Chapter 1257 Chapter 67 Amber

The crunching sound of broken glass disappeared as Christian opened and closed the door.

Amber wiped away her tears, climbed down from the bed, and began to clean up the messy home without saying a word.

After surviving that burning inferno, it became clear to Amber that she would never be able to adjust to being without Christian by her side.

He is a hybrid of human and half-orc, his mother is human and his father is half-orc.

Her birth was an accident from the beginning, she was a bastard...

The mother was conceived after being violated. After birth, Amber only retained some of the physical features of the cat family. However, she did not have the strength and dexterity that the half-orcs were proud of. She was just stronger than ordinary human girls, and with her eyes, she could see in the dark. Just see things clearly.

Because of this incident, the family that had originally made an engagement with her mother also annulled the engagement. When they later learned that her mother was pregnant because of this, her mother's original family also expelled her.

Amber couldn't imagine how her mother had raised him by herself. Amber's childhood memories were that although she lived a very poor life, she was very happy.

My mother always keeps the best things for herself. When there are always people around her criticizing her, the most common words she says are always, "The child is innocent. If you want to criticize me, just point it at me." Come on. 】

Kohaku, who is still young, has no idea what it means, and her mother never talks about who her father is.

As Amber grew up, her mother also moved out of the town and came to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

At that time, Kohaku was only 15 years old and already had the strength of an adult man. She and her mother built a small wooden house together, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and lived by hunting and growing crops that they could feed themselves.

I thought that the ordinary and happy days could go on forever, but then a beacon lighted up and the war on the border came.

The war spread at an unimaginable speed. As if in just a blink of an eye, the artillery fire falling from the sky ignited everything Amber could know, burning everything about her and the entire world.

When she rushed back to the wooden house with a few brought hares, all that was left to her were the burned ruins and the ashes still glowing red.

"Mommy mommy……!!!"

Amber's heart seemed to be suddenly broken by the scene in front of her. She carefully held her heart that was about to break into several pieces, roared until her voice was hoarse, and ran frantically, trying to find her mother.

I don’t know how long I ran, but following my vague memories, when Amber returned to the town where her mother had taken her away, the place had been completely occupied by the enemy.

Amber finally found her mother in the enemy escorting slave team.

At the moment when she saw that her mother was still alive, Amber's broken heart seemed to heal a little. As long as her mother was still alive, there would be no problem.

Amber originally thought so.


But when she rushed forward impatiently, her mother who saw her for the first time showed a look of horror and screamed loudly: "Where did you come from, wild child? I am not your mother! Get out of here!"

"...Mom, mom...what are you talking about? I am Amber."

"I don't know you, and I don't know Amber!"

Her mother used a hysterical attitude and abused herself with extremely vicious words, trying to drive her away.

When the enemy soldiers heard the news and gathered around her, she scolded her even harder.

But Amber, who was still young at the time, just felt at a loss. She had done nothing wrong. Why did her mother suddenly hate herself so much?

Later I learned that the enemy soldiers would execute women who had sex with orcs, and they were not even qualified to be slaves.

Amber, who was caught before she had time to escape, watched helplessly as more soldiers held her mother down, then pulled out a machete and chopped off her mother's head in front of her.

The blood flowers flew high, like a fountain. Sputter on the gravel floor and penetrate into the ground.


She was dragged away and burned. The bastard was very strong and took her to work in the mines. "

That knife severely shattered Amber's only hope in this world - together with her heart that was about to heal.

After experiencing a huge mental shock, the sadness and hatred in Amber's heart instantly crushed her sanity. When she yelled like crazy and wanted to rush forward, she was unable to break free from the oppression of the soldiers. She was held down and beaten. Fainted.

When she woke up again, her hands, feet and neck were already shackled with heavy shackles, and she was lying in the cold and damp mine.

When someone saw that she was awake, they threw a basket and pickaxe over, pointed at the dark hole, and said, "dig."

