I Herd Gods in Another World

Chapter 140 Manual Breeding

Qin Muyun didn't know that Mouse King Kerry had arrived on the island, and he was currently concentrating on studying the new rune combination.

Just like playing a game with a high degree of freedom, Qin Muyun likes to constantly study in depth to pursue the optimal team combination and challenge various limits.

In this half-day of research, Qin Muyun has researched a lot of things.

The original version of this beehive charm is to transform the brain into a hornet's nest, use one's own brains to transform into hornets, and use one's own body to make offerings.

However, because the hives transformed from apples are separated from the support of trees, the grown apple bees will soon lose nutrients and die, and the longest survival time is less than 30 minutes.

In order to solve this problem, Qin Muyun simply did not pick the apples, but directly transformed a whole apple tree.

The originally bright red and fragrant fruits have all turned into spiral honeycombs, covered with white bugs, which makes one's scalp tingle just looking at them.

With the continuous support of apple trees, apple bees can survive for a long time as long as they regularly return to the hive to rest.

The next thing is the wisdom of apple bees. Qin Muyun tried to use the weakened version of wisdom to give these apple bees a short-term wisdom enhancement.

It didn't turn out well, as most applebees went "crazy" after gaining intelligence.

Obviously unable to leave the hive to live alone, but after gaining wisdom, the apple bees still try their best to stay away from the hive, fly until they are exhausted, and even kill and devour each other.

This brutal change caught Qin Muyun unexpectedly.

After the wisdom technique was researched, only the original piranha received the full effect of the wisdom technique, and mutated and evolved into today's tree of wisdom.

And the weakened version of Wisdom Art, Qin Muyun, has only been tested once or twice among believers, and the effect is not obvious.

Wisdom enhances logical thinking ability and memory, and the improvement effect of just a minute or two has little effect on creatures that already possess a certain amount of intelligence.

Su Chen tried to learn the ninety-nine multiplication table under the effect of the wisdom spell. When the wisdom spell was effective, she could memorize it fluently after just one glance.

But when the effect of the wisdom spell disappeared, the things Su Chen memorized during this period would also disappear quickly, and within a few days, he only remembered the longest line of the ninety-nine multiplication.

This time, Wisdom was used on a bug whose IQ was lower than that of a beast, and the suddenly improved thinking ability seemed to have a serious conflict with the bug's senses.

Perhaps it is like when a mortal looks at the starry sky, he suddenly sees various physical constants and variables. These complex knowledge are telling you the truth about the operation of the universe.

Countless and complicated knowledge and insights came together, and you, as a scumbag, went crazy in an instant.

"Is the IQ too low to use Wisdom?" Qin Muyun felt a little regretful.

There was no way to take a shortcut, so Qin Muyun could only find another way.

Through this observation, Qin Muyun found that these apple bees did not seem to be locked to the hive.

Perhaps because all the apple bees were created by Qin Muyun, there is no competition between the hives.

Apple bees can go to other hives at will without causing other apple bees to attack.

After learning about this feature, Qin Muyun began artificial selection.

Summon a large number of apple bees and order these little bugs to help pick apples. Most innocent little guys will lie on the apple skin and bite.

Because these apple bees can only understand the two commands of "target" and "bite", they cannot accurately distinguish between apples and apple stems.

But as long as the number is large, there will always be one or two smarter apple bees.

Qin Muyun stared carefully, as soon as a little guy who could tell the difference between the apple and the apple stem appeared, he would introduce it into a special honeycomb.

Test again and again, pick one by one, just use this most stupid method to pick apple bees with high IQ.

Thanks to Qin Muyun's orders, the apple bees will absolutely follow, and it only takes a few seconds for a test to get the result. Without this kind of control, Qin Muyun would not be able to find a "smart" apple bee after spending several years on this island.

Even so, it took Qin Muyun three full hours to select a hundred "smart" apple bees.

This is not one in a million, but one in a hundred thousand.

"It's time to witness the miracle."

Qin Muyun communicated with the hive with his mind, and controlled three elite apple bees to fly out and land on an apple.

The three little worms crawled around the surface of the apple a few times, seeming to have lost their way, but they managed not to gnaw on the apple skin until it was pitted.

"Work hard, little ones, keep your eyes open to see clearly!" Qin Muyun cheered Applebee seriously.

Perhaps cheering up really helped, the three apple bees finally found their target and began to gnaw on the black wooden stalk.

After waiting patiently for three minutes, the apple fell from the tree with smooth and undamaged skin.

"It's done!" Qin Muyun shouted excitedly.

The success of these three little bugs showed that his artificial breeding was in the right direction.

The hive is self-reproducing, which means that these clever apple bees pass on their special genes.

As long as the breeding is continuously optimized, a large number of apple bees with high IQ can be obtained, and the use of bees to pick apples can also be made into an assembly line operation.

This process may be very long, but when a bee colony with high IQ is cultivated, the rest will be easier.

It's like laying the foundation before building a building. The deeper and more stable the foundation, the higher the building can be built.

Qin Muyun fantasized that transforming this island into a fully biologically intelligent operation would save even industrial pollution, and it would be considered a contribution to the cause of environmental protection, comparable to ten environmental protection girls.

The experiment has yielded results, Qin Muyun was very motivated, and specially planted two apple trees separated by a few hundred meters, transforming them into residences for "elite apple bees".

All selected elite apple bees are sent to the hives of these two trees so as not to remix with ordinary apple bees.

From busy day to night, Qin Muyun selected thousands of elite apple bees. It's just that there are more apple bees that have been eliminated, a large area of ​​buzzing, almost covering the entire apple grove.

What to do with these eliminated apple bees?

Qin Muyun can destroy all these little bugs with a wave of his hand, but it seems like a waste to do so.

Although these ordinary apple bees are a bit stupid, even a piece of toilet paper can be useful, so it should be able to use waste, right?

Or maybe develop another agricultural product and try some honey?

By the way, do these apple bees make honey?

Just do what you want, Qin Muyun controls the rune energy to make an apple tree grow flowers.

Regardless of whether it is flowering or not, the effect of the life charm completely ignores the season. As long as the operation is fine enough, it will be fine all year round.

The white apple blossoms on the tree were swaying in the wind, so beautiful that even Qin Muyun couldn't resist taking a photo.

It's just that the apple bees don't seem to be very interested in these flowers. Occasionally some apple bees land on them, but Qin Muyun can't tell if they are picking honey.

"Don't worry, try it first, and see if there is any honey produced in a few days." Qin Muyun comforted himself.

Without doing anything, Qin Muyun simply changed half of the apple groves to bloom. With so many flowers and such a huge bee colony, the result will be known in a few days.

After finishing these tasks, Qin Muyun was ready to go home.

It is impossible to finish such things as farming and infrastructure construction in one day, and he is already prepared to be busy with this matter for a long time.

In the end, Qin Muyun drew up a territory for his elite apple bees, took isolation measures, and prepared to go home through the portal of the underground magic cave.

Just when he arrived at the gate of the monastery, Qin Muyun's expression changed.

Because there is a row of unfamiliar footprints at this door.

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