128 – Phrygia and Isaac – 4

“Is this the magic tower?”

The first floor of the Mage Tower was as I expected.

“As expected, the structure is no different from the magic test.”

The Magical Test I had seen before consisted of the lobby on the first floor, the library on the second floor, and the laboratory on the third floor.

Since this is a test based on a magic tower, is the structure the same as a real magic tower? I thought so, but it actually was. It was just control c + control v.

In other words, the first floor where I am currently located is the ‘Lobby’.

‘Too many people…’

The lobby was crowded with many people. Most of them seemed to be wizards because they could feel the thick mana, and most of the people who couldn’t feel the mana were nobles adorned with expensive accessories.

“You know what, in this experiment…”

“A wondrous competition between fire magic and water magic…”

“The theory of clearing fields using earth magic…”

‘I’m afraid these aren’t f*cking magic stones…’

If there are magic stones on Earth, there are magic stones in this world. They look like geniuses, but should I say they look like guys with a screw missing? What is certain is that a wizard who has only studied magic for over 20 years will never be insane.

‘The way up to the second floor…is this it?’

There were only two types of stairs in the lobby. One was a circular staircase located in the center of the lobby, which was a little scary to approach because it would be too noticeable. On the other hand, the one remaining stairway was a small stairway located in the corner, and since no one was using it, it seemed that it was not a stairway that was often used.

‘I’ll have to take those stairs.’

Of course, wanting to meet Elizabeth quietly without anyone noticing, I chose the small stairway in the corner, and just as I stepped up the stairs…

“Hey! What are you doing?!”


In an instant, numerous eyes were focused on me. Looking at it now, almost everyone in the lobby was looking at me.

‘…f*cked up.’

What’s wrong…?

“What are you doing?! Who wants to use those stairs?!”

“…Why are the stairs not to be used?”

“Of course not! Because those stairs are only used by the owner of the magic tower, Elizabeth and Her Majesty!”


f*ck. Really f*cked up.

“Before that, who the hell are you?! I can’t even feel mana, and looking at the clothes, it looks like a servant.”

“That is…”

“Could it be that the intruder came back secretly?”

It’s hot.

I was stabbed. Since he was an attendant belonging to the royal palace, he could not be called an intruder, but he clearly crossed the line as an attendant. If the fact that I came here even reaches Phrygia’s ears…


‘Work has become a nuisance.’

If I was the right person, I’d just say, ‘It’s my first time at the Mage Tower, so I’m confused, hahahaha!’

The proof is that some female nobles and wizards are actually blushing.

“Can’t you answer quickly? Who are you!”

“That is…”

I can’t. This time, I have no choice but to sell Elizabeth…!

“Actually, the former Miss Elizabeth…”

The moment I was about to answer, a huge amount of mana exploded in the center of the lobby.



A huge amount of mana that could slaughter all the people in the lobby. Fortunately, what was created by the mana was not flame or lightning, but a simple lump of light.



This was an opportunity when people closed their eyes due to a sudden mass of light. I quickly climbed the stairs and ran upstairs.

“You bastard won’t stop..!”

The man who was arguing with me screamed loudly while his eyes widened due to the flash grenade that suddenly exploded. Of course, I wasn’t the one who would follow those words right away.

‘I don’t know who did it, but thank you…!’

I’m not sure why the ball of light suddenly burst, but it was a good thing for me. Thanks to you, I was able to use the stairs safely.


“These aren’t the stairs to the second floor…these are the stairs to the top floor, right?”

Yes. These stairs are the stairs that Elizabeth uses. In other words, it was a kind of shortcut that led directly to the top floor where the owner of the mage tower resided.

If I had climbed the stairs in the middle, there would have been a high possibility that I would not have reached the top floor where Elizabeth lived. There were a few happenings, but in the end it was the best choice.

“I have arrived.”

Did you walk upstairs for about 5 minutes? I finally saw the end of the stairs.

“This is the private space of the owner of the mage tower, so go back if you don’t know how precious your life is….

At the end of the stairs was an ornate door about 2m tall and a bloody warning attached to the door.

To be honest, it was a bit chilly up my spine, but it’s an unavoidable choice to get a hint about this test.


“Excuse me…”

I opened the door as carefully as possible and stepped inside, exclaiming in exclamation at the first thing I saw of the laboratory.

