I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 633 This is a declaration of sovereignty!

The Grammys are not without precedent for giving a grand slam.

On Earth, for example, Adele won Album of the Year with 21, Single of the Year and Production of the Year with Rolling In The Deep.

On the Blue Star side, the history is different, the musicians are different, but there are similar things.

But Hemingway was, after all, a Chinese, a foreigner.

From a place that Stars and Stripes musicians dismissively call a music desert.

And Hemingway has made several histories: the first Dahua Chinese to win the best composition in history.

The first Dahua Chinese in history to win the best single.

The first Dahua Chinese in history to win the best production.

Could it be that he has to complete an unsurpassable record in the same year and become the first Dahua Chinese to reach a Grand Slam?

Not to mention, Grand Slams are relatively rare in the history of Grammys.

Only some people who are particularly amazing and can be said to have dominated the music scene for a whole year are likely to win a Grand Slam.

He, Hemingway, a Dahua Chinese, set foot on the land of Stars and Stripes for the first time.

Although in fact he did dominate the Stars and Stripes music scene for the past year.

Well, in fact, there is also the Sakurajima music scene and the Dahua country music scene.

Emmm... Maybe put it another way: Hemingway has dominated the music scene in North America and Asia for the past year.

So that in the field of music all over the world, it has an extraordinary influence.

But, do you really want to give him a Grand Slam?

Everyone has different opinions.

Have to give it to him. He deserved it, Gaspek insisted.

Simon looked unhappy, Give him a grand slam now, what to give him in the future? I know what happened to him in Dahuaguo. Although I don't want to believe it... But in case, in case he writes several songs every year , dozens of super great music, and sung by Duan Tianhou, or other singers who are not inferior to Duan Tianhou.

So do we have to give him a Grand Slam every year in the future? Isn't the Grammy a laughing stock, just like the Golden Melody Award in Dahuaguo?

Gaspek was speechless for a moment.

Although Shao Yongshi didn't say a word, his heart was full of joy, and even the pimples on his face looked even more coquettish, and they seemed to bloom one by one.

Looking at these arrogant Stars and Stripes people, worried that the music scene in this country will be ruled by a big Chinese musician, at this moment Shao Yongshi is really proud and deeply proud of being a big Chinese.

As for the fact that the Golden Melody Award has become a laughing stock, the whole world knows... Shao Yongshi's heart is not fluctuating, and he even wants to laugh a little.

He is one of the most supportive of the Hemingway Pop Awards.

This year he also won several awards at the Pop Music Awards, including a very heavyweight award.

The Golden Melody Awards have always looked down on independent musicians and have not awarded him any awards.

So even if the Golden Melody Award goes bankrupt, it has nothing to do with him.

Everyone held their breaths and waited for the grand prize to be announced.

The guest of honor is a legendary country singer from the Stars and Stripes music scene.

My name is Blake Shelton.

He didn't give a shit, and read aloud according to the program: ...the winner of the 52nd Grammy Album of the Year is...'eyes on me'!

Putting down the envelope, he smiled and looked at Du Caige: Congratulations to Hemingway, Duan!

Duan Xiaochen fell into Du Caige's arms uncontrollably, and gave him a deep, passionate kiss in front of the whole world.

She did it on purpose! Absolutely on purpose! This is a declaration of sovereignty! Yu Qing thought angrily.

She told herself that she was not angry for herself, but to complain about Xu Qingya's injustice.

Although she has nothing to do with Xu Qingya... but shouldn't she be allowed to sympathize?

Oh, Lovely! Sheldon said with a pun.

It not only means cute, but also implies that the love between the two makes him envious.

Caiwei pouted and snorted hard.

Yan Yingzhen suppressed the boiling in her heart and asked, Baby, what's the matter?

Auntie Duan is so bad! How can she kiss Baba! Only Mama can kiss Baba. As she spoke, Caiwei secretly looked at her mother's expression.

Yan Yingzhen forced a smile: your father has separated from mother, he can go find another lover. Auntie Duan is not wrong, she is not a bad person.

I don't like her anymore. Of course Caiwei wanted to stand by her mother.

Well, you don't need to like her. But you don't need to hate her either. Yan Yingzhen said.

