【Sanskrit Mantra·Clear Spring】

[Eighth Level Thunder Magic Spell·Ming Yuan]

Since it can reflect attacks with traces, let's try one that cannot be returned.

Isabella used the incantation in a rare move, and the tiny water droplets turned into harmless mist that enveloped the warden, and then a deep purple thunder appeared under her feet.

Bang bang!

The humid air was penetrated by lightning, making a violent explosion, and a thundercloud rolling with lightning surrounded the warden.


A low moan sounded like a mockery, and Isabella, who was staring at the center of the thundercloud, suddenly flashed in front of her, and their positions were exchanged in the blink of an eye.

The Lin curse shield used for protection suddenly sent ripples of being hit, and the lightning that penetrated the humid air was pervasive, making Isabella's whole body numb with electricity.

Although the substantial damage was resisted, the paralysis effect caused by the electric current temporarily made Isabella unable to move.

Not only can this guy return the attack, but he can also switch positions?

It feels very similar to Todo-san's technique...

From the beginning to the end, Isabella has been constantly disturbed by her attacks, which makes her feel a little unable to start.

Judging from the state, the opponent has not even made any serious moves yet, and even the attack method has not been revealed. A large number of troops have gone to pursue Xiao Mo. As for Gresta who was torn apart by bullets...Isabella was not very worried about her safety.

After all, as his own magic teacher, it would be too funny if he died under such an attack.

Sure enough, outside the auction house, Gresta's "corpse" that had not yet fallen to the ground suddenly turned into countless bats and flew away. The bats turned into a black tide and covered all those who had previously pulled the trigger on her to bring her back to life. Armed team members.

After the black tide roared past, except for the scrapped guns that fell to the ground and broke into pieces, the figures of the team members had long since disappeared.

Not even a bit of fabric was left, probably all eaten up by the bats.

The black clouds condensed again, and Gresta's figure appeared. With a flick of the wand, the powerful magical spiritual pressure immediately distorted the air.

"To be honest, you're making me a little angry, masked man. To be honest, I hate people who raise dead guys again."

"Teacher! The warden can reflect your magic attacks!"

"Oh, my little darling, of course I saw it, but not all spells have the ability to be reflected." Gresta casually answered Isabella's cry, and the dark cracks began to follow. The tip of the stick in her hand was cut open.

"For example... Chaos spell."

Perfectly and precisely fuse the completely opposite attributes of holiness and darkness, exerting a power of 1+1 greater than 2.

The only chaos spell that Isabella can master so far is the eighth-level mercury rain, but obviously this kind of spell with a group attack range is not very powerful when used to hit a person who is standing still.

Moreover, one of the reasons why Isabella didn't use the Chaos spell was also considering the other party's ability to reflect the spell.

That is, the Chaos spell - cannot be defended.

As a relatively disciplined person, Isabella would not try anything too risky unless she was completely sure. If, even if, the other party could return mercury rain with three times the power, Isabella would probably do it. Loss of combat effectiveness for a period of time.

But obviously, Gresta, who is more free-spirited in fighting, will not consider this.

After all, he is a ruthless person who can release all forbidden spell sequences.

If it's the opposite, it's the opposite. The big deal is who dies first.

"Watch Isha, I will only perform once~"

[Accelerate chant——]

Isabella gritted her teeth, mobilized magic power to inject into the flying boots, and quickly moved away from the warden. The next moment, the dark meteorite wrapped the masked figure out of thin air, and a huge sound came from it.

With such a huge attraction, it was as if the twisted space had collapsed at this moment, making a sound like glass being squeezed and shattered.

The ultimate magic spell of the twelfth level chaos system.

“Black dwarf”

Chapter 41 The Star of Life

Black dwarf, literally, it is the final stage of the evolution of small and medium-mass stars. The ultimate product of stellar evolution of about 1 solar mass.

Since the entire star is in its lowest energy state, it can no longer produce energy radiation. It is speculated that it takes about 200 billion years for the stellar debris to cool down to a black dwarf, and the age of many universes does not even exceed this value, only about 10 billion years, so scientists there generally believe that there are no stars in the universe yet. Black dwarf.

That is, stars that are speculated to exist but do not actually exist.

The twelfth-order ultimate curse named "Black Dwarf" has inherited that non-existent power, using the evolution speed of the star to drag the process of life affected in it, and at the end of time, it will Everything is reduced to decay.

"Your life...is going to start to speed up."

Even the eternal stars in the universe will usher in the end of their lives in such a long span of time. After two hundred billion years, everything will return to dust, let alone a mere life?

The black star completely enveloped the figure of the warden, and in an instant, the dust and gravel attracted by the black dwarf rolled up into a vortex at its suspended bottom. The surrounding building pillars, glass, and rags were affected as if Like the acceleration effect in time-lapse photography, the ground dries up and decays, and finally dissipates into elementary particles.

The floor was old and damaged, and a huge crater collapsed with a rumble. The entire corridor connected to the hall, leaving only the slowly rotating black sphere that exuded the whimpering sound of stars at the end of their lives.

Then, like a bubble shattering, the black star suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

Isabella stared in surprise at the stars that had been dissolved by time in front of her. She even held her breath subconsciously. Only now did she inhale sharply. Some chilled air poured into her lungs to bring coolness, making her feel as if she was regaining consciousness. Get new life.

