102 – The Trial of Nothingness – 33

“Uh…Uh uh..?”

The state of panic itself, literally.

I didn’t even understand the contents of the system window that suddenly appeared without the [Rod] That strengthens my mental power.

I activate a hidden piece that allows me to use one more ability. Perhaps the purple crystal ball he picked up in the lobby on the first floor was the cause.

Originally, I would have quickly understood the situation and dealt with it accordingly, but I was different now, stained with fear of death.





A wolf-type monster ran right in front of me at a tremendous speed and bit my left shoulder hard.

It hurts. It hurts terribly I feel like my mind is going crazy.

My stamina… I put 10,000 on it. Very minimal damage equal to 1/18 of total health. But the terrible pain that pierced my skin came crashing down on me without stopping.

How did I endure such pain in the past? Even if there was a [Rod], The pain wouldn’t be diminished.




[Please select a unique ability to choose from.]

Quickly, quickly choose the [Road].

But I can’t open my mouth because of the pain of being confused. All I can utter is a scream of pain.



Many monsters attack after the wolf monster.

They are high-ranking monsters that each have a huge amount of mana. You need to clear your mind as soon as possible.

“Ugh… Ugh…!!”

Be patient. Be patient Are you going to die here? You can do more!

[Please select a unique ability to choose from.]

“To… To… To…!”


“Shut up?!”

I tried to open my mouth somehow, but the timing was bad, and the wolf monster’s grip on my shoulder got stronger.

The skin is pierced, the muscles are destroyed, and the bones are crushed. How many people in the world can endure this kind of pain? Of course, there may be some, but at least not me.


‘I have to..!’

This is a test. In other words, it means an ordeal that I have to overcome.

If I give up here like this, I will be nothing more, nothing less than a bug that only depends on the system.


“Keep ugh…! Ro… Ro…”

Cry out. This kind of pain is nothing.

Just think they’re doing surgery without anesthesia.

In Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu also underwent surgery while playing Go without anesthesia. Isn’t there anything that I can’t do?



[Do you want to select load?]

No f*ck, don’t ask me twice System bastard!

“Yes dear!!!!”

[Choose load.]

At that moment, countless monsters and magics that reached right in front of me came at once.


Due to the attacks of the monsters and the huge amount of magic, the entire library exploded with a loud roar.

No matter how strong a warrior is, it doesn’t seem easy to survive an attack like this. However…

“..f*ck, did you like it, you bastards?”



The wolf monster that was biting my shoulder died instantly when the void spear hit it straight between the eyes.

It seems that the monsters and magic that appear in the library do not damage each other.

From noble mtl dot com

“Oh… It hurts. My shoulder blade is completely cut.”


My head gets cold.

Is this the effect of [Rod]? I knew it was a good ability, but when I experienced the on/off state myself, I realized the difference.

What would I be like if [Rod] Didn’t exist?

What’s going on? Would be behind



“Would you like to play with me? You bastards who are no better than cockroach antennae?”

The monsters flinched as if they were bewildered when they saw my sudden change of attitude. They seem to be pretty intelligent guys.

But regardless of high or low intelligence, it doesn’t change that they fall behind here.

“The Spear of the Void.”

Should we open a yakitori restaurant?


“It worked in the end.”

While watching Gaon take the exam in the second-floor library, Erzebet smiled and crossed his legs while sitting in the chair.

She honestly thought that the first time Gaon didn’t pick [Rod], She was already the one who thought it was over, but when she saw that he was flying again thanks to the crystal ball he picked up on her first floor, she changed her mind.

“Purple crystal ball… It was salvation, really.”

Erze Bet remembered her past and began to dwell on her nostalgia.

This magic test was just different from the normal test.

Erzebet It was a kind of ‘homage’ that she reproduced on her own the path of hardship she experienced while ascending to the seat of the 11th seat of her mage tower.

A test of talent in the 1st floor lobby. A test made in consideration of the time she first noticed Mana’s talent and went berserk.

2Nd Floor Library A test of growth. A test she made by remembering how she had endured the envy of countless wizards and started to climb her best path.

‘That purple crystal ball really helped…’

Hiding the Hidden Piece in the lobby on the first floor was also conceived in Elizabeth’s memory.

In the test, it was simply an item that allowed one additional ability to be used, but the original crystal ball was a divine object that forcibly ‘evolved’ one ability.

Erze Beth used the crystal ball to get out of her crisis and rise to the position of Master of the Magic Tower.

“The 1st floor hidden piece was just something I made out of an old idea…But it’s different from the 2nd floor.”

Actually, there is no big problem in passing the second floor test even if you don’t get that purple crystal ball from the first floor lobby. However, it is different from the second floor.

Since the test was made in such a way that the level of difficulty gradually increases unless you find the hidden piece hidden on each floor, it was actually impossible to pass without the hidden piece from the 3rd floor onwards.

“Will our king be able to pass?”

The corner of Elizabeth’s mouth went up slightly.






About an hour has passed since I started blocking the attacks of monsters and magic.

Since it was a test of the kind that could never end, I saved mana as much as possible and reduced the number of monsters with minimal movements.

“Search, search, search, search!!!!”