Then... Caiwei asked hesitantly, Then should I hate Baba?

Yan Yingzhen smiled and asked: Then do you hate him?

I hate it now. Cai Wei said solemnly.

Now? When will it not be annoying.

Caiwei glanced at her mother quickly: When Mama you are not angry, I will forgive Baba.

Yan Yingzhen couldn't help laughing and took Caiwei into her arms.

With this little angel by her side, even if that stinky man's heart flies away, she doesn't care anymore.

(It doesn't matter what happens, hey. A man's heart can't be saved by begging.)

Yan Yingzhen raised her head and looked at Duan Xiaochen who was smiling.

A lot of thought. It seems that you are not busy enough.

Du Caige and Duan Xiaochen walked on the stage hand in hand (not like a couple holding hands, but Duan Xiaochen holding Du Caige's hand).

Sheldon hands over the trophy.

Just as Du Caige was about to take it, he was still absent-mindedly thinking about some acceptance speeches.

As a result, the fingertips just touched the trophy, and Sheldon took the trophy back.

Du Caige looked at him with a bewildered expression.

Sheldon smirked: Actually, on your album, my favorite is the title song 'Eyes on me'. But the ones with better market response are iterday oncemore, I have nothing, and even Love story.

Eyes on me is used as the title song and even used as the album title, and the result is only slightly better than the Chinese song 'Light Chaser', which is too embarrassing.

I analyzed it carefully and thought it was because the lyrics of this song were written in English, but from the perspective of the artistic conception of the lyrics, they are full of oriental restraint and small taste. When you wrote this song, you used oriental style. Thinking. Is that so?

Du Caige nodded: Yes, Blake, your senses are very keen.

Sheldon laughed: But when you write other English songs, you use typical English thinking. Feelings, values, idioms.


I admire you so much. With two completely different ways of thinking, you can create classic songs. Sheldon sighed and handed over the trophy.

Then before Du Caige took it, he took it back.

There was laughter from the audience.

Du Caige was innocent and confused.

I heard a rumor. I heard that you have registered more than a thousand songs, and there are many good English songs among them, which are only released when the time is right. There are almost all kinds of songs in it. Is that so? With a curious expression.

Du Caige thought for a while and nodded, You're right.

This is the first time he has admitted in public.

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar at the scene and in front of the TV, and Dahua domestically exploded.

This guy with big eyebrows and big eyes really betrayed us! There are so many good songs in store that won't be released!

Don't make trouble, hasn't the Copyright Association declared it long ago?

I'm so mad! I'll buy 10 new songs every time he releases them in the future! Who told you to hold back and refuse to release them!

Someone spoke for him. Hemingway was probably just waiting to meet the right person to sing those songs.

I think I'm a good fit. Does anyone of you have Hemingway's phone number? I'm going to recommend myself.

Wake up, I'm going to work, save some energy and move the bricks later.

Grammy scene.

Sheldon smiled curiously. COOL! Now can you sing a song that has never been published live?

Du Caige glanced at Thompson secretly, and when he saw Thompson nodded slightly, he knew that this was a gimmick made by the party organizer.

In order to try to be realistic, he didn't even tell him in advance.

This is because I have no confidence in my acting skills... Du Caige resents.

After thinking about it, he grasped another thought of the organizer.

The organizer awarded him the Grand Slam, a rookie who is pure and young to the Stars and Stripes.

Although the songs he composed do qualify for awards.

But there will certainly be a lot of skepticism.

Don't doubt, there are a lot of bad pens in the world. Some people think that global warming is a scam, and some people think that there are 5G antennas in masks.

Then the organizer will use this to show his talent indirectly, which will dispel the doubts of many people.

After all, what many people care about is what they see with their own eyes and what they hear with their own ears.

Seeing him temporarily show a new song live will make these people more recognize his creative strength.

Okay, you specify the theme, and find me a guitar.

I have one of Custer's greatest masterpieces, which I bought at auction for $4.7 million. If your gig is good enough, I'll give you that guitar. Sheldon laughed.

As for what theme song to sing... Lest anyone say that I colluded with you in advance, let Thompson designate a live audience, and let the live audience designate the theme.

Recommend the new book of the city god Lao Shi:

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