Different from other ultimate spells with attributes, the movement caused by Black Dwarf is not even as big as that of Fireball. But when you face the prehistoric fear of the universe accelerating in front of you, and look at the life that is shot by endless time like a sharp arrow towards the end of silence, that sense of helplessness in the face of despair will make all the blood in your body tremble. Stagnated by it.

Shocked, only two words can describe Isabella's mood at this moment.

"Don't be stupid, let's go." Gresta floated over on the broom and stretched out her hand to Isabella.

After being dragged onto the broom by the teacher, Isabella realized that her legs were trembling.



Gresta pursed her lips, shook her head slightly, and took Isabella with her broom across the huge decayed pit, chasing the armed group that had already penetrated into the depths.

"After all, you are still a human being... Faced with this situation, it is normal to be scared."

Humans living on the "planet" of the earth can only live for a hundred years. Compared with the "sun", the star in the center of the solar system, they cannot even imagine what the sun will look like after it is extinguished, let alone witness it with their eyes.

The life course of a star from birth to death does not even exist in their universe!

How could Isabella, who had witnessed all this up close and personal, not be shocked and frightened.

The curse called "time", for the immortal species, time is no longer a specific concept, nor is it a number accurate to hours, minutes and seconds, but just time.

Your own life, in the universe, is like a spark that flickers for a moment and then goes out in an instant.

But it is obviously just "all of a sudden", but it is enough to last for decades, even centuries.

I have experienced all kinds of life, ups and downs, gains, losses and partings.

Isabella sat on the broom, as if she had lost her mind. She recalled the truth that Leticia and Gresta had told her.

And the methods corresponding to those cruel costs.

[After you die, you have the opportunity to choose. 】

[Become a god, an angel or a devil. 】

[You will become enemies, fighting and loving each other in the curse and reincarnation of endless time. 】

[Under the dome where ninety-seven thousand stars can be seen, the guy with the pointed hat in the great library is still waiting. 】

"This is the last time you'll see me as a human being, Campbell. Goodbye."


"Isa...Isa? Hey, wake up!"

The soft flesh on one side of the cheek was pinched between fingers and pulled hard, causing pain, and the consciousness was pulled back to reality.

"Um...Teacher Gresta?"

"Don't be dazed, we are still fighting."

"Sorry...so sorry."

"It's me who should apologize. I shouldn't have let you see that thing. Don't think about it anymore."

Looking up and looking at Gresta who was looking over, Isabella avoided her amber eye.

"Teacher...in your eyes now, am I Frias or Campbell?"

After asking this question, Isabella could instantly feel the huge fluctuations in Gresta's magic power to control flight, and the broom shook a little.

Later, it stabilized again.

"...Of course, Campbell."

Isabella whispered the spell.

"Good morning, Via."

As the cyan light wings lit up, the expression on Gresta's face illuminated by the magic light spots showed struggle. Isabella jumped off the broom and flew forward alone, passing over Gresta.

Isabella turned around and said, "Teacher...even I can see your lie."

He is obviously a guy who doesn't even blink when he lies.

Isabella's figure disappeared around the corner, and Gresta followed slowly, muttering in a low voice: "I told you to recite the flying boots spell silently! Don't you understand what reciting silently means?! Idiot, idiot. ..Idiot...stop wishful thinking.”

It seemed like she was scolding Isabella behind her back, and it seemed like she was scolding herself in the end.

"Hey..." Gresta finally sighed heavily, her eyes looking tired and lonely.

"Did I turn out to be such a disgusting guy...?"

Just like Leticia said, after hundreds of years, she still can't change it.


Isabella, who was walking cautiously with her wand raised alone, suddenly felt a strange feeling.

It was as if someone was spying on me from the dark, and even what I was thinking was being known by an unknown being.

Is it an illusion?

【of course not. 】

Other voices suddenly appeared in her mind to answer the questions in her mind, which startled Isabella.


[Hey, look, let me just say that I learn quickly and am a genius. 】

"Who are you?!"

[Ahem, no, I wonder, can’t you hear my voice? 】

Isabella stopped flying and settled in the corridor, followed by Gresta, who looked as dejected as a child who had done something wrong.

The voice did sound familiar, and Isabella confirmed tentatively: "Let?"

【Hey~ Right! 】The tone was instantly familiar and reassuring, and Isabella could even imagine Cheng Rang on the other side of the call sitting cross-legged on the ground and clapping his hands.

[Aren’t I practicing time spells with Leticia? This is my latest progress, how is it? It is said to be cross-universe communication, which is awesome. 】

"Ahaha... Indeed." Isabella responded awkwardly, scratching her cheek with her fingers, her tone inexplicably guilty.

I lost Xiao Mo, and I haven't been able to find it back yet. But at this juncture, my husband contacted me.


Suddenly there was no sound from Cheng Rang again. Isabella tentatively called him a few more times, but there was no response.

It seems the connection was lost, very briefly, not even a minute.

On the other side, Leticia kicked Cheng Rang, who was lying on the ground with his eyes rolled, with his toes, and clicked his tongue helplessly.

"Tsk... I told you not to use it blindly if the distance is too far. You must be familiar with your brain. It's true..."

"——Why doesn't this idiot have a long memory?"

Suddenly, Cheng Rang sat up from his lying state and took a deep breath of air.

"Huh... Letitia, wait...!"

He stretched out his hand to stop Leticia's intention to continue.

"What?" Leticia tilted her head.

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