June 8. When Du Caige and Fan Yuhong and other four people were passing through the ticket gate, preparing to board the plane to the north.

A girl dressed in plain clothes, but straight and neat, with a shrewdness in her big eyes, appeared at the front desk of Tianyi Entertainment.

Hello, the girl's voice was very sweet. My name is Wu Xing'er. I have an appointment with Manager Chen of your company's draft department.

The beautiful woman at the front desk looked down and looked up again with a formulaic smile: Hello, Miss Wu. Please go directly to Manager Chen's office, she is waiting for you. Do you know Manager Chen's office?

Thank you, I know. Wu Xing'er smiled gracefully back.

She had already done her homework, and easily found the door of Manager Chen's office.

This manager Chen is a real-power manager of Tianyi Entertainment's draft department, specializing in mining talents in music, signing newcomers and trainees.

There is a saying in the industry that it is not easy to impress her.

But because she has a lot of power, once she is impressed, she can give the relatively best contract.

It is not a dream for a talented rookie to get the B visa, and there is even a first chance to win the A visa.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Xing'er raised her slender wrist and tapped lightly.

Come in. A majestic female voice sounded from behind the door.

Wu Xing'er pushed open the closed solid wood door, and saw a wealthy woman in her early 30s sitting behind her desk, with a straight back and a very temperamental look.

Wu Xing'er didn't look much, and immediately bowed deeply: Hello, Teacher Chen! I'm Wu Xing'er. I spoke with you on the phone yesterday.

She had inquired beforehand that this manager Chen was a technocrat who used to be a little-known independent musician, and prefers to be called teacher rather than manager.

Well, well, Manager Chen said, sit down.

Wu Xing'er glanced at it, then sat down on the couch, staring at Manager Chen, without looking around at the office furnishings.

This manager Chen has a plain appearance, and his figure is not very good.

But the temperament is excellent, and she is very good at dressing. When she is close to 50, she looks similar to a woman in her 30s. There is absolutely no lack of turning heads on the road.

Manager Chen also looked at her and nodded lightly, The appearance is not bad. I read your songs carefully, and I also listened to the demo you sent me. The songs are written to a certain level, the singing skills are also good, and the voice is a bit distinctive. You wrote the song yourself?

Yes, Teacher Chen. Wu Xing'er tried hard not to show her nervousness.

How old are you?

twenty one.

Manager Chen pondered: I am too old.

Wu Xing'er felt MMP in her heart and smiled slightly on her face: Mr. Chen, I am very hardworking and diligent, and I think my learning ability is not bad.

Really? Manager Chen was noncommittal.

After a pause, she continued: As for your situation, I discussed it with a few colleagues, and we have reached a preliminary conclusion.

Wu Xing'er felt her heart beating faster.

But Manager Chen sold out at this time, But before that, I want to ask you first. In fact, many young musicians now choose to sign contracts with music platforms and directly release digital singles and digital albums. Among them There are also young people with strength and talent.”

They feel that this way, the share is higher and they earn more. And without the constraints of the company, their creations are more free.

Manager Chen stared at Wu Xing'er, a smile appeared on his serious face, How about you, why don't you do this? Our 'Duo Laimi' music platform under Tianyi Entertainment is actually very good, and it has a market share for more than a year. It keeps rising, and several independent musicians have become famous on our platform and make money. Actually, you can try it.”

Wu Xing'er didn't know whether this was a test or the other party's true intention.

But before she came, she thought about this question and answered calmly: Mr. Chen, I think there are some independent musicians who yearn for freedom, but I hope to have a strong and experienced company to help. I plan my career.

Also, even if you sign a contract with a company, your share will be lower. However, the training provided by the company, the opportunities for growth, the teachings of seniors, and the promotion efforts in the future are not comparable to the direct signing of music platforms.

So, after comprehensive consideration, I would rather choose to give up part of my immediate benefits and part of my freedom. My bet is that the company can see my potential and will cultivate me with heart. In that case, I will have a brighter future.

The smile on Manager Chen's lips became more pronounced.

She nodded slightly, but did not speak immediately, but operated the computer in front of her.

Soon, the sound of music came from the speaker: The kite is flying in the sky, and the people on the ground are chasing it. If you are worried that you can't fly, you have my butterfly...

Wu Xing'er could hear that this was the DEMO she sent to Manager Chen's desk.

After listening to one song quietly, Manager Chen switched to the next one.

It's a simple little love song that sings the twists and turns of people's hearts. I think I'm very happy, when there is your warmth, the air at my feet turns...

