I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 540 Call it a day

In view of the fact that the victory has been sufficient and the last eternal burial ground is too difficult to fight, it is difficult to continue the war.

This time in the war against the Plague Land, until the final stage of the battle, the coalition forces were basically in the deepest part of the Plague Land.

Fighting for a long time in the deepest part of the Plague Land, the non-combat attrition was too serious for the coalition forces.

The 100,000-strong army was in the deepest part of the Plague Land, suffering huge losses and logistical difficulties.

In addition, everyone was exhausted from fighting, and the will to fight had also weakened a lot, so the Duke of Aquitaine finally ordered the coalition forces to disband and go back.

After all, everyone has looted a lot of loot and wants to go back and enjoy it.

If we continue to force the army to fight, it will easily lead to mutiny.

Flynn did not prevent the coalition forces from disbanding, because Flynn also saw that although his brave men in Potato County were still full of energy, most of the coalition forces could no longer hold on.

It is unrealistic to force the coalition forces to continue to insist.

Anyway, now that the main forces in the Plague Land have been wiped out, and without a large number of cemeteries, there is no possibility of the Plague Land rising again.

If you organize an army of players separately, you should have a chance to clean up the remaining eternal boneyards.

So Flynn ordered that interested players in Potