I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 216 Don't give him a chance to turn around

After hesitating for a while, Chen Quan asked again, How do you judge that the former you committed suicide because you were induced?

It's him, Du Caige sorted out the language: I'm also guessing. Because I heard that woman say to him that everything in this world has a cause and effect. To get something, you have to give something. If there is life, there must be death.

He imitated the woman's tone, that sighing tone that deliberately created a sense of mystery.

After listening to Chen Quan, he lowered his head and thought for a while, and analyzed: This sentence alone cannot be completely certain, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

She raised her head and looked at Du Caige: If more and more memories are recovered, and you are sure that the other party is inducing you to commit suicide, and even provides you with the drugs needed for suicide, I suggest you call the police immediately.

Du Caige did not respond positively, but said, I will seriously consider it.

After sending Du Caige to the door, Chen Quan instructed: We will continue in 2 weeks. You already have a preliminary understanding of hypnosis. After experiencing hypnosis, you will be more likely to enter this state. I guess, you will find it back. The speed of memory will also be faster. If there is a new situation, you can contact me directly without waiting for the time we agreed.

Thank you, Teacher Chen Quan, Du Caige opened his arms, Can you give me a hug?

Of course. Chen Quan hugged him generously. Gently pat him on the back, like a mother pats a baby's back.

Du Caige did not miss her embrace, and soon bid farewell.

He was really vulnerable at that moment.

In particular, it felt that the death of the original owner was pushed by an invisible hand behind his back.

He shuddered.

After discovering that the original owner is not dead, will the other party continue to attack him?

Of course, his guess is not too grounded.

Just based on the words of the woman named Yiyi, Everything in this world has a cause and effect. If you get something, you must give something. If you live, you must die. To judge that the other party is inducing the original owner to commit suicide, indeed, it seems a bit far-fetched.

But Du Caige really felt that the woman was guiding the original owner to think in this regard.

To wake up the sleeping consciousness in the body is birth.

If you want to have life, you must first have death, and this is a cycle.

At least the original owner did think of this at the time, and he felt it.

That woman just wanted the original owner to die.

After returning home, Du Caige immediately called Ning Yuerong and asked her to check the situation of Lingquan Studio and Yiyi.

Ning Yuerong agreed immediately. You said that based on some of the memories you just recovered, this studio is likely to be the mastermind behind inducing you to commit suicide and even providing you with drugs?

I'm not sure, I can only say there is such a possibility. So I didn't report the case, I just asked Sister Ning for your help in private.

Okay, I will investigate this matter privately. But speaking of it... Ning Yuerong hesitated.

Sister Ning, what's wrong?

Ning Yuerong hesitated for a long time before she said, Let's talk about it when we meet, I have been following up on something for a while. I wanted to investigate more clearly and then tell you, but since you contacted me, I will first take the information I have so far. Share the situation with you.

Du Caige looked at the time: Today is too late, let's do it tomorrow.

Recalling her schedule for tomorrow, Du Caige and Ning Yuerong settled on a meeting time.

At 10 am the next day, in a Blue Bottle cafe next to the Feixia branch, Du Caige was wearing a short shirt, cropped trousers, and a pair of white breathable shoes, sipping a cup of fragrant white with a heavy heart.

Not long after, Ning Yuerong walked in, glanced at the door, and sat down opposite Du Caige.

She was wearing casual clothes, a white short T-shirt with cartoon patterns, and denim shorts. In addition to the original sassy, ​​she looked a little hotter and more youthful. She was simply a sister who was riding the wind and waves.

Du Caige smiled and said, Sister Ning, have you been working out hard recently? You seem to have lost a lot of weight.

There's no time to exercise,

Purely busy. really thin?

Really thin.

Your little mouth is too sweet, haha! Ning Yuerong smiled heroically.

Du Caige was molested by her so much that she could only bow her head.

At this time, the waiter came to order, and Du Caige recommended: The rich white they have is really good.

Ning Yuerong rolled her eyes at him: It's still sweet, do you drink milk or coffee? I want a cup of American style, no sugar or milk.

The two laughed and chatted.

This is the first time they have met since the documentary, but there is no strange feeling.

When Ning Yuerong's coffee was served and the waiter left, Ning Yuerong leaned forward and said seriously, I've always felt something strange about the huge sum you owe, so I'm trying to investigate.

Du Caige was not without doubts. What's the investigation?

Do you know that your parents didn't directly owe the 'Yongsheng Brothers' money, but owed money to another credit company, but the 'Yongsheng Brothers' bought the money?

Du Caige nodded: I know that they borrowed money from a credit company called 'Easy Loan'. I saw the relevant documents, as well as the bank flow information, a total of 49.79 million yuan, which was transferred to my mother and my father respectively. , and an account with a company my dad opened.

Do you think your parents would be the kind of people who owe tens of millions?

Du Caige shook his head: It doesn't look like it. But I don't think it makes any sense.

I did see the document that 'Easy Loan' resold the debt to 'Yongsheng' at a price of 30 million. It gave the impression that because 'Easy Loan' was worried that it would not be able to recover the bad debt, it reluctantly cut the meat and offered a 40% discount. The price transferred this account to 'Yongsheng'.

