I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 101 Only 8 high (2 chapters today are big chapters)

Several musicians made eye contact and soon had an idea. A musician called Yuan Yin (I don't know if it's his real name or his stage name) said: Since the proposal to play Solitaire was proposed by Xia Ping, let's start with her name.

This should be the first time Yuan Yin has met with Du Caige, but he has been slightly provocative several times when chatting before, and he seems to be very dissatisfied with Lin Ke.

Du Caige asked, Have the words 'Xia' and 'Ping'?

That's not necessary, said Yuan Yin, who was morbidly emaciated, with sparse hair and a particularly thick Adam's apple. It's enough to have the artistic conception of these two words.

Du Caige smiled and said, If I think the lyrics I chose have this artistic conception, but you don't think so, what should I do?

That's the difficulty of opening the question. It's not that easy to get everyone to agree, Tang Yezhi said with a wicked smile, Hurry up and give you at most 30 seconds to think.

Du Caige thought for a while, plucked the strings, and gradually formed a tune: The accumulation of time, the fruits of this midsummer, the fragrance of love in memories...

After singing, he smiled and said, Next. Then handed the guitar to the bottom.

Tang Yezhi, who was sitting under his hand, looked like he had seen a ghost: Everyone is just kidding around, why are you showing off a new song? You're showing me a face, damn it, you're fouling you!

Others jeered: You don't think it's a foul or not. Xia Ping, does it count as Lin Ke passing the test?

Xia Ping helped her glasses and smiled: Mengxia, fruit... It corresponds to my name, which is very clever. If you want me to tell you, of course you can pass the test.

The rest of the people jeered: Old Tang, it's your turn to take it! You fucking can't take it, right?

Qi...Qi... Tang Yezhi was angry for a long time, and he could only be fined for a glass of wine after overtime.

In the subsequent Solitaire games, Du Caige never missed a shot.

No matter how tricky he is, he can handle it.

As long as he thought about it for a while, a beautiful melody bloomed from his fingertips, and a beautiful lyrics sang from his mouth.

Our love will never come back!

You are like the moon on that day, anchored in the middle of the water, forever...

Finding that Du Caige was always easy to pick up, Yuan Yin, who was in front of him, began to deliberately set the difficulty, and even broke the lyrics in places where they should not be interrupted.

Chao, you can't handle this, can you?

Du Caige smiled slightly: Pick up a glass of wine in the morning and evening, I am lonely after the wind and rain...

People! Let's see how you pick it up!

Life is too rushed, I'm so afraid that my eyes will always be hazy...

Quiet, I don't believe you can catch it!

Quietly ask the holy monk whether her daughter is beautiful...

Some of the excerpts from Du Cai’s songs are excerpted from the songs carried by the original owner, and most of them are excerpted from other classic songs of the earth.

The expressions of several musicians gradually changed.

Lin Ke, how many new songs have you collected?

Du Caige smiled: Most of them are semi-finished products, and the degree of completion is very low.

As for whether they believed it or not, it was none of his business.

Du Caige just took this opportunity to spread the word: I have a lot of good songs, if you want to make an appointment, come quickly, and if you want to buy it, hurry up!

Of course, in fact, he is not in a hurry to sell songs.

It's just that the identity of Lin Ke has disappeared for so long, and it is necessary to slowly gather popularity and return to the sight of the music circle.

At first, there were people who were unconvinced.

But as the game progressed round by round, Yuan Yin, who wanted to say goodbye to Du Caige from the beginning, also died.

Stop playing, Tang Yezhi shouted, it's no fun to play this kind of game with this pervert. I'm old and my memory is not good. You can play as you want. I'm not coming anyway.

After Tang Yezhi quit, several other musicians did not want to continue.

After so many rounds,

Every musician drank several glasses of wine, but Du Caige was never punished. I really don't know how his brain grew, so he had to obey.

But even if they are convinced of him, these musicians are not willing to be his foil.

There is one stone in the music industry, Lin Ke, you are the only one! Xia Ping exaggeratedly exclaimed, shaking the pair of huge earrings, her eyes could not wait to stick to Du Caige, as if she wanted to eat Du Caige clean.

