124 – Kingdom of Elves – 5

“I think the first step is to listen to the explanation of the situation.”

Bianca, the elven queen, asked Emilia for her explanation with her beautiful smile. He must have wondered how Emilia, who had been pursued by the dark elves, returned safely.

Of course, she seemed to have a vague idea of what had happened since she was about the size of an elven queen.

“I jumped into the river to avoid being captured by the dark elves. When I came to my senses, I found that I was being held captive by a slave trader.”

“Because they are slave traders…Still dirty people like that…”

“Yes, it happened to be the day of the auction, so I was immediately taken to the auction house. From there, she escaped with the help of Gaon.”

“What happened to Claude?”

“While guiding Gaon to the Elven Forest, she was attacked.”

“Then, you are indebted to that person again.”


In an instant, Emilia’s cheeks turned red. She had a rough idea of what she was thinking, but she agreed to understand.

Anyway, should I say he is the king of a country? Based only on a very fragmentary story, he knows exactly what happened. Even though he just said he was attacked by Claude’s group, he’s convinced that he’s been helped by me. Not an ordinary woman.

“Hmm…So, what did you do with the filthy humans who participated in the auction by any chance?”

“…Killed them all.”

“Your expression seems a bit different.”

“..All are dead.”


The Elf Queen glanced at me with her eyes of interest. She noticed that it was not Emilia who killed the people in the auction house, but she was me.

“Even if it’s you, Emilia, it would be impossible to carry out a massacre without noise in the auction house. Her benefactor helped her.”

“That’s right.”

“Whoa… Gaon, our country of elves has been greatly blessed. Emilia is my daughter, the commander-in-chief of this country, and a very important figure. Since you saved Emilia like that twice, she wants to repay you for it.”

“Ah…Thank you.”

Hmm… I feel uncomfortable for some reason.

If you help, you’ll only be rewarded with good intentions? I got suspicious because I was seriously burned once in the Empire.

Besides, the use of a courtesy is also the same, and I have a very suspicious feeling. Is it like the feeling of meeting Veronica for the first time? Of course, it wasn’t as overwhelming as it was back then.

“There is something I want to tell you about that.”

“What is it? Tell me.”

“In fact, I have already promised my benefactor her reward as the commander-in-chief of the Elven country. If her mother does not object, she would like to pay the promised reward.”

“Ehh…? Yeah, what did she promise?”

At that moment, the sound of Emilia swallowing her saliva was heard. She is worried Her about whether Bianca would grant her own request.

“In addition to being treated as a state guest by the elves, we promised to hand over one of the gods.”

“…That is not within your authority, Emilia, is it?”

“Sorry. I had to make a hasty decision. Please punish me.”

The smile disappeared from Bianca’s expression after hearing Emilia’s words. Sinmul is one of the foundations of supporting the country. He promised to transfer such things without the permission of the king himself, so he couldn’t help but be angry.

“Emilia, do you know how many unclaimed sacred objects are currently in the country of elves?”

“…Five come.”

“Yeah, five. You mean handing over one of them now?”

“…Sorry for being presumptuous.”

While Emilia looked at Bianca’s eyes, she also looked at me standing behind her. He must be worried that he might resent me for not keeping his promise.


‘I didn’t expect it anyway, so what?’

Transfer of property is the exclusive authority of the monarch. She already knew to Emilia that she didn’t deserve it.

Because of the case of the empire, I already had the mindset that if I didn’t repay the favor with my enemy, it would be okay. I think it’s a good thing to treat a state guest. Originally, my goal was to enter the country of elves.


Here you have to be formally angry. That way, even if you can’t get the new item, can’t you get something else out of it?

“Whoa…Emilia, I think the story of a promise is a bit different, right?”

I flinch…

I noticed that Emilia’s shoulders twitched a little.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m guilty of not keeping my promise, or if it’s just because I’m afraid of myself. However, one thing is for sure: Emilia’s heart will be rotting away.

‘Okay, if I push myself a little further here…’

Wouldn’t it be possible to get something equivalent to it, even if it’s not a god thing? As for Emilia, she’s a second-in-command in the country of elves, but she should be able to get you at least one decent reward.

I felt a little sorry for Emilia, who shook her shoulders, but she couldn’t help it. If you’re going to blame her, blame yourself for making fun of her mouth.

“I can’t help it, Emilia, you paid that much…”

“…But, Emilia, what you say has some truth.”


For a moment, I looked up at Bianca with a dumbfounded expression on my face.

What? What do you have?

“Emilia, you are the second most powerful person in this country and the next queen. Her value is by no means less than that of her god, or rather, it is more expensive.”


“So, for the first time, this time, I will allow other races other than elves to use sacred objects.”


What is it?

Should I say that I studied really hard for something, but the difficulty of the actual test was so low that I felt like I solved it all in 5 minutes. It’s vague to explain, but it feels similar anyway.

“Also, our country of elves will treat Gaon as a state guest, and this will continue until the throne changes.”

“..Thank you..”

In addition, the hospitality of state guests is certain. Bianca, the elven queen, is a long-term ruler who has led her kingdom for thousands of years. In other words, there is a high possibility that Bianca’s rule will continue until I die of old age.

It is a treatment that is completely different from any other empire.

“Ah…But there is one thing I didn’t tell you.”

“What is it?”

“Actually, there is one more request I made to my benefactor in exchange for the gift.”


…Come to think of it, Emilia made that request as a condition of handing over her possessions to me.

That must be…

“The suppression of the rebels. I asked for this.”

