Chapter 541 A devastated earth.

That day.

After Qin Feng got rid of [Flame Lord], he closed the space gate on Lujiazu.i Square by the way.

Of course, when the space door was closed, another wave of monsters was triggered.

With nearly 10,000 points of strength, more than 3,000 physiques, and with an angel state on, even the lord-level boss can’t break the defense, let alone ordinary monsters.

Therefore, it took another half an hour to clear the monsters, and then flew towards the group of Tan Palace villas in the eyes of the soldiers around them that looked like gods.

Well, it’s a strange day to fight for a day, it’s time to go home and let a few nizi press a button for themselves.

After returning to the home on the 30th floor of [Refuge].

Qin Feng noticed that the eyes of the four neodymium men in the family were red, as if they had cried.

“Well, Brother Xiaofeng, Lena is so worried about you.”

Sister Lena threw herself into Qin Feng’s arms and sobbed, two crazy m.o. of little steamed buns that had just been raised, rubbed Qin Feng’s xion.g. “Seven Six Seven”

“Hey, why am I doing something wrong.”

Qin Feng scraped her little Qiong nose with a good hand, and then smiled in her ear: “Stop crying, I will invite you to eat a stick.. lollipop at night.”

“Bad guy…”

Lena shyly yao yao double c.hun.

Next, Qin Feng took a shower, changed into loose home clothes, lay on the sofa and watched TV. Today, Si Neodymium is also exceptionally well-behaved.

Sisters Lena and Gina were obediently kneeling on both sides of Qin Feng, with lian.g pink fists in the depths, gently hammering his two t.ui.

And Luo Wei, little aunt.

Lie on both sides of Qin Feng, hammering his shoulders gently for him. Or maybe it was because the two of them had too much na.i, and they always accidentally rubbed on Qin Fengshe.n, soft.. soft, playing.. playing.

I couldn’t help but put up a small umbrella on the loose home clothes.

“Stinking rogue……”

Si Nei groaned in unison, and then all smiled gently.

on television.

It is reporting the situation of the hell army encountered in all parts of the world on this day.

Well, this time the army of hell, although it seems fierce, is just the advance force of hell, which has caused violent chaos to all countries in the world, but it has not completely destroyed the ability of the big country.

Of course, some small countries are more miserable.


Qin Feng watched a set of Huayang’s programs for a while.

In the case of China, because China has implemented military control in advance this time, all citizens stay at home or in civil air defense facilities, and the number of casualties among residents is very small.

In the fourteen theaters, the death toll in each theater did not exceed six figures.

Considering China’s huge population base.

This is already a miracle.

In addition, the Chinese military prepared a plan for firearm failure ahead of time. With China’s world’s largest industrial manufacturing capacity, it has stepped up the production of a batch of steel crossbows.

It was distributed to all soldiers, reserves, and veterans.

Although these steel crossbows have worrisome lethality, they are also the most effective weapon against hell monsters at this stage.


China has also modified a batch of “Ballistas” composed of military vehicles and siege crossbows, which are used to hunt down bosses and hordes of monsters, which is very effective.

In the next step, China is also preparing to convert a large number of Type 59 tanks and Type 99 tanks into 【Tank Ballista】.


It is a pity that due to the small number of helicopters in China, the plan to convert helicopters into “flying ballista” operations has been temporarily stranded.


China’s news also highlighted the Jiangnan Theater.

While other theaters are working hard to mobilize the [ballista] army to destroy the lord-level bosses in this theater, the Jiangnan theater has become the first theater in China to kill lord-level bosses in the world.

In addition, the scene of Qin Feng’s double-fist and alive and deadly bosses was also played.

This greatly boosted the morale of all Chinese soldiers.

Then, Qin Feng cut to the US CNN TV station.

First of all, it can be seen from the satellite that the prosperous US in the past has been shrouded in flames. Since the arrival of the hell army is not noticed, all major cities in the US have suffered heavy losses.

A terrible wave of corpses has formed on the streets of New York and Manhattan.

Those capitalists and traders who sat on Wall Street in the past have turned into devil corpses and skeleton warriors, looting various communities frantically.

In New York Harbor, a huge space door was opened.

A skeleton knight more than fifty meters long landed in the port, raised a white bone knife, and slashed the head of the Statue of Liberty…

In Washington, DC.

It was even more chaotic. Most of the politicians who did not come and fled became food for the demon army.

The Bai Palace, which symbolizes the highest power in the United States, has ignited a huge fire.

In Los Angeles, in Miami, the army of hell is mighty…

However, although the firearms have failed, the United States still possesses decent military strength and mobilization capabilities, and soon organized a steel convoy…

Moreover, the United States has a large number of helicopters, which can throw heavy objects to kill monsters on the ground.

Therefore, although the United States is far less capable of countering the hell army than China, the city has also been destroyed on a large scale, and the population has died countless.

But at present, the United States is still stable.

Finally, the CNN host looked at the devastated land of the United States and said with a bitter expression: “We Americans have paid the price for our arrogance.”

“Facts have also proved that the Chinese people in the East prohibit players from playing hell roles and impose military control. This is a very foresighted thing.”

Then, Qin Feng switched to BBC News.


As soon as everything came over, I saw that the pride of the ying country’s industrial era, London’s most iconic building, Big Ben, was pushed into the Thames by a lord-level boss.

And in the streets of London, demons are rampant, bones are everywhere…

With the military strength of the ying country and increased mobilization capabilities, it is difficult to eliminate the hell army in a short time. People from the military can only watch ordinary people die in the hands of demons.

at the same time.

Qin Feng also noticed that many Chinese on the street were howling loudly, asking for help. Well, these people are just the wealthy tourists who couldn’t stand the domestic control system and traveled to Ying country a few days ago.

However, they never thought that the army of hell would suddenly invade.

And compared with the dangerous country Ying, the country is simply not too safe, it is almost like heaven.


At this time, the military of the ying country can’t even take care of its own people, 3.1 let alone these “foreigners”…

Qin Feng could only watch, his poor compatriots were swallowed by the army of hell, and even their bodies were eaten by demons…

In Australia, the Sydney Opera House by the sea at son.g was bombarded to pieces by an army of demons…

In France, the Eiffel Tower fell to the ground…

In India, the Taj Mahal was buried in the sea of ​​fire…

In Egypt, the pyramids were turned upside down…

In Athens, the Acropolis that stands on the coast of the Aegean Sea turned into a pile of rotten stone pillars…

In Honduras, the Mayan temple of Gaoson.g was trampled by demons…

Watching the content on TV, Qin Feng’s expression was also slightly moved, but in the end, his expression gradually became firm, and he took a deep breath and said: “The civilization of a foreign country will eventually be destroyed by the hands of hell. And my Chinese civilization will be in the hands of hell. Eternal life in the doomsday.”.

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