” To solve it , it can also show my strength , so that you don’t feel that you can throw me off this planet at will . ”

” Do two birds with one stone , what do you think ?”

Gu glanced at Li Fan’s hand on his shoulder , then looked at Li Fan again .

‘ Does this guy have a problem with his head ? ‘ Gu Yi thought .

” Haha , haha , you want to beat me !” Dormammu laughed loudly , ” Gu Yi , you brought a very interesting person . ”

” Boy , why do you think you can beat me ? With your weak body ?”

Hearing this , the corners of Li Fan’s mouth curled up , and in the next instant , his body suddenly appeared above Dormammu .

” Just rely on my beam of light cannon !”

” Noble Phantasm , unfold , oath the sword of victory !”

rumbling- _

… at .

Chapter 411 Four-handed Hulk , crushed

The golden light beams bombarded Dormammu directly with huge magic power .

Inadvertently , Dormammu was immediately shrouded in golden beams, and his entire body trembled involuntarily .

” Huh ? The power seems to have increased ?” Li Fan returned to Gu Yi from above Domamu, and looked at the Sword of Oath Victory in his hand strangely , ” Is it because this guy is someone who wants to destroy the earth , So, is the limitation of the sword somewhat liberated ?”

” Your … that sword ?” Gu Yi looked curiously at the golden holy sword in Li Fan’s hand .

reason , the holy sword in Li Fan’s hand gave Gu Yi a very familiar feeling .

is very similar to the holy sword of King Arthur that she saw in Britain many years ago .

” Let’s talk about this later . ” Li Fan smiled and took the Sword of Oath of Victory 823 back into his warehouse. ” That Dormammu doesn’t seem to have suffered much damage . ”

” Should I say , as expected of a guy who can rule the dark dimension . ”

” Looks like I’ll have to use a bit of real skill to destroy it . ”

” You leave this space first , and come pick me up after ten minutes . ”

” When the time comes , we are talking about an agreement between us . ”

Gu Yi frowned : ” Ten minutes , what do you want to do …”

Boom !

Before Gu had finished speaking , a jet-black energy suddenly burst the golden beam released by Li Fan .

Dormammu reappeared in front of Li Fan and Gu Yi with a strong black energy .

” Mortal , you annoy me …”

bang- _

Suddenly , a huge force came from Dormammu’s left face .

There , two green arms slammed into his face with extremely violent force .

instant , Dormammu’s huge body flew directly into the depths of the dark dimension .

” Hoohoho !!!”

” That’s … Hulk ?!” Gu Yi stared at Li Fan who suddenly appeared near Dormammu and transformed into a four-handed Hulk .

” How could this man have this power … bad !?”

An extremely dangerous feeling suddenly enveloped Gu Yi’s heart .

Without thinking , Gu Yi immediately activated the time gem on his body .

Boom !

the Time Stone was activated , Li Fan’s body was crushed into pieces by Gu Yi .

Li Fan , or the four-handed Hulk who was in a state of rage, glanced at Gu Yi’s corpse , spit out a mouthful of saliva , dodged , and rushed after Dormammu’s figure .

Shortly after Li Fan left , Gu Yi’s body that was crushed by Li Fan suddenly burst into a green halo .

less than a second , the corpse shrouded in the halo turned back into the intact ancient one .

Looking at the battle with Dormammu in the distance , or to be more precise , the four-handed Hulk who finished torturing Dormammu , Gu Yi frowned deeply .

‘ How could it be the four-handed Hulk , how could he have this power ? ! ‘

The Ancient One can see information from various parallel universes .

Once , he saw that in a universe , the four-handed Hulk defeated 6 observers after being used by the Punisher Frank to arouse his anger to infinity .

It can be accepted , the power of the four-handed Hulk is already a natural disaster for the earth , no , it is already beyond the existence of natural disasters .

, who was reluctantly holding on to the four-handed Hulk by relying on the powerful resilience brought by the powerful dark dimension . Gu Yi turned around one by one , opened the space channel , and left Dormammu’s dark dimension .

” Supreme Mage !” Mo Du , who was also a Mage, was a little puzzled when he saw Gu Yi who came out of the dark dimension almost in a running way .

” Did something happen in there ?”

Gu Yi frowned , thought for a while and said , ” You go first , Mordo , I will personally monitor the dark dimension . ”

Although he didn’t understand why Gu Yi said that , Mordu who could see Gu Yi’s solemn expression nodded and left the temple .

In Mordo’s heart , every decision of Gu Yi has a deep meaning , and he doesn’t need to understand what Gu Yi is thinking .

All he had to do was obey Gu Yi’s orders .

After Mordo left , Gu Yi sat down with his knees crossed , and his hands were sealed on both sides .

‘ Li Fan , let me see where you come from . ‘

The power of the Time Stone unfolds , and the spirit of the Ancient One spreads to all parallel universes through the Time Stone . �?

a short period of time , a large amount of information was collected in Gu Yi’s mind .

However , no matter how she searched , she could not find any trace of Li Fan .

Even in the universe where the four-handed Hulk appeared , there was no shadow of Li Fan .

It wasn’t until Gu Yi’s forehead faintly sweated that she finally stopped searching .

‘ Where did this Li Fan come from ? ‘

dark dimension , Li Fan stood on a black sphere naked and depressed .

It has been ten minutes since he recovered from the state of the four-handed Hulk .

However , until now , he has not seen Gu Yi come out to pick him up .

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