The latest website: Dream.

Liz had a long, long dream.

In the dream, there was no disaster in Huodian City that was attacked by terrifying monsters. Of course, Vivian was not a hero, or even the complete opposite.

In the girl's dream, Vivian went from being a Tier 3 Summoner with half a foot to an extraordinary level, and became a little maid bought by Butler Robert from the countryside, just like Elina.

Speaking of Elina, in Liz's impression, this maid who was very thoughtful, as expected in the dream world, rose step by step, and finally sat in the position of the head maid.

The Elina in the dream also seemed to have a good relationship with Vivian, and she did not forget to bring the little girl with her when she was promoted, so that Vivian also took the position of the deputy head maid.

And because of this, as the daughter of the earl and the noble eldest lady of the mansion, she finally began to interact with the little girl.

Whether it's in dreams or in reality, the only thing that hasn't changed in Vivienne is her silly and innocent look, and should I say... brave?

There is no fundraising dinner in the dream, but there is a banquet for his own college entrance.

Damir attended the banquet, and she, as expected, wanted to take this opportunity to reveal her heart to Damir, and as for the result, she was also unsurprisingly rejected.

Just when she was squatting in the back door and sobbing alone, Vivian, who happened to be her maid and accompanied her to the banquet that day, appeared. The little girl comforted and encouraged her.

Even after feeling the deep sense of loneliness in her body, her mind became hot, and she blurted out that she wanted to be friends with herself. No maid ever dared to speak to her, the count's daughter.

So they became friends after that night.

Thanks to her hard work, Vivian went to the Vulcan Sect to learn magic with her as an accompanying student. During this period, a certain bishop, Liz remembered that it seemed to be called Eugenia, right? He was also very attentive to the little girl, and pointed at the little girl frequently, and because of this, the self in the dream was a little jealous of Vivienne.

It would be great if the dream ended here, but unfortunately, it seems that even in the dream, fate has not let her go.

As soon as the picture changed, it was her father calling her to the study. After that, it happened again, just like what happened today, but in her dream, no one could come to help her, she could only watch helplessly. , the father who turned into a monster devoured himself and later... became her.

Yes, it became her.

Since then, the dream has become fragmented, and Liz can only see a few shots in a blur.

Vivian was accused by "himself" of being the murderer who made her father disappear... Maid Elina's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty red light... A mysterious female doll appeared in front of "himself" and told her that she had worked hard k423 ...a wanted criminal with a bandaged face and a stranger, standing on a huge ship sailing somewhere...

Dreams are getting more and more chaotic.

Finally, with a crisp sound like a blister bursting, the dream collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman who was beyond Liz's description, seemed to be made of water, appeared in front of her.

"Can't we deduce more from divination..." The other party muttered with a cold face like an ice sculpture.

"You... who are you?" Liz asked blankly.

The woman made of water sighed after the girl's words.

"It's actually still able to maintain consciousness in the Mercury Art, let me see... No wonder, this is... a few lines of blood of the ancestor of the blood race? Even the fate line of this level can be forcibly changed..."

"Oh, how much trouble is this careless little sister going to bring me..."

The woman's ice-sculpted face showed a rare annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry, why I don't understand, what are you talking about..." Liz still asked blankly.

The woman sighed again.

After hesitating for a while, she still said:

"Although you will forget everything in the Mercury Art, I will tell you, girl, because the key fate line on your body has changed, so it will attract me. This kind of abnormality has been in my head for thousands of years. once in a while."

"As for who I am, in Qiandao, everyone seems to call me... Water God, you can also call me by my name, Florka."

"Water... Water God?" Liz repeated blankly.

"Okay, if you stay any longer, my sister will find you. You should wake up too, girl. In the real world outside, there is a little guy waiting for you."

"A... big surprise from my sister..."

Liz still wanted to say something, but everything was like a reflection in the water, and it began to disappear, including her memory of the dream, and the memory of the woman who claimed to be the "God of Water".

When Liz came back to her senses again.

The girl opened her eyes.

Is the familiar ceiling.

The memory of dreams is gone, but the memory of reality is still there, especially the painful memory, the most unforgettable memory of human beings.

The terrifying picture that happened before flashed in the girl's mind.