Play one after another. The moonlight is unbridled by the dyed bed, and all visions are magical in a blink of an eye. With another cup of that ancient and mysterious Ganges water, the cat's eye inlaid on my forehead unveils the celebration...

When I grow up, I can only run. How scared I am, I will fall in the dark. Hello tomorrow, smile with tears. The better you are, the more afraid you will get.

Love is a light, so wonderful, that guides the future we want. Magical Northern Lights, fantastic prophecies, hurry up and find incredible love...

After finishing everything, Manager Chen pressed pause and looked up at this pretty girl with tense nerves and deliberately pretending to be calm.

Unparalleled beauty, little love song, dancer, hello tomorrow, Aurora, Manager Chen said slowly, Five songs, but with different styles, it seems that you don't limit yourself to a certain music style. .

Yes, Teacher Chen, I always want to challenge some different fields. Wu Xing'er tried to smile.

Manager Chen showed a thoughtful expression, and after a while, he said, If you sign with our company. Do you want to use these 5 songs to release an EP right away, or save a few more and get an EP? A full album? In the future, you will have to write your own songs, or do you want the company to collect the songs for you?

Wu Xing'er has long considered this aspect, and answered fluently at this time: For the time being, I plan to release these songs slowly in the form of digital singles, and I'm not in a hurry to release them all at once. As for my future songs, I am willing to accept the company's arrangement.

Manager Chen nodded slowly, You said that Silver Star also gave you good conditions, so why don't you choose Silver Star? Frankly speaking, it is difficult for our company to give you better conditions.

Wu Xing'er smiled, Because after careful consideration, I feel that Yinxing's mechanism for cultivating talents is outdated, and Tianyi's model makes me feel more promising.

Manager Chen stood up and extended his hand to her.

Wu Xing'er was so excited that she immediately stepped forward in three and two steps, and shook hands with Manager Chen.

Manager Chen said in an encouraging tone: I will provide you with a B-level contract. The specific terms will be contacted by the legal department. If you are sure to sign the contract, it will be transferred to the training department for a period of time, which will be approved by the training department. , will come to me, I will pack you well and help you make a gorgeous debut.

Thank you, Teacher Chen! Wu Xing'er burst into tears with joy.

When she was about to leave the office, Manager Chen stopped her, By the way, the last question.

Wu Xing'er stopped, a pair of big smart eyes flickered.

I took a look at the copyright website. These songs of yours were registered a few days ago. Could it be that you have burst of inspiration and have written a few songs in a short period of time?

Wu Xing'er lowered her head, her eyes filled with sadness: Actually, I wrote these songs slowly over the past two years. I didn't intend to rush to register, but wanted to revise and revise it. But my co-rental roommate wanted to I stole my song, but luckily I found it in time. Hey!

Manager Chen's tone was indifferent, with a little sigh, Know the person and the face, but not the heart. Fortunately, you found it in time.

Yeah, fortunately I found it in time.

Have you watched the program New Power of Music?

Wu Xing'er was full of ecstasy, I've seen it!

Our company can choose to send four or five young singers there. I have a recommended place here. You go back and prepare well and adjust your state.

Yes! Thank you, Teacher Chen!


Sitting on the sofa and drinking a cup of hot water poured by Du Caige, Yu Yu finally calmed down a little, and the crying turned into a soft sob.

In order to avoid suspicion, Du Caige sat a little distance from her, and said softly, No matter what happens to you, say it, say it, and we will see how to solve it.

Yu Yu raised his head and glanced at Du Caige, with tears in his eyes, Du Caige saw remorse and guilt in her eyes.

Teacher, I'm sorry! You can beat me and scold me any way you want!

Tell me about it. Du Caige had a hunch that the matter was not trivial.

I... Yu Yu lowered her head, no longer had the courage to look at Du Caige, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, I...

She clearly said something, but Du Caige couldn't hear it clearly.

Say it again?

Yu Yu's hand pinched her own thigh hard, and big drops of tears fell on the back of her hands. Teacher, I lost your song!

Du Caige didn't understand for a while. What's the meaning?

Yu Yu sobbed more rapidly, and his speech was slurred.

It took a long time for Du Caige to figure it out.

When he taught Yu Yu before, he played and sang some songs on earth.

Some of them have not been registered on the copyright site by the original owner.

When Yu Yu went home to practice, she was heard by her shared roommate-her shared roommate was also a girl who came to Modu from other places to pursue her music dream.

She and the girl are like sisters, and they have been supporting and encouraging each other for the past two years.

So in front of the girl, she was not too wary and showed some of Du Caige's works carelessly.

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