I Herd Gods in Another World

Chapter 152 Confession

The vast majority of people are educated to be honest since they were young, but as they grow up they find that the people who taught them to be honest are often full of lies.

Parents and teachers tell children by precept and example that lying is normal, and honesty is the exception.

So when they grow up, most people get used to hiding, and study hard to figure out people's hearts, which is called knowing how to read words and expressions.

Qin Muyun was fine, because no one taught him to be honest when he was a child, so he didn't have such a rebellious mentality.

His overly magnanimous personality was completely explored by himself, he just felt that it was easier to live like this.

Therefore, when only he and Di Rui were left in the office, Qin Muyun asked frankly: "Di Rui, I want to ask you, when you were setting up a stall under the overpass, did you really meet me by chance?" ?"

When Di Rui heard this, his body trembled imperceptibly.

Di Rui asked back, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

On the surface, he can still remain calm because of the acting skills he has trained for many years, but Di Rui's heart has already set off a shocking wave.

Too bad, my identity is really going to be exposed.

Di Rui quietly stabbed his palm with his nails, trying to calm himself down with the pain, but it didn't seem to work.

True identity is Di Rui's greatest weakness. In order to deal with today's situation, Di Rui has rehearsed a long time ago. She has more than a dozen explanations, which can answer most of Qin Muyun's doubts.

A rhetorical question, just delaying time, used to adjust the mentality, and at the same time recalled all the preparation plans, hoping to fool Qin Muyun in the past.

Qin Muyun heard Dirui ask why, but didn't say anything, just stared at her quietly, as if waiting for her answer.

Regarding the question of encounter, it is in the second article of the seventh set of plans.

Now as long as the answer is a coincidence, and then recall the scene with Qin Muyun, and then mention his not-so-good childhood, there is a great chance to arouse his sympathy, and then...then...

Di Rui suddenly felt her eyes heat up, and the water vapor blurred her eyes.

Obviously, he has thought of a way to deal with it, but why can't he feel so regretful when he thinks that he is deceiving the other party.

Di Rui didn't use words to recall Qin Muyun's memories, but Di Rui remembered that when they first met, Qin Muyun was full of praise for her works.

That was the first time her hobby was recognized by others.

After setting up a stall together, seeing Qin Muyun haggling with the aunt, amusing with the children, going to and from get off work together, Di Rui felt that Qin Muyun was very interesting.

Qin Muyun was extremely focused when doing things, and never cared about other people's opinions.

Compared with him, since he was born, he can only survive by looking at other people's faces.

What an enviable freedom.

Later, they started a company together, and Qin Muyun handed over the accounts to her. Di Rui obviously had never studied accounting, but she was willing to study hard, and later found that it was actually not that difficult.

Seeing that Qin Muyun liked the dishes he made, he would cheer like a little girl, wishing he could roll on the bed with his pillow in his arms.

Later, when Qin Muyun disappeared suddenly, Di Rui felt that his whole body was missing a piece. It wasn't until he saw him appearing in front of his eyes that Di Rui felt that he was alive again.

If possible, I really want to be by his side all the time.

Unfortunately, fakes are fakes after all.

What is the seventh set of plans? Di Rui no longer wants to lie to others. To lie to someone who is so special to him is like stabbing a knife into his heart.


With just three words, Di Rui burst into tears.

Qin Muyun sighed and said, "I didn't expect that you are really a spy."

I'm sorry for the three words, which means that you don't call yourself.

Although Qin Muyun felt that there was no need for Qian San to deceive him, it was quite sad to hear Di Rui admit it.

However, Di Rui suddenly wiped away his tears and said in surprise, "What spy? I'm not a spy."

Now it's Qin Muyun's turn to be confused, you're not a spy, so what did you mean by sorry?

"Then what did you mean when you said I'm sorry?" Qin Muyun asked.

"Because I lied to you. It was not a coincidence that I approached you on purpose." Di Rui said frankly.

Now that he had gone all out, Di Rui simply didn't hide anything, and told all about being trained by vampires as a tool since he was a child.

Qin Muyun was shocked when he heard that Dirui was really a princess of the Turkish royal family, and the vampire was able to raise a princess as a gift, and what was even more shocking was that the vampire actually took the princess who had been trained for more than 20 years for him. sent out.

"What are they planning?" Qin Muyun asked strangely.

"I don't know the details, but you must be very important to them. And I am a gift from them, and the vampire never ordered me to do anything to you. They just care about who you usually meet and what you say. That's all," Deary explained.

The truth is a bit different from Qin Muyun's imagination. Dirui is more like a paparazzi lurking beside Qin Muyun, reporting his every move to the vampire.

"The vampire gave you away, did you just accept it?" Qin Muyun asked again.

Di Rui smiled bitterly and said, "I don't want to die, I have no choice."

A weak woman, who was raised as a tool since she was a child, and has seen countless vicious tricks of vampires, Di Rui knew that she had no chance of resisting, unless she found a tall building and jumped down with her eyes closed.

But as long as you are human, you have the desire to survive.

Di Rui didn't want to deceive Qin Muyun, but she didn't want to die even more.

And she doesn't have the ability to protect herself at all, she has never seen Qin Muyun's destructive power, and she doesn't think Qin Muyun has the ability to protect her. Once her identity is exposed, it is very likely that both of them will be in danger.

I have been hesitating until now, but I still can't hide the result.

Qin Muyun looked at Di Rui with red eyes, and said seriously: "I was told before that I don't understand the world, so I have very few friends. During the time I spent with you, I had a good time, although this is false , but I'm still grateful."

Di Rui was not only not happy when he heard Qin Muyun's words, but even more sad.

Because she understood what Qin Muyun meant, he would not forgive her deception.

Qin Muyun didn't look at Dirui's face anymore, but said calmly: "As a friend, let me give you a gift at last. I will give you the freedom you want most. Starting today, vampires will no longer threaten you. You can do what you want."

When Di Rui heard this, he said in a panic: "No, you must not be impulsive. You don't know how terrible vampires are, and anyone who opposes them will be killed. I will leave here, but you must pretend that nothing is wrong. have no idea."

Qin Muyun smiled and said to Di Rui: "It would be great if you confessed to me early in the morning, some things are not so difficult to solve."

Under Di Rui's worried eyes, Qin Muyun took out his mobile phone and sent a message through that special app: "I want to meet Duke Vlad."

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