I Herd Gods in Another World

Chapter 179 Another Prisoner

Adolf brought the unconscious Howard to a commercial building in Manhattan, which was owned by the Cappadocia family.

Because the matter is so important, the commercial building was cleared of ordinary people half a month ago, and now it is full of vampires.

The group of vampires has always been in a very contradictory state.

Immortal and powerful, it has great influence in the dark places of European and American countries. They are rich and powerful, but they always hide in the shadows.

No vampire dared to become a star actor, or run for office in politics.

They both seem to enjoy being the mastermind behind the scenes, hiding in the dark and never wanting to show up.

Adolf didn't think there was any problem before. When he first became a vampire, he also liked this kind of mystery overlooking mortals. Vampires are gods, they should be superior and should not be mixed with mortals, so that they can be forced.

But after coming out of that horrible hell Eden, Adolf felt like a fool.

What aloof gods are nothing but the self-righteousness of vampires.

In front of the real lord of hell, what is the difference between a vampire and a mortal.

Lord Lucifer would tear himself apart if he threw a cat out casually, and the three-eyed cat had a large litter in the Garden of Eden, as well as countless hell creatures.

And the serious injury of his severed arm and wing was even more insignificant in front of this adult, and without seeing him make any movements, Adolf regrown his palms and wings.

Life and death can be kneaded at will, how can vampires compare?

Regardless of how long Adolf has known Qin Muyun, his loyalty will not be much worse than Howard's.

Vampires have no future, hell is the future.

So Adolf did not have the slightest entanglement, and took Howard back to this vampire base camp.

His task is very simple, just wait for all the big vampires to arrive, then throw the seeds of the flame portal to the ground.

This is enough, there is no difficulty at all.

Then, he will become the confidant of the Lord of Hell!

On the first floor of the building, the vampire in charge of the gate saw Adolf and said with a smile, "Look at your expression, this mission went well."

Adolf smiled and replied, "It's just a mortal, it's not difficult to catch him."

"Then you are really lucky. I heard that the other people sent out all missed, and it seems that you are the only one who completed the mission." The young vampire said to Adolf.

"Huh? All failed?" Adolf was a little surprised.

Adolf vaguely knew that the vampire had a large-scale operation this time, and Howard was just one of the targets. Because he was a mortal, he was handed over to a new vampire like Adolf who didn't even have a title.

For other targets, there seems to be a count-level vampire who is far more powerful than Adolf.

Such a powerful vampire failed?

Who is their target?

Adolf was very curious, but he knew that he was not qualified to ask these questions, so he had to take Howard upstairs.

The elevator stops on the seventeenth floor, which is a special place for interrogation and torture.

As soon as the elevator door opened, vampires in dark lolita dresses greeted them one by one.

Adolf is very attractive to this style of clothing, if it is not worn on men.

The lolita-shaped vampire in front of him was a 1.9-meter-tall muscular macho.

Creatures with long life and no shortage of money will always slowly develop many eccentricities.

The name of the vampire count who was in charge of the torture was "Elizabeth". Adolf was sure that he must not have been called this name before. It was only in the last hundred years that he fell in love with women's clothing and changed his name.

"Hohohoho, so it's Adolf. I've heard of your name, and I heard that you'll be promoted to viscount soon. I like you the most, a young man with a bright future." Elizabeth said, reaching out her hand Adolf touched his chest.

Adolf wanted to hide, but found that there was no way to hide.

Elizabeth looked like a pervert, but the vampire count far surpassed him. There was an ultrasonic wave hidden between his words, which paralyzed his brain like an anesthetic needle and made his movements stiff.

Unable to make a resisting movement in time, Adolf could only watch as Elizabeth touched his chest.

This pervert, not only touching, but also pinching!

Adolf blushed, feeling that he had been greatly insulted. But he was powerless to resist, so he could only endure it.

Elizabeth didn't ignore his expression, but he seemed to like seeing Xiao Xianrou disgusted and unwilling, but unable to resist, he was so excited that his breathing became short of breath.

Just when Elizabeth was about to push forward, Howard, who was in a coma, opened his eyes. Adolf quickly said: "Earl Elizabeth, this is the person the Duke has designated. After I send him over, I will report to the Duke."

Elizabeth snorted coldly, withdrew her hand, and said, "Of course the Duke's orders are the most important. The days of vampires are long, so we don't need to worry."

Adolf only felt his body relax, and he regained his freedom.

Before Howard could react, Elizabeth couldn't help but said when she saw the fierce men's and women's clothes: "Hold the grass, pervert!"

Elizabeth's eyes instantly filled with murderous intent, she glared at Howard and said, "Pervert? Do you know what a transgender is? You, a sexist, seem to be very uneducated."

After finishing speaking, Elizabeth reached out and grabbed Howard's chest, with sharp nails sticking out, which could pull out his heart with one click.

Adolf quickly said: "Wait a minute! His Excellency the Duke ordered him to be captured alive!"

The posture of Elizabeth's palm changed, and she slapped Howard, sending him flying several meters away.

"Don't worry, I will save his life. But, he will beg me to give him a happy time." Elizabeth said proudly.

Adolf didn't dare to intercede with Howard anymore, he couldn't reveal his identity yet.

He could only give Howard a look, which meant to keep him going. As long as he survives until Lord Lucifer appears, he will be fine.

Severed hands and wings can be regenerated. Even if Howard is damaged in some places, he should be able to recover.

I don't know if Howard understood the meaning of this look, Adolf could only watch him being dragged by Elizabeth into the room at the end of the corridor.

"Hey, for the cause of Lord Lucifer, why don't you feel wronged?" Adolf said in his heart.

Howard struggled vigorously, but he was not Elizabeth's opponent at all, and was quickly tied to a cross by the macho vampire in women's clothing.

"Wait a moment, I will greet you well." Elizabeth twisted her thick body and left the room temporarily.

And Howard looked around in a panic, only to see that there were bloodstains everywhere in this dim room, and all kinds of torture instruments with unimaginable usage were hung on the walls.

What made Howard feel chills all over was that there was another cross beside him, on which was hanging a bloody human figure.

Could this be what happened to him?

Howard quietly clenched his fist, a tiny seed hidden in the nail of his right hand. Just throw this seed on the ground, and it will automatically grow into a flame portal.

"Master Lucifer said that as long as any flame portal is activated, he will directly attack. But, are the vampires already here?"

Howard was struggling in his heart. Suddenly, the bloody prisoner next to him said, "It looks like you're in a mess."

The voice was as calm as asking him what the weather was like today, and he looked full of energy, not at all like he was in a state of being tortured to death.

Howard suppressed his nausea and turned to look at the prisoner.

His facial features have long been blurred, and logically he should have completely lost his vision. But Howard felt that this person was staring at him, as if he wanted to look into his heart.

"You seem to have some hole cards, and you are hesitant to use them? But you were obviously captured by Adolf, and Elizabeth is much stronger than him. You

"It doesn't seem reasonable to use Elizabeth instead of Adolf.

"Hey, you reacted to the name Adolf, do you know his name, do you have something to do with him?" The bloody weirdo kept talking.

Howard became more and more surprised, and couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

A terrifying smile appeared on the man's bloody face, and he said to Howard, "I'm a prisoner captured by them just like you. So if you have anything to do, save me by the way, too?"

It's a bit of Calvin, this one is two thousand and five, I'll make it up when I wake up

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