Du Caige is so handsome and talented, she is two years younger than her. If she eats Du Caige, it will definitely not be her who suffers.

She was a little hesitant because Du Caige liked to play photography.

Xie Yunzi's impression of Du Caige has also changed dramatically.

From her point of view, Du Caige was an outdated musician who bullied people on the basis of their qualifications, sucked blood on a newcomer like her, and demanded too high a share.

Now it seems that Du Caige still has some real skills.

The clips of the new songs he sang, although I couldn't get a glimpse of the whole leopard, I could only get a glimpse, but they all felt good.

Although Du Caige has a bad personality, he is really good in music.

For a while, Xie Yunzi was also a little shaken. Shouldn't it be time to lower her body and make concessions in terms of conditions, and ask Du Caige to promise to write a song for herself?

But after careful consideration, Xie Yunzi dismissed the idea.

Under her father's ability, the songs of the new album are all in place, written by famous musicians in the industry, and the quality is definitely not low.

She also spent a long time practicing, and changing songs at this time is not necessarily a good thing.

As for what Minister Tang said, it is absolutely impossible for her to agree to postpone the album and debut with a single first.

Ordinary singers are on the weaker side in their negotiations with the company.

But she is different.

Even Huayu Company, and her father's shares.

Tang Yezhi was actually working for her family.

She could see that Tang Yezhi wanted to win over Du Caige, and would rather sacrifice her interests to win over the other party.

But she wouldn't like it.

not worth it.

Even Lin Ke in his prime is not worth it. What's more, he was out of breath.

She felt that with her singing voice and her own potential, in the future, more top musicians would beg to cooperate with her.

You are bound to become the queen of the music world, and it is the dream of many musicians to be able to cooperate with the queen of the music world!

He didn't even need to look at Lin Ke's face.


A group of people got drunk, each went home, each looking for his own mother.

Before leaving, Tang Yezhi stopped Du Caige and dragged him to the underground parking lot. A little present for you.

When he got to his car, he opened the door, leaned over and took out a folder from inside.

The folder is flat, about the size of A4 paper, and bulging, and it looks like it contains dozens of A4 papers.

He handed the thing to Du Caige, his eyes were already slanted, with a euphoric smile on his face: Look... see if you like it.

Du Caige thought about it, took it, and weighed it in his hand.

Take it apart and have a look! A drunk person sometimes shouts out unconsciously, and sometimes he wants to shout loudly but his words are as fine as mosquitoes.

Tang Yezhi didn't think that, in fact, the decibels he said were so high that Du Caige's eardrums hurt.

Du Caige opened the folder, took out a stack of papers, and glanced at it with a slanted drunken eye in the dim light.

It's the original comic book, I don't know which master wrote it.

How much did the original owner like comics?

After receiving Duan Xiaochen's original painting manuscript, Du Caige went to search and found that some famous cartoons on the earth appeared in this world. On the serial, and some have issued a single book.

This magazine is popular all over Asia, and the cartoons are also very popular.

For example, there are the Angel Sanctuary of the last century, the city hunter, the baseball hero and so on.

There are also 21st century ones, such as Inuyasha, Great Sword, Dead Sea Fire, etc.

Coincidentally, these comics happened to be read by Du Caige on earth.

As for some comics that he had heard of names but had not read, they did not appear in this world.

He also looked at these comics from this world, and found that it was not exactly the same as the original in his memory, although the general plot direction, original characters and character settings were similar.

But the details are still quite different.

It is very likely that the original owner once dictated these stories and let other authors create them.

After discovering this, Du Caige was very excited, thinking that this might be another source of income.

But unfortunately, JUMP magazine belongs to a company called Zhenzhen Culture, and Du Caige did not find the original owner to own the shares of Zhenzhen Culture.

He found some netizens' gossip on the Internet, saying that the real owner of Zhenzhen Culture is actually a little girl who is less than ten years old, and is currently managed by a professional manager.

This statement is obviously outrageous.

Du Caige put aside his distracting thoughts. Of course he was not interested in this gift from Tang Yezhi, but in order to maintain his character, he nodded with a smile: Thank you, I like this gift very much.

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