Amber, who had not yet recovered from her grief, did not act, but the next second, the whistling whip fell hard on her body. Her face turned pale in pain, she gritted her teeth, and even her whining was suppressed by the pain in her throat. , crawled over with trembling hands and feet, grabbed the basket, carried it on his back, and ran into the hole with the pickaxe.


Their order only contained this word.

If you don't move, you will be beaten. If you dig slowly, you will be beaten. If you are lazy, you will be beaten. If you are in a daze, you will be beaten. Even if you raise your head and look at them while eating, you will be beaten if you make the other person feel uncomfortable.

In the dark days in the mine, Amber had no idea how long she had lived in that hellish life.

Every day someone dies next to him. After the pickaxe goes down, there is no sound for the second time. When the whip comes, the person has stopped moving.

Then the dead one will be pulled away and a new one will be brought up.

Amber's physique is very good, she has never gotten sick even in such a harsh environment, and she is stronger than those skinny guys, so she gets beaten less often, digs more rocks and mines, and they give her more food than There were more others, and just like that, they survived by luck.

Day after day, Amber gradually became numb to the death around her, and her beautiful emerald eyes gradually lost their luster. Just mechanically wielding the pickaxe and carrying out endless work here.

Until one day, there was movement outside the mine...

Those guys who had been swinging their whips to show off their power were all so scared that they pissed themselves and ran around screaming something they didn't understand.

Without the supervision of an overseer, some new slaves immediately thought of escaping.

They picked up the yellow ore in the basket and ran out while taking advantage of the chaos. Some even came to snatch the items in their own baskets.

Once these ores are misappropriated or snatched away, it means that they will be beaten and have no food to eat, so even if the overseers disappeared, Amber still subconsciously started fighting with them.

But the other party was a new slave who had not been beaten or starved, and there were more people than him. Amber did not beat them, and was pushed to the ground and beaten severely.

While the other party was beating himself, he was also shouting happily as if to vent his anger: "This damn bastard is still working hard for the empire, why don't you die!?"

Amber didn't say a word, she just hugged her head and huddled on the ground, letting them vent the violence and darkness in their hearts.

When they get tired of fighting... they should leave.

However, she didn't understand the darkness of people's hearts. Seeing Amber's resigned look, the other party actually waved a pickaxe.

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

The sharp and cold pickaxe tip reflected golden light under the weak torch light in the mine, and fell through the air. Amber could only feel a faint pain, and then her waist began to go numb, and strength followed the gap in her body. gushing outward.

My consciousness began to feel confused and my body became weak.

The other party abandoned her and ran away. Amber didn't feel the dizzying pain until she touched the cold metal nailed into her waist with her hands.

Amber took several breaths of cold air and shivered from the pain. She didn't dare to move the pickaxe on her waist. She could only cover the wound and dig the fingers of her other hand into the sharp gravel, bit by bit. Drag it out.

The finger was cut by a sharp stone, like plum blossoms blooming on the white gravel ground, dragging the seriously injured body, Amber just kept crawling out.

She didn't know why she climbed out. Maybe she just wanted to take one last look at the color of the sky before she died...

Because my mother's eyes are the same color as the sky. She said that the color of the sky is the freest color.


Her body couldn't hold on any longer, and Amber was so tired that even breathing was almost a luxury. When she held on to the edge of the hole diagonally upward with her last belief, and pulled herself out with all her strength, she no longer had the strength to move her body.

There were sounds of swords and gunfire everywhere, crackling and burning, and people running around to escape or fight, but these had nothing to do with him.

Amber only felt that her eyes were getting dark. She closed her eyes and rested for a while before opening her eyes and looking towards the sky.

However, she did not see the color of her mother's eyes until the end.


Why is it night now?

It was as if fate had never favored her. The grievance that swept over her for no reason in a moment made Amber feel collapsed. Tears kept falling from her eyes and fell on the ground, smearing the dried blood.

