The matter of Yao Qiyun was just a small episode.

As Du Caige said, in fact, he didn't really expect Yao Qiyun to achieve anything.

It's better to have her, and it doesn't matter much without her.

To bring down Shen Jinsong, it's not just enough for a spiritual consultant to testify that he instigated murder.

To prevent Shen Jinsong from appearing to be worthless, and to make the capital forces behind him abandon him, there will be no chance for him to enjoy the package that Du Shuang once enjoyed.

Until now, Du Shuang has been talking about the period of life inside the four walls and his expression has changed.

Not because of torture or anything like that.

In fact, according to Du Shuang, the current renovation site is very formalized, with cameras everywhere, and corporal punishment cannot be said to be completely eradicated, at least it is very rare.

The point is, that kind of loss of freedom requires approval to go to the bathroom, prerequisites for smoking a cigarette, careful speaking, going to bed on time, getting up on time...doing fixed things at a fixed time every day, and not overstepping the threshold step.

It can drive people crazy.

In the first one or two months, Du Shuang really thought he would go crazy. But it turns out that people are very adaptable.

Some time before he was released from prison, he even fell in love with this kind of life a little bit.

Don't think about anything, don't use your brain, just do it according to the arrangement.

Life is very simple.

Maybe Shen Jinsong will also fall in love with this kind of life.


Because Du Caige planned to let him spend the rest of his life inside the four walls.

If he can't fall in love with this kind of life, the rest of his life will be too difficult.

Wanting to send Shen Jinsong to prison, Yao Qiyun's testimony is just icing on the cake.

After all, although he had instigated the murder, it was an attempted murder after all.

The key is to beat him financially first; then,

Ning Yuerong worked hard there and filed a lawsuit against him for fraud, forging other people's seals and other crimes.

Because the amount of fraud was large enough and the nature was very bad, causing serious consequences (Du Zhiqiu's death), the sentencing will be higher than that of abetting attempted murder.

Now Ning Yuerong has grasped several key clues.

It's just that I was afraid of scaring the snake, so I didn't take any further actions.

But as long as Du Caige can drive Shen Jinsong to a corner, Ning Yuerong can close the net at any time.

Revenge is like stew.

It needs to be simmered slowly, so that the final taste is rich.

Du Caige is not in a hurry.

There is more to life than just revenge.

There are too many things worth his lingering.

For example, Caiwei.

For example, two children will be born in the second half of this year.

For example, these women have their own characteristics, Chunlan Qiuju.

For example, the film art that made him intoxicated.

After returning to China, more than half of the special effects of Wulin have been completed, and Du Caige immediately put into the final cut.

When he is a little bit free and needs to change his mind, he will make some pure music that exists in his memory but has not been carried over.

Sometimes I also go to code words.

He has no interest in writing online novels for the time being.

He has already taught some ideas, such as system flow, Shenhao flow, etc., to those authors who have a good relationship with him and have signed long-term contracts with founding

In the future, he will fade out of the online novel.

Maybe I will repost an online novel every few years.

The work he is carrying is not the third volume of A Song of Ice and Fire.

He couldn't bear the speed of publishing a volume every year.

If this continues, he will become a professional pigeon breeder in three years.

Now that the first two volumes have been released, the outline of the story has been released, and one volume will be released in three years.

It is really not slow to publish a volume in 3 years, anyway, it is more conscientious than the old horse.

On Earth, the first volume of A Song of Ice and Fire was published in 1996.

Volume 2 1998.

Volume 3 2000.

The first 3 volumes were published in a total of 4 years.

Readers then waited 5 years for Volume 4...and 6 years for Volume 5.

Readers thought, so 7 years is enough for Volume 6, right?

But not enough.

In fact, the sixth volume has not been waited for 10 years.

The green young man who fell into the pit in the first volume back then, Ruhua Meijuan, didn't see the sixth volume until half of his body was buried in the ground. There is no one anymore.

Compared with the old horse, Du Caige felt that he was too conscientious.

As for the people of Azure Star, they are destined not to see the sixth volume...

That can't be helped, Du Caige also has something to say, I am also waiting for the people on the other side of the earth to burn the sixth volume to me.

If people don't burn it, I can't do anything about it. It's not my fault.

As a work to fill the gap period of A Song of Ice and Fire, he chose a fantasy novel called Children of the Mist.

The author is Brandon Sanderson.

This gentleman can be said to be famous. He once continued to write Robert Jordan's great work Wheel of Time, and his writing skills can stand the test.

It is said that Robert Jordan's widow read his Children of the Mist and was impressed by his imagination and ability to control the rhythm, so she gave him the important task of continuing to write Wheel of Time.