She was tied to the bed and couldn't move. The bedside was covered in flesh and blood, and she became the father of a monster. Countless hideous and ugly evil tentacles wanted to devour herself. Her real life background, the origin of her name, the strong hatred of her father, the cold blood of her mother abandon...

After waking up, the girl curled up into a ball, clasped her head tightly, her hands trembled, and the pitch-dark room made her seem to have returned to before.



It was the sound of the curtain being pulled open.

Immediately, the stars and moonlight, like lighting up the night sky, dispelled the darkness in the room.

The open window, the night wind blew, and a large amount of fresh air poured into the room, making the girl unable to resist taking a few breaths, as if this was the only way to make Liz feel that she had not been abandoned by this world.

The girl curled up in the corner of the bed mustered a lot of courage before she dared to raise her head and look at the window, the one who pulled the curtains and opened the window for her.

And this time, finally no misfortune happened to her again.


Liz on the bed directly desperately rushed to the side of the bed and fell into the other's arms.

The tears that seemed to have been stretched for a long time finally burst out at this moment, soaking Liao Zixuan's clothes in the blink of an eye.

"I...I'm so afraid...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

The girl even sobbed in her throat, hugging the young man tightly with both arms

"It's alright, it's alright, look, I'm not abiding by the agreement, I'm always on call?" Liao Zixuan patted Liz's back.

But when the girl heard this, she cried even more violently, and even moved her hands and feet to hit the young man's chest with her fists.

"You lie! You lie! I called you very early, why didn't you come, why..."

"Because only by saving the field at the most critical moment, can the effect be outstanding."

" say it, you say it! Ugh..."

Hearing that Liao Zixuan still had time to joke with her here, Liz burst into tears, while not forgetting to punch and kick Liao Zixuan, as if she wanted to release all her fears and sorrows.

But if you pay close attention, you will find that the girl always has one hand, holding the young man's shirt tightly, for fear that the other party will disappear after loosening it.

This state didn't last long, maybe a minute? Also possibly shorter.

The reason why I stopped venting might be because I was tired.

But more likely, it was because of fear. The young girl was afraid that under her willful venting, the youth would be dissatisfied with her, fearing that the youth would leave her.

So in the end, the girl's boudoir was quiet again.

Only by the window, under the moonlight, can I snuggle and bury myself deeply, wishing for a certain eldest lady who could rub herself into the arms of a young man.

I'm sorry, where can I still see half of the "eldest lady" now.

Just like a kitten, the kind that is just born, is unwilling to let go of its owner for a moment.

The two stayed just like that, in silence.

After going on for a long time, Liz finally spoke in a low voice and broke the silence.

"That's...why would you pick me and be your 'client'?"

Although the girl was asking, it was more like a self-talk that already knew the answer.

"Huh? What do you mean, I don't quite understand." Liao Zixuan also tried to be fooled by pretending to be stupid.

Who is Kris.

She has been educated by the best aristocrats since she was a child, and she is well-versed in the circle of aristocrats who are good at calculating. The reason why she is sought after and loved by countless young nobles in Huodian City is that the status of the earl's daughter is certainly one aspect, but the beauty and intelligence of the girl also occupy the a large proportion.

But sometimes, being smart is not necessarily a good thing.

Just like now.

Although Liz wished she could be a little stupid at this time, and even said that it would be good to be an idiot, she couldn't.

When the mood gradually stabilized and it returned to a normal state, many clues seemed to be strung together. In the girl's mind, the girl was given the truth that she would rather be kept in the dark.

"You planned everything for today, right? Starting with the handkerchief you gave father?"

Liz was lying in Liao Zixuan's arms, revealing a small head.

The girl looked at the night sky outside the window, without any sense of the person involved, as if she was a third party, recounting the incident.

"You have long suspected that my father is a monster, and he is in the same group as the monsters that attacked Huodian City before, and they are all affiliated with the organization you told me, the subordinate of the Fallen Abyss, more likely, I Father is the inner responder of Fallen Abyss lurking in the city."

"That's why you approached me on purpose, starting from when Nina was cutting clothes, grabbing the same dress with me, using this as a reason to stop me halfway, scare me, and use this method to make me and you the first Once I meet, I leave a deep impression on others that may last a lifetime, which I can't achieve."