The starry sky above our heads was so clear, as if it were sealed in ice, and every star was sharp and clear.

The stars all over the sky are shining quietly and strangely...

And the night is so dark, so hard, and smells of iron.

Amber shed tears silently. She no longer knew what the meaning of her life was, and simply thought: Just die like this.

If I die like this, maybe I can still see my mother in heaven.

Then she can leave everything behind again, just like she did when she was a child, with the butterflies flying among the flowers, laughing and jumping into her warm embrace.

I seem to hear your call again, but I am dying, Mom.

Gradually, the surroundings began to become quieter, and the body became colder and colder.

The screams of the people around him were accompanied by the crazy dance of the fire, and together with the stars in the sky, they were reflected in Amber's eyes quietly looking into the deep night sky.


In the end, Amber could only hear a man's slightly confused and surprised voice from above her head, and then she completely lost consciousness.

Chapter 68 Attachment

Chapter 1258 Chapter 68 Attachment

Opening her eyes again, Amber looked at the white ceiling in front of her. The bright sunlight poured in warmly through the window on the side, reflecting on the quilt as soft as clouds.

It's warm and comfortable. The air is as fresh as in the forest, with morning dew. It's a completely different world from the filthy mines.

Am I dead?

Amber tried hard with both hands to lift the quilt, but the pain in her waist suddenly penetrated her spinal cord, slamming her into reality. The arms she wanted to lift lost their strength and collapsed on the bed.

She remembered the origin of the wound and felt depressed knowing that she was still alive.

"It would be nice if I died..."

"So you wanted to die there? I'm sorry for doing unnecessary things."

A tall, silver-haired man opened the door and came in, wearing thick pink cotton gloves and carrying a bowl of steaming porridge.

Amber closed her mouth for a moment. She didn't know there was anyone else around, so she just looked at him with a somewhat frightened look.

The man looked like an elf, with somewhat pointed ears, and a few silver earrings hanging on them. In his yellow eyes, there was an indifference that seemed to not care about anything, and the upright facial features on his face were also posed like a statue. Feeling of stagnation.

In terms of appearance, Amber felt that all the people in the town were not as good-looking as him. In terms of figure, the top of his head was less than half an arm's distance from the ceiling.

Oh my gosh, how tall is he?

However, compared with the cold red and black tight suit on his body, the pink cotton gloves on his hands gave people an almost ridiculous sense of humor.

He put the porridge on the bedside table and asked, "Are you hungry?"

The aroma of porridge quickly drifted into her nose. Amber shrugged the tip of her nose greedily, swallowed, and nodded vigorously.

I wanted to hold the porridge bowl by myself, but there was a sore and soft feeling all over my body, and the wound on my waist even felt the pain of tearing, which made Amber's expression slightly distorted.

"Can't move? Then I'll feed you."

He quickly noticed Amber's predicament, quickly took off one of his gloves, stirred the porridge with a spoon, scooped up a spoonful and brought it over.

Amber was a little flattered. Until now, no one except her mother had been so kind to her. She even felt that this was a trap. She pursed her lips in fear and leaned her head back hard to avoid the spoon he handed her.

"Not to your liking?"

The man put down the porridge, showing a slightly troubled expression, and then began to tap the air in front of him with his fingers.

Amber just watched his strange behavior without saying a word, not even daring to take a deep breath.

"Michelle, what do you usually like to eat?"

"Hey, what do you like to eat? Sashimi nya...?"

"I understand, thank you."

"Chris, are you going to buy me something delicious?!"

"No, just asking."

"Chris, disgusting!"

"..." Christian looked at Michelle's reply message, touched his nose, stood up and said to Amber on the bed: "Wait for me."

Amber couldn't get out of the bed anyway, even if she didn't want to wait for the other party, there was nothing she could do.

The man came back a few minutes after he went out, and this time he had a few more lively fish in his hands.

The water droplets thrown from the fish's tail even flew to Amber's face, carrying the smell of salty sea breeze.

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