Thirty-six thousand hairs all over his body suddenly stood up, and the moment he looked at her, it was as if his back was being licked by an unknown terrifying beast. Sima Weiwei opened his eyes wide, resisted the urge to immediately pull out an automatic pistol from his waist and attack him, and asked softly: "Who are you?"

The girl's voice trembled slightly because of this, Cheng Rang raised his hand and patted his head, muttering to himself "You scared her" while raising a warm smile on his lips.

"First meeting, the daughter of Sima Heavy Industry."

A briefcase full of cash was placed on the table in front of Sima Weiwei with a bang.

"I came here this time just to discuss a very simple transaction with you."

"You guys...can't you go through the normal process? Just call me and make an appointment."

"Oh, I'm sorry about this. Because of the rush of time, we met so abruptly today. I will try my best to give you

compensatory. "

"Compensation is not necessary, and I may not necessarily agree to trade with a stranger like you who comes to visit unexpectedly."

"Who said they were strangers?" Cheng Rang shrugged his shoulders, "After all, I was a good friend of Rentaro-senpai before. Aren't you the one who has been providing free equipment to the Tendo Civilian Security Company?"

"Did I say something wrong?"

Sima Weiwei raised his hand, covered his face with a folding fan, and narrowed his pupils slightly.

"Rentaro-kun's friend? I've never heard of him."

"That's probably because Rentaro has been avoiding you on purpose."


It seemed that Cheng Rang had suddenly poked a sore spot, and Sima Weiwei's beautiful eyes were filled with anger, but she immediately adjusted herself and returned to calm the moment she realized that she had lost her composure.

"What compensation are you talking about?"

Cheng Rang raised the corner of his mouth.

"I can make Rentaro confess to you personally."

"--make a deal!"

Chapter 64 The Four Sages

"Doctor, what were you doing just now?"

"I had nothing to do, so I couldn't help but break up with Charlie. It's a pity that he has turned into tiny parts. Ah, while I am extremely excited, I feel a little lonely when I think about having to find a new lover tomorrow."

Rentaro looked at Dr. Sumire Muroto who was coming over with a complicated look on his face. As one of the world's top geniuses, she was also the person responsible for checking Enju's erosion rate. By the way, what she said just now was " Charlie” is a skinless human corpse.

The aromatics placed throughout the room filled the air with a strong smell, which mixed with the indescribable gas in the dissecting room, giving people a strong sensory impact.

"There's nothing here, you can sit wherever you like."

Rentaro stood in front of the bookshelves that covered an entire wall of the room. They were filled with collections she had collected because she was extremely passionate about movies. But maybe she's also the kind of person who just stuffs everything into a bookshelf. Rentaro could even see a box of erotic game discs next to professional books on quantum physics.

"The doctor is really amazing..."

"So you only realized it now?"


"Ah, by the way, your supporters have been here before."

Rentaro trembled all over and looked around in panic.

"Is she here?"

"Well, I always felt that she was not very happy. She said that you haven't been to the student union office to play with her recently, so she went to the classroom to look for you, but you were always not there. She was very boring."

"That's because I deliberately avoided meeting her."

"Why do you do this again? Isn't she the idol of the school?"

"Although she is a little cute, that's because no one knows the nature of that woman... Once she gets excited, she will open fire in the school with an automatic pistol."

However, as a police officer, she was the one who provided Rentaro with free weapons and ammunition...

Sima Weizhi, the student council president of Goutian High School, made an agreement with her to go to school.

It can be said that it is an extremely natural trend for the police and weapons companies to cooperate. For example, the giant sword used by General Ikuma is also a product of the Iskali company that supports him. Support the general and use him as a tester of new products. If you let him use the company's new products, you can use the slogan "That General Ikuma also uses this" to complete the transaction.

So it's only natural that such companies are keen on finding talented starters and facilitators.


"Miss Sima Weizhi... Which part of me has found potential for development?"

"Isn't it because I feel sorry for you because of your miserable face?"

Rentaro slapped his forehead suddenly and immediately changed the subject: "To be honest, doctor, I actually have other things to discuss with you today."

She put on her white coat hanging on the chair and took out the glass beaker.

"tell me the story."

Rentaro confided to Sumire all the troubles that had happened to him recently. After that, the two fell into a brief silence.

Sumire put her chin on her hand and showed a serious expression that she had never seen before.

Rentaro felt uneasy about this, rubbed his sweaty palms and said, "Doctor...?"

"Huh? Sorry, I was just thinking about what to cook tonight."

"——Hold me and wait!"

"I haven't listened to it since the middle. After all, your troubles are too boring and boring."

"how come!"

Glancing at Rentaro who was looking down to the side, Sumire said coldly as if she was trying to embarrass him: "I say, Rentaro-san, humanity will perish one day."

"It may be that the entire earth freezes and perishes in a few million years, or it may be swallowed up by the gigantic sun in the distant future. Tomorrow a section of giant stone tablets will collapse, and gastrula animals will swarm in from there, leading to the demise of human beings." maybe."

"No matter how wonderful a movie, a novel written by a literary giant, or a magnificent building, it will all be destroyed in the distant future. Dust to dust, soil to dust - do you understand this? From the perspective of the entire universe, it is just a mere Human beings, by their very nature, have no purpose for survival.”

Seeing the sneer on Sumire's face, Rentaro seemed to feel a chill. I wonder if this person has already been infected

pathological nihilistic mental illness

"Let me tell you Rentaro-san, after all, why do we have to annihilate the gastrea organisms?"

Rentaro didn't expect that the other party would ask this, and he couldn't talk to him for a moment.

"Can't you answer?"

"Please wait... Of course, it's because gastrea prey on humans, rewrite genetic information, and are the enemies of humans."

"In the final analysis, it's because gastrea are creatures that hinder humans, right? But isn't this because humans are too proud? Humans think they are at the top of the food chain, the master of life evolution, and look down on other creatures arrogantly, but that's because humans The consciousness gained makes humans extremely conceited - that they are superior to all other living things."

Sumire picked up the brewed coffee in the beaker and shook it in her hand.

"But if you think about it carefully, the idea that our 'consciousness' is proof of higher organisms is just our 'consciousness'. As long as humans are still humans, there is no objective evidence to prove it. For example , what about gasterozoans? They have the mythical ability to interfere with the genetic factors of living things and redesign them, right?"

"Isn't that the ability to override our 'consciousness'? Although it is no longer so popular in Japan, there are still quite a few religious groups around the world who worship the Archenteron as gods. They believe that the Archenteron is A messenger of God who appeared to purify the filthy earth."


Sumire Muroto seemed worried about Rentaro's understanding. After sighing briefly, she drank the coffee in the beaker in one gulp.

"That's because humans are the main cause of the rapid depletion of the earth by depleting resources. From the perspective of the spaceship Earth, gastrea becoming the ruler of the earth may be able to better control the ship. There is a saying It is called the reverse journey of all things. It believes that this world is just a temporary hotel for the creatures living in it. "

"Aren't we humans the unruly tenants who have made this hotel too dirty? It makes sense to make a bed for the next generation of earth rulers and then vacate it."

Rentaro fell into deep thought, then sorted out his words and said: "This is exactly the same as what deep ecologists say. If the ecology develops too much, humans will eventually become waste products. Even if someone affirms the existence of gastral organisms, I cannot agree. Besides, if gasterozoans are messengers of God, then what are the cursed children?”

"That's what acts as a messenger between humans and gastrea organisms—an agent of God~"

"Yeonjoo is a human! She is a human with personality and thoughts! She will never go beyond this category."

Upon hearing his reaction, Sumire spread her hands in an exaggerated manner as expected.

"You're right, don't you understand?"

be cheated.

Realizing this, Rentaro suddenly felt embarrassed and slumped down on the chair.

That's right, she had been saying those words from the very beginning in order to offend Rentaro. Rentaro is completely at the mercy of this guy——

"Let me tell you, Rentaro-san, at least you know where you come from. But Enju-chan doesn't even know that."


"Most of the children living in the outer area are abandoned. Because they were born after the defeat, let alone the faces of their parents, all they know is this small Tokyo area. They know nothing about it , insulted and despised by most people..."


"Their first generation will soon officially usher in puberty. At that time, due to their own life experiences, they will definitely feel distressed because they have lost their [human] identity. At that time, I hope you can The people around her who gave her correct guidance and teachings—aren’t you family members?”

Rentaro opened his mouth slightly, and suddenly felt his scalp numb, and his body shivered involuntarily.

How long-term has this person... been thinking about? !

"Doctor, I... really want to see Yanzhu!"

Sumire waved her hand gently and never looked at him again.

After walking out of the university hospital, my phone vibrated and displayed an unknown number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Satomi?"

With the slightly familiar voice, Rentaro recognized the person on the other side of the phone as Yenzhu's homeroom teacher.

"Yes, that's right."

"I am Lan Yuan's class teacher. The matter with Lan Yuan has become a bit troublesome... Can you come to school right away?"

"I'll be there immediately!"

Chapter 65 Becoming a Demon

Getting into Sima Weiwei's car, Cheng Rang was heading to Sima Heavy Industries' weapons factory with her.

"Sima Heavy Industries has the world's top weapons manufacturing technology. Everything you want, Mr. Cheng, can be found here. In other words, as long as you have sufficient funds, our products will definitely satisfy you."

"I hope so."

Sima Weizi, holding a folding fan, quietly glanced at the man beside him with his peripheral vision.

"Let me ask in advance, what type of weapons is Mr. Cheng good at using? Since you have to fight primitive gut creatures, even if you have a good starter partner, it is still recommended that you choose long-range firearms as weapons."

"After all, as humans, we are not immune to gastroenterovirus injections like children. Once bitten..."

The girl's delicate fingers were placed in front of her throat, making a cutting gesture.

"It's all over now - so it's better to keep our distance, okay?"


Cheng Rang remained silent, ignoring the words of the girl next to him, staring blankly at the scene passing quickly outside the window.

When Sima Weizhi saw this, he didn't ask for trouble. He said, "It seems that Mr. Cheng is really the kind of person who talks less. I really didn't notice it at first glance." and stopped talking to him.

In fact, it was not Cheng Rang who was pretending to be cold in front of Miss Sima, but the other voice in his was too noisy.

Ever since we made a contract with him, "There will be a time to take action when I leave my body to you to deal with certain things, so let Leticia go and don't let her endure the pain she has to bear again." [Myself], who successfully talked to myself again, seemed particularly active and happy.


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