap on his face: "You say it again."

  Ajin's strength was not weak before. Fang Dahua's beaten ears buzzed. He felt that this slap was more painful than any previous fight.

   He reacted and immediately came to Ajin with his fist raised: "You are a mourning star, you dare to hit me! See me not killing you."

  Ajin kicked on his stomach when he rushed over, and Fang Dahua was kicked back two steps, lying on the ground holding his stomach.

   Fang's three children were just stunned. In their impression, the eldest sister was a person with a strong character but a weak body. Now the person with a "weak" body cleans up a half-old child in two strokes.

  Ajin looked at Fang Dahua on the ground and snorted in his heart. The bear boy was just beating, and there were no other problems.

   At this time, a woman was squeezed from the crowd, and when she saw Fang Dahua on the ground, she burst into tears and burst into tears:

   "My son, what's wrong with you, which **** it!"

   Seeing Ajin standing aside, his eyes became fierce: "Are you a little hoof, dare to beat my son, it really is a wild species without parents teaching."

   Every son must have a mother.

  Ajin is not too long-winded~www.ltnovel.com~ Take another step forward, grab the woman's collar and "slap" "slap" and slap in the face.

   "If you scold again, I will fight until you shut up."

   The woman was also blinded by Ajin’s strength, and she reacted and sat on the ground crying:

   "It's a murder, it's a murder, does anyone manage it!"

  People around her chewed on her, and talked eloquently:

   "Really shameless"

   "That is, the thief shouted to catch the thief."

   "You will bully the little doll."


   Brigade soon came, the director of women came to regulate conflicts.

  The woman on the ground saw the director came and cried louder:

   "Director, you have to give me the lead, this little thing will kill me and my son!"

The woman director saw her crying, and then looked at the four dolls standing calmly next to her. A sudden jump in the temple: "Shut up for me! It's your family that is causing trouble all day, and now even the baby doll is not let go Ever!"

  No one in the village knows that these four little dolls are extremely pitiful. At a young age without their father and mother, they rely on their half-old sister to feed them.

   can't help in other places, but can't let this family be aggrieved.

  Did not ask the person, he asked the people around to see the lively people, many people with mixed eyes, and the eloquent ones made the ins and outs clear.

   Fang Dahua scolded people first, beaten by two brothers, and could not beat three or two. After Zhaodi came, Fang Dahua was beaten again by Zhaodi. His mother was also a bad word and also beaten by Zhaodi.

  The woman director said to the woman after hearing it, "You are deserved to be beaten, there is no door on your mouth. The little doll hits you a few times, you lie on the ground and cry, if you cry again, your work points will be deducted!"


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