By the way, I’m not in the process of venting my anger.

Really. Never get angry

– Kieh!!

“Head! Head! Head!”

She needs to conserve mana, so she fan with her fist. Its strength stat is also quite high compared to its level. Monsters like this can be defeated with just fists.

Of course, there was a downside of having to hit dozens of times, but what about it? Rather good

“Peace! Injung! Dick!”


To be honest, all of them are monster-like monsters, so I don’t even know which one is the head, which is the human body, and which is the vital point. But it seems like it hurts even if I just hit it anywhere, so I’m a f*cking loser.


“The Void Wall.”

All magic is blocked by the wall of emptiness. Occasionally, a threatening level of magic flew in, but it wasn’t enough to pierce the wall of emptiness, so it wasn’t a big problem.

‘How come it seems easier than the first floor..?’

Of course, if there were no purple crystal ball or hidden piece, I would have buried my bones on the second floor, but in fact, that was just the result of my carelessness, and it didn’t mean that the test itself was difficult.

Compared to the 1st floor, which took away nearly 180,000 stamina in an hour, it is true that this place is at a cute level. Roughly, the average level of monsters was 60 or less, and only advanced magic or less came flying.

If I keep going like this, I should be able to clear it easily, but will this test give me a necklace that easily passes? I guess not.

[The hostile creature’s boss appears.]

‘As expected… I knew something would happen, you bastards.’

As I expected, the system didn’t have the heart to pass the test smoothly. The boss… In other words, the boss monster was summoned here.


“Your ears hurt…”

[LV 81 Chimera]

Health: 150000/150000

Mana: 100000/100000

Status: Runaway

Chimera… Hmm…

Actually, this chimera was a very ambiguous monster.

Unlike other monsters, the one that was forcibly created by someone was a monster called Chimera. Thanks to this, the level and abilities of the Chimera vary depending on the skill of the creator.

For example, if a level 50 wizard makes a chimera, it’s good to see a chimera over level 30 coming out. Conversely, if a high wizard over level 80 makes a chimera, a high-ranking chimera over level 60 will be created.

To create a level 81 chimera… Shouldn’t an archmage over level 90 step in?


“The Spear of the Void.”



What is it, why is it blocked?

Obviously I threw the void spear at the Chimera. But to you? Even the skin of a chimera can’t pierce it and it jumps out?

“..Ah right…”

I can’t use [Envy]?

I forgot that [Timer] Was an ability that could be turned ON/OFF like [Dark Curtain].

Originally, I didn’t pay much attention to it because I always turned it on, but now it came to my mind.

“As expected, demon crowns are important…I can’t pierce even one Chimera skin like that…”


As I was muttering to myself, the Chimera raised its huge hand and struck me down, as if the fever had risen.

“The head of a lion, the feet of a bull, the body of a tiger, the arms of a gorilla… How can such a hybrid come out?”

The Void Wall.


Anyway, a level 81 monster. Can’t penetrate my wall of emptiness.

Of course, one-third of the shield was cut off with one touch of that guy, but if you think about it the other way around, you can see that it’s only a third of it.

If you look at that big gorilla hand, it wouldn’t be strange if my thin purple shield was broken at once.


“Tides of the Void.”

First of all, I sent the Chimera far away by using the waves of void, which are good for pushing opponents, even though their killing power is low.

“The Spear of the Void.”

Can a void spear pierce leather? Then the answer to that is very simple.

If you just drive in about 100 spears of the void, they will break through on their own.




Puff… Puff… Puff… Puff… Puff.


“Look. There’s no tree that can’t be felled 100 times?”

[LV 81 Chimera]

Health: 71361/150000

Mana: 96711/100000

Status: Runaway

About 100 void spears, my health was cut in half. Of course, it took almost 70 rounds of the void spear to pierce the chimera’s skin, so 30 rounds actually cut that guy’s health in half.

If only I had [Envy], I could have finished it within 5 rounds… More than I thought, each and every unique ability I had was precious blood and flesh.


“But you’re amazing too. Even if you don’t have a [Envy], You can withstand 30 rounds with simple durability… How hard are you?”

Gurush also had quite a bit of durability, but compared to the chimera in front of me right now, the level has dropped considerably. If my guess is correct, it seemed to be a difference of about 10 times or more.

Looking at it, it seems that the creator of Chimera raised only the durability and set the other parts low… It shouldn’t have been that way. I’d rather have more power or speed. I don’t know who he is, but he’s such a foolish man.



“..It’s over.”

Even though Chimera was created artificially, it could not avoid the psychological attack that is the effect of void mana, a clear life form.

Perhaps by now that chimera is going round and round like a drunk man? It may not be, and I’m not sure because I haven’t been directly affected by void mana.

“Tsk…You wouldn’t have wanted to be born like that…Just let me go quickly.”

– Draw it..!!

“The Spear of the Void.”


[You have passed the exam in the library on the 2nd floor of the Mage Tower.]

[All health, mana, and status ailments are recovered.]

[The 3rd floor exam starts after 5 hours, and if you want, you can take the 3rd floor exam even before 5 hours have passed.]

…No, but they don’t give you experience points..?

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