Well, I know the document you're talking about. Ning Yuerong nodded, opened the bag beside her, took out a stack of documents and handed it to Du Caige.

Du Caige took a look at it. They were all documents shot with a camera and then printed out, not copies of the original documents. It could be seen that the shooting was done in a hurry.

Then look at the back.

Du Caige flipped through the pages, carefully reading the pages.

Finally raised his head: Is it reliable?

It's very reliable, Ning Yuerong said, 'Easy Loan' has now been disbanded, but some of the gangsters and thugs that 'Easy Loan' collected at the beginning are still on the streets, and many of them later Joined 'Yongsheng'. We recruited one of them as an informant, and this informant is currently working for 'Yongsheng'. These are all things he took risks and secretly filmed.

Du Caige returned the printed documents to her, That is to say, in fact, 'Yongsheng' bought the entire account for a mere 8 million yuan? I think this price is very unreasonable.

Yes, we all felt it was unreasonable, so we let the informant find a chance to inquire. However, no new conclusive news has come back yet.

Du Caige noticed her words, conclusive.

Then what's the inconclusive news?

Ning Yuerong took a sip of coffee and said in a low voice, The informant said that he heard someone who used to be a thug at Yidai bragging, saying that it was the boss, Boss Qiu, who used some small tricks to get inside the ghost. With the cooperation, he made tens of millions of false accounts abruptly, making others owe tens of millions of debts.

But because the person who owed the debt was a celebrity, Boss Qiu was worried that he would be attacked, so he didn't dare to ask for it, so he transferred the account to Yongsheng. After going back and forth like this, Boss Qiu also made twice as much money. That After the informant heard it, he felt that this was talking about your family's affairs.

Du Caige nodded: It does sound like it. He said, there is an inner ghost to cooperate? I think I can guess a name. Shen Jinsong, now the vice president of Tianyi Entertainment. I heard from my friends that my parents are in debt. The thing is that he is playing tricks, he sucked the blood of my parents, turned into a rich man, and joined Tianyi as an executive.

So he told Ning Yuerong the details that Fan Yuhong told him last time.

Ning Yuerong listened carefully while sipping black coffee.

After a while, Du Caige finished speaking and her coffee was finished.

Her father pushed the coffee cup away and said seriously: It seems that this Shen Jinsong is a key person. It just so happens that Tianyi Entertainment is also in the magic capital. I think I will arrange for someone to watch him for a while. If I can find any flaws, I will take it out. Please come back and ask questions.

Du Caige shook his head and said, Sister Ning, don't make fun of your career future. Although I don't know the law very well, I know that you can't just follow a wealthy businessman with a net worth of hundreds of millions, or a senior executive of a big company. What's more, according to me, It is understood that Shen Jinsong has joined the nationality of the Stars and Stripes, and if he is not careful, it is easy to cause foreign affairs disputes.

Ning Yuerong smiled, brushed her bangs with her hand, pondered for a while, and said, Since you said that, you can leave him temporarily. A surprise interrogation, I believe you can get some useful information.

In a society governed by the rule of law, you will carry a lot of political risks by doing this. Sister Ning, I treat you as my own sister, so I can't let you take such a risk. Du Caige shook her head and said.

After a pause, he said with a smile: Also, I don't think it's appropriate to start a panic now. Shen Jinsong now has hundreds of millions of personal assets, and is the vice president of a large company, a foreigner, and a celebrity. If you don't have any real evidence, go check him out. , there must be considerable resistance. If he finds something wrong and destroys the evidence, it will be even more difficult to move him in the future.

So I think it is best to spend a year and a half collecting evidence in private, and then I will find a way to make him suffer through legitimate business competition, shake his position, and let the capital behind him give up on him. At this time If you arrest him again, you will have a chance to crucify him at one time. Once you make a move, it will be a thunderous force that will prevent him from turning over.

Ning Yuerong stared at him blankly for a moment, her smile blooming like a flower, and she punched him lightly across the table: You can do it! You still have some brains! I thought you, an artist, had no emotional intelligence at all.

Du Caige smiled and said nothing.

In fact, after learning that Shen Jinsong was dealing with him behind his back, he had been thinking about how to fight back, and slowly collected some information.

If it is determined that Shen Jinsong colluded with outsiders, put the original owner's parents in the loop, and made Du Zhiqiu owe tens of millions of debts, it is equivalent to saying that Shen Jinsong forced the original owner's father to death and drove the original owner's mother crazy.

Although Du Caige couldn't empathize too much, but put himself in his shoes and thought, if the original owner knew about this, he would definitely do anything to avenge his parents.

If you don't report it, you're not a human being.

Since he inherited the cause and effect of the original owner, or the original owner was a tool person for him, he could not escape this problem.

Even if he didn't know Shen Jinsong at all, he didn't have the slightest feeling for Shen Jinsong.

But Shen Jinsong must be deliberately trying to kill him.

Between Shen Jinsong and him, only one can survive.

He discussed with Ning Yuerong again before paying the bill and leaving.

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