“Is that true, benefactor?”

“Well… That’s right.”

He nodded his head obediently. A small amount of help was enough to subdue the Dark Elf rebels. Unless you have monsters like Veronica and Celeste.

On the contrary, if he could get something new by suppressing the Dark Elf rebels, he was also a surplus trader.

“Then there shouldn’t be any problem in handing over the new property. To be honest, I was worried that I would be severely criticized by the aristocrats at the cabinet meeting, but they would understand this.”

A bright smile settled on the face of the Elf Queen, who had been cold. It seems that Bianca was worried about the backlash that would arise when she transferred the property to me.

“My benefactor, take this key.”

Then, Emilia took out an ornately decorated key from her bosom, and she soon blew it towards me using wind magic.

From noble mtl dot com

If I was like someone else, I would have wondered what kind of key this was, but I, having experienced something similar once in the Bureau of Animals, was vaguely aware of it. That this would be the key to getting the god.

“This is the key to the storage room where the new item is kept. It can only be used once.”

“Are you asking me to use this and take one myself?”

“That’s right. You can ask Emilia for the location.”

The 2nd Treasury Key obtained after Suin Guk. Of course, it’s different from Suinguk. Unlike the Warden’s warehouse, which was filled with rare but useless junk, this key was the key to a warehouse that kept new items.

“Then can we assume that the settlement is over?”

“I don’t know what to do with receiving so much.”

“Oh, my benefactor seems to like jokes.”


I’m sure. Bianca, Queen of the Elves, is a viper. It is also a venomous snake with tremendous deadly venom that has been aged for thousands of years. I don’t know what the hell she’s thinking inside.

“Then Emilia, you can go out.”

“..Yes..? However…”

“It’s because I have a story to share with the benefactor’s party.”

“…I understand.”

Emilia licked her lips anxiously, but her queen’s orders were absolute. Eventually, after she had done her courtesy as a subject, she cautiously exited her throne room.

A total of five people remained in the audience room.

Bianca, Celeste, Illyana, me, and…


“Isn’t it okay to come out soon?”

Said Bianca with a sly smile not seen when she had a daughter of her own.

Then the soft and light scent of roses began to irritate my nose. The sudden smell of this…


“Is my scent that good?”

Looking back, as expected, Veronica, who was wearing an alluring smile, entered her pupils. Maybe it was because she brought up the story of her scent, but for some reason, I felt her rose scent stronger today.

“It’s true that it smells good… but why did you come out?”

“Because there is no need to hide it.”

“……You might.”

Do you know that queen? I tried to ask, but she put her words back into her mouth.

Come to think of it, it was even more strange that she was acquainted with the emperor of the empire, but she did not have a face-to-face meeting with the elven queen who ruled for thousands of years.

“It’s been a while Veronica. Almost 30 years? Celeste-sama is probably…”

“It’s been about 5000 years.”

“It’s been such a long time already.”

Besides, Celeste and the Elf Queen also seemed to be close friends.

For some reason, seeing them saying hello to each other made me feel alienated.

“By the way, the two of you are looking for me together… For what reason…?”

“I didn’t want to come with this b*tch either.”

“Who is to say.”

“Then why don’t we leave now? No one will stop you.”


It’s a start again. Yes fight each other Anyway, this isn’t my land, it’s the territory of the elves, so whether I destroy it or not has nothing to do with me.

Of course, there were people involved here.

“Both of you, please be patient..! This is inside the world tree.”

“What kind of world tree is the world tree that has not grown properly yet?”

“Right. Are you only 10,000 years old now? You are still young.”

What I’ve felt while watching those two b*tches is that they subtly go well together. Do we have to say that we have the same point of view? That’s why there are frequent cases where opinions are the same even though they fight secretly.

“And Bianca, don’t you have some idea why we’re here?”

“…What do you mean…”

“A b*tch like a dung beetle, from the moment she entered the audience room, would you pretend not to know while giving the king a passionate gaze?”

“I will. I hate liars… Shall I get my tongue pulled out as a punishment? Or maybe your eyes aren’t bad either.”


Veronica and Celeste had a bad vibe, and Bianca soon confessed her fault. If a third person sees it, isn’t it too lighthearted for a queen? It could be done, but even that is great. Veronica and Celeste, there will be no one who will not bow his head even after receiving the energy of the two as they are.

Excluding Mars, of course.

I would rather praise them for not breaking into a cold sweat even after being threatened by those two. 99% Of other people would have died of a heart attack.

“Then let’s get straight to the point. Your majesty.”

“…Your Majesty? Me?”

“Yes, you.”

Is it because Bianca suddenly called me “Your Majesty”? For an instant, her head went blank. It was because Veronica was the only one who had ever given me the title ‘King’, and Bianca was the first to use the title ‘His Majesty’.

“..Isn’t that your queen? Why do you want me to…”

“Because you are Your Majesty. What is the point of pretending to be a superficial captain in front of a true monarch?”

Then, Bianca got up from her throne and slowly walked towards us.

Ttogak Ttogak…

As Bianca stepped down the steps of her throne, the sound of her shoes echoed clear in her throne room.

“Let’s say hello first.”

Bianca, who came down all her steps and stood right in front of me, slowly bent her knees and bowed to me. She looked like a noble lady having an audience with the king.


Her head won’t turn. Why is the elven queen all of a sudden kneeling in front of me, and why is everyone around me taking it for granted? By the way, Illyana is sleeping while standing.

“Bianca Titania, daughter of Titania Phrygia, greets the Eternal Monarch.”

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