The sales of the first volume of Children of the Mist exceeded 1.5 million copies. Of course, it cannot be compared with A Song of Ice and Fire, but it also shows that its quality is by no means bad.

Carrying such books will not make Du Caige look cheap.

At least people don't say things like suddenly become mediocre.

Because Children of the Mist is clearly a work of great talent, too.

Whether it is background setting, story advancement, or character creation, there are merits (there are merits, not great. In addition, you can't compare Song of Ice and Fire with Children of the Mist, this is bullying people.)

There are also many ingenious reversals.

The direction of the plot is unexpected enough and reasonable.

Several important characters have unique charms.

However, because the translation of the Chinese version is not very good (well, I’m not euphemistic, it’s just too rubbish!), and the completely fictitious social system makes people lack a sense of substitution (unlike A Song of Ice and Fire, in fact, many systems, The customs all refer to the situation in the Middle Ages in continental Europe. The Son of the Mist is completely fictional), which makes it a bit unglamorous in the eyes of Chinese readers.

Son of the Mist has only a few hundred followers and thousands of posts.

For comparison, A Song of Ice and Fire has 400,000 followers and 3 million posts.

The American drama Game of Thrones has 1.35 million followers and nearly 6 million posts.


In fact, Children of the Mist is a very good story.

It's just not great.

Because Sanderson is literally a web writer, too fast.

As a result, the logic of some plots is not rigorous enough, and the choice of words and sentences is not careful enough.

The descriptions of some characters are too facial and not detailed enough.

Unlike A Song of Ice and Fire, you can feel his/her feelings, understand his/her motives, and experience his/her helpless choice in the great era of the supporting role who can be named.

Generally speaking, Children of the Mist is still a little bit worse than such masterpieces as A Song of Ice and Fire and Lord of the Rings-a little bit worse in all aspects.

It's a pity that Du Caige doesn't have so much energy and literary quality to revise this work, so he can only copy it as it is, which is a pity.

The reason why he chose this story is because he likes the setting of the power system in Children of the Mist.

The power system of Children of the Mist is based on the use of metal.

Three different understandings and uses of metals have established three sets of power systems: melting gold, hiding gold and blood gold.

Every metal has a unique purpose.

For example, using steel and iron can realize the power of pushing and pulling, burning pewter can improve one's physical strength, burning brass can control other people's emotions, and burning sky gold can see the future in a short time...

The gold sorcerer uses metal to store and extract objects, even conceptual objects.

Use pewter to store strength and extract it when needed; use iron to store the concept of weight and extract it when needed.

It can even store memory, store luck, store health...

Blood gold is a kind of sorcery, which uses cruel means to strip other people's melting gold and use it for oneself.

If you don't understand, you can refer to Perfect World, where Shi Yi stripped Xiaoshi's supreme bone for his own use.

Du Caige feels that this system is very suitable for adaptation into movies and games, and has great potential.

He himself really wanted to make this movie.

Of course, because the story is relatively long, it must be made into a trilogy like The Lord of the Rings.

The novel of Children of the Mist can actually be clearly divided into three stages, which is very suitable for adaptation into a trilogy movie.

And the entire three parts of Children of the Mist are the first part of a big trilogy.

Followed by a trilogy of stories from the steampunk era, a trilogy of stories from the space opera era, and several rumors, they together form a fantasy world that stretches for thousands of years and has a cultural heritage.

In the latter two parts, as well as the rumors, the power system is still based on the use of metal, which is in the same line.

After the rise of electromagnetic science and the invention of gunpowder weapons, human beings explored and utilized the power of these metals.

In the space age, use supernatural powers to achieve more fantastic things, such as hyperdrive...

It's fun to think about.

This is a very grand worldview.

Although Du Caige didn't finish reading the next two songs, he could write a rough outline and hand it over to an excellent shooter to write for him.

He really wants to make a lot of movies in the Children of the Mist series, and expand it into a series with dozens of works like Star Wars, Marvel, Star Trek and other masterpieces.

In short, Du Caige thinks it is very appropriate to use this book as a work during the blank period of A Song of Ice and Fire.

He has already sent the first 100,000 words to his partner Godlin Publishing House, which has been highly praised by the other party.

At the same time, he also asked Godlin Publishing House and Zhizhen Culture to find someone to refine and polish the Chinese and English versions of Children of the Mist respectively, hoping to make this work even better.

A new book from the author of A Song of Ice and Fire is coming soon!

Another amazing work!

After watching the preview version, the fantasy master Max is full of praise!

Godlin Publishing House is already warming up the promotion, and while the enthusiasm for the second volume of A Song of Ice and Fire has not subsided, it is quite affordable to promote a wave of new books.

But the real publication will have to wait until July and August, when Wulin premieres simultaneously worldwide.

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