"'s the bad kind..." Liz said, pouting, as if she had returned to her original self with empathy.

"Uh, that..."

Liao Zixuan just wanted to say something sophistry for himself.

A light-white finger was stuck to his lips, blocking his mouth.

"Today, let me take the initiative once, okay?"

Seeing that the young man had no intention of speaking again, the girl retracted her fingers and continued to snuggle into the other's arms.

The color of memories continued to flash.

Liz then said:

"Okay, now that your first plan has been achieved, the second step is to find a way to reverse my bad impression of you, otherwise how can you trick me into signing a contract of prostitution with you? Therefore, you focus on At the fund-raising dinner hosted by Vivian, as expected, in order to obstruct the fund-raising, my father even let the treasure troop kidnap his daughter so that she could not attend."

"But even if he is as savvy as my father, Lord Earl would never have imagined that besides him, there is another big bad wolf who is staring at my little white rabbit. The plan, deliberately did not take action in advance, but waited until the treasure thief group imprisoned me in the abandoned warehouse, when I was most helpless and cold, I took advantage of the emptiness to enter, just like the knight in the fairy tale, I was taken from the devil's place. rescued from the castle."

"Of course, you are not a knight, because a knight's dedication to the princess is selfless and unrequited, you are a demon... No, it's too ugly, you are still a big bad wolf, and I am not a princess, yes White Rabbit."

"A little white rabbit who is lonely and needs to go to the big bad wolf for comfort."

Obviously she was talking about how she fell into the trap of the big bad wolf step by step like a little white rabbit, but Kris's tone was full of... happiness?

"Since that day, as planned, you have successfully reversed your image in my heart in one fell swoop, and even made my heart beat for you, and made me realize what it's like to miss someone in my heart all the time."

"But as you told me, there is no pie in the sky. Even if it does, fate has already set a price for its gift, but what I didn't expect is that it will come so quickly."

"And the price is so...expensive."

As she spoke, tears filled the girl's cheeks again.

Liz raised her head and turned her crying face to Liao Zixuan. The girl's red eyes were filled with a pair of tired eyes.

"Have I... paid?"

"It's still a little bit, only the last point. I think behind your father, there must be more than just the Fallen Abyss, and there are deeper forces lurking behind. The letter I gave to your father is to lead him out of the city, and then ..."

Liao Zixuan wanted to reveal his future plans to Liz.

The appearance of the girl made him extremely worried. Although Liao Zixuan had imagined it beforehand, he really held Liz in his arms and felt the girl's body trembling constantly. To the places where the girl was weak and weak, he could no longer hide it from Liz like this.

But sometimes it is.

When you want to reveal again, for girls, it doesn't matter anymore.

Liz only cares about one thing now.

"No matter what you ask me to do in the future, I will cooperate. I will be good and pay the price I should pay. After all, who asked me to choose such an expensive thing?"

The girl reached out and stroked the young man's cheek.

Liz finally summoned up her courage and asked:

"If after paying all this, I have nothing and nothing left, would you... still consider me your "customer"?"


"You will always be my client." Liao Zixuan replied immediately.

'Really...really? "


"Even if you annihilate Fallen Abyss?"


"Even if I have a powerful monster mother?"


"Even if I... have the blood of a monster in my body, not a human?"

"Yes! By the way, don't be an old monster. You and your mother can be called more elegantly. If I guess correctly, you both belong to the blood clan." Liao Zixuan was Liss Science.

"Even if I'm ignorant and don't know anything?"

"...Yes..." The corner of the youth's mouth twitched.

"Even if I grow old and ugly, even if I get old and yellow? Even if you have a lot of new customers who are more valuable than me and more worthy of taking care of?"

"First of You are a blood clan, blood clans generally live very long, even if you want to become ugly and old, it is very difficult, secondly, no matter how many customers I have in the future, you are my first and first The position of "customer" will not change..."

"You haven't...answered me..." The girl murmured more and more persistently.


"Even if...even if...what..."

Finally, Liz's voice was so weak that it was replaced by a steady and even sound of snoring and breathing.

Liao Zixuan looked down, only to find that the girl had turned her head to the side, her eyes closed, as if she had fallen asleep and was asleep.


"Good night."


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