The room was a spectacle itself that was appropriate for the standard of a wizard’s laboratory.

Flasks filled with suspicious liquids, lots of papers with magic circles on them, and magic items that can feel mana. All of them are just magical things.

“Does the landlord…?”

There are no people in the room. Of course, for a monster the size of Elizabeth, it would be as easy as breathing to hide your presence, but why?

Currently, I am nothing more than an attendant, nothing less. Of course, the face is rather handsome, but other than that, there is really nothing.

Is Elizabeth hiding her presence avoiding me like that? It was a nonsense story. Her whole body would be crushed with just one gesture of her hand, but if she wants to hide, I have to hide, that’s normal.

‘…This would be difficult.’

Currently, I am a trespasser who has invaded her residence. She means that even if Erzebet executes her summarily, she is left with nothing to say.

So I tried to talk to Elizabeth as much as I could, but in the current situation…

“You wouldn’t kill me right away just because you touched your experiment..?”

It was a very promising idea. For wizards, the results of experiments were items that were like life. Of course, I had no intention of touching Elizabeth’s experimental items, but that wouldn’t be a consideration for the landlord here.

“f*ck…There is no answer.”

“I see. There is no answer.”


At the moment I was muttering to myself, I was startled by a familiar voice from behind me.

This voice must be…

From noble mtl dot com


“Yes, that’s right, Elizabeth.”

The owner of the voice is a bewitching beauty with impressive gray hair. She was Erzebet.

Contrary to my expectations, it seems that she was really watching me while hiding her presence.

“It’s strange to call my name carelessly on the subject of an attendant… The harmony between the soul and body doesn’t match.”


Ezebet noticed that the owner of the soul and body were different just by looking at me. This was also evidence to disprove that she was not an NPC to help her with her simple test.

“Are you sure you are the master of this world?”

“…What do you mean by being the master of this world?”

“Are you going to keep pretending you don’t know? He had already noticed that this world was not real. That also means that all the inhabitants of this world, including me, are not real. However, the aura I feel in you is different from that of the inhabitants of this world. I can really feel the vitality. If my hypothesis is correct, there is a very high possibility that this world is your mental world or world of thoughts.”


As expected, isn’t the arrogant title of the second greatest wizard in history given for nothing? It’s not even the actual Erzébet herself, so to think her head is flying like this…

Perhaps, with Erzebet’s help, she might be able to pass the test unexpectedly easily…?

“But… I don’t know why this mental world exists. It doesn’t look like the world you created yourself.”

“Are you curious?”

“I wonder. I’d like to imprison you and then use the confession magic to get that information…But that won’t be easy. Because you are the master of this world.”

I’m glad. She communicates better with Elizabeth than I thought. I thought that if I was honest with her, I would be killed by her and not pass her test, but she let go.

“Tell me. Why does this world exist?”

“…This world is a kind of proving ground.”


“Yes, a testing ground to test me. But I don’t know the conditions for passing the test. If I simply pass the test, I will return to my original world, and I don’t know what will happen to this world.”

“Oh my god…”

“That’s why I found Miss Elizabeth. It seemed that the real Elizabeth would have noticed the inconsistency of this world.”

“Do you know about me?”


I met your reincarnation.

“It seems that the time axis of this mental world and the real world are different.”

“About 10,000 years or more will make a difference.”

“…Then does this kingdom still exist at that time?”

“That is…”

“It must have perished.”


Ezebet was unexpectedly calm despite my words. It was as if he had already guessed.

“…After all, His Majesty…”



Ezebet folded her arms and closed her eyes as if she was lost in thought.

About 10 seconds later, Erzebet slowly opened his eyes and opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“…I don’t know.”


“I don’t know. It is true that I have excellent magical literacy, but it is impossible to deduce all answers with only fragmentary information.”

For a moment, I tried to add an explanation that it was a test of the 11 thrones related to Phrygia and Isaac, but I decided to hide that. It was not only because he still couldn’t trust Elizabeth, and there was still a significant part left.

“…..But there is a way.”


“Yes, the only being with more magical knowledge than me. You should ask him for advice.”

A being with more magical knowledge than Elizabeth…?

No way…

‘You said that Elizabeth was the second greatest wizard in history, right? That means…’

The greatest wizard in history.

“I am going to see Your Majesty. Get ready.”

A rod that bestows power on the 11 thrones.

I’m going to meet him.

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