I Herd Gods in Another World

Chapter 225 Time Chaos

As the train rumbled forward, the Meteor sitting on the car twisted his body a little uneasily.

She is a bit uncomfortable with this long-distance journey, especially when she has to be squeezed into the carriage and cannot run around.

Even though the carriage had been remodeled, it was still a bit cramped for the red deer people.

Although there is a little time every day to get out of the car and run two laps, this amount of exercise can only be said to be better than nothing.

Meteor felt that if this went on like this, her hooves would lose control.

After sitting in the car for a few days, Meteor saw a change in the environment outside the window, and the overgrown wilderness seemed to change its color.

The grass in the Huishan area is dark green, with a rotten smell, and even the water that gushes out of the ground is fishy and difficult to drink.

But now, the grass outside seems to have a different color, a fresh emerald green.

It's just that these emerald greens are strange, they are round in shape.

The verdant green of the original shape is like the scars growing out of the earth, distributed irregularly everywhere.

The Python around the world, which was going forward indomitably, suddenly slowed down, and said to the people in the car: "Be careful, the situation ahead is not normal."

In fact, there is no need for Python around the world to remind, Meteor also found something wrong.

She saw that many animals on the grass were walking around those green circles, not daring to approach them at all.

Meteor directly opened the car window, bent its bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow towards those green circles.

The electromagnetic rifle is more powerful and more accurate, but its automatic speed is fast and its size is small, so it is impossible to see the change clearly when flying in.

Meteor wants to see what's wrong with these circles, or whether bows and arrows are suitable after all.

Although Meteor has adapted to the electromagnetic rifle, her archery skills have not deteriorated at all, and the wooden arrow flew towards the center of the circle with great precision.

But in the end, the bow and arrow didn't hit the center of the circle, because there was a mutation just after entering the circle.

The iron arrowhead became riddled with holes, and the arrow shaft turned into mud and water vapor and disappeared.

Meteor couldn't understand what this change was, but the Python around the world could see it, and the arrow changed into its original appearance.

Turned into a real raw material, the iron and steel became the form of ore, but the impurities in the ore have disappeared, so the arrow has become a pitted iron slag.

These circles seem to have the ability to go back in time, and this time backtracking is still

The Python around the world had to carefully control the position of the rails and pass through these rings, otherwise he didn't know if he would be traced back to before the birth of consciousness.

"The power of the God of Precision is not so strong, what must have happened here? Before you left the West, what happened here?" asked the Python around the world.

Meteor recalled for a while and replied: "I don't know either. The patriarch took us away at that time. He just said that we would die if we stayed here. But at that time, I already felt very strange, because our patriarch suddenly aged a lot. "

Originally, the tribe where Meteor belonged to was considered to be powerful, and the patriarch was also a very good fighter. Who would have thought that suddenly, most of the tribe disappeared, and even the patriarch became very old.

If it weren't for this, the ethnic group where Meteor belonged would not have followed the railroad track to pray all the way, and then hastily campaigned for a new patriarch at the foot of Ash Mountain. Meteor wanted to challenge tradition, but died at the hands of the old patriarch.

Now it seems that it should be related to the power of the God of Precision.

But no matter what, they came to find this time force.

Qin Muyun's request was very clear, he didn't necessarily need to know what had happened to the God of Precision, he just needed to find a believer who could use time-type magic.

As long as there is a divine spell template, Qin Muyun can perfectly copy and control it.

Once you have mastered such a buggy magic of time, all problems can be solved.

As the train continues to move forward, there are more and more circles with strange time states, and the scope is getting larger and denser.

What's even more weird is that the two circles of different world states will also overlap each other. Meteor saw a panic-stricken snake-tailed wolf break into the position where the two circles overlap. In just two meters, it changed from a mature man to a cub , and turned from a cub to a pile of dry bones.

This strange situation was not only seen by Meteor, Qin Muyun also saw it clearly through the vision of the sentry guards.

It's a pity that the sentry guards can only share their vision with Qin Muyun, but Qin Muyun has no way to bless the rune vision ability to the sentry guards, otherwise, he might be able to learn the related magic of time just by looking at these circles.

But it's not a big problem. Qin Muyun said to Cain who was still busy building the production line: "When the portal is built, you can go for a walk. You don't need to do anything, just copy back the time magic of the God of Precision."

Qin Muyun had a plan long ago, he could not take the risk himself, but he could send Cain there.

Although the rune vision of this guy is only a few meters around the body, but if you can see it, you can see it, and as long as you can see it, you can copy it.

The Python around the world continued to meander for more than 30 kilometers, and finally stopped, because there was no road ahead.

The large and small circles of various colors are superimposed together, and there is no room for normal time at all.

It can be seen that there are countless dead bones and countless new creatures in the range separated by a line. They overlap in different time and space, and some are even in the state of half flesh and half bones, unable to control life and death.

Under such circumstances, the Python around the world did not dare to rush in, and Qin Muyun was not prepared to let his own people take risks, so it is almost enough to get to this position.

The train stopped, Meteor and others quickly got off the train, and then looked for a normal location to start building the portal.

Flame portals appear one after another, and this western land is closely connected with Huishan, which can be reached with one step.

Not long after, Cain walked out of the flame portal and walked towards the chaotic place of time with a solemn face.

When the rune vision was turned on, Cain suddenly showed a surprised expression.

There are dense rune energies in front of his eyes. Even though he can only see a very small area, the rune energies included are already innumerable. Cain found himself unable to remember the terrifying amount.

What's even more frightening is that these rune energies are still changing all the time, and Cain can only see a small part of them and cannot fully replicate them.

As a result, Qin Muyun's wishful thinking seemed to fail.

Cain was thinking about how to solve the problem, but suddenly heard a strange sound of ticking.

Not only Cain, everyone heard it, and the red deer people nervously grabbed the electromagnetic rifle in their hands.

It didn't take long for them to discover the source of the weird sound.

A figure appeared in the chaotic superimposed time ring, as if he was not affected by the chaotic time, he walked in front of everyone step by step.

His eyes were closed, and there was no expression on his face, but everyone seemed to feel that this person was looking at him.

Cain looked at the other party vigilantly. This person appeared to be a human being, but he gave Cain the same feeling as the God of Storms, full of suffocating coercion and non-human aura.

"Are you the god of precision?" Cain asked.

The man nodded and said, "I know why you are here. Take me to meet the God of Gray Mountain. I have been waiting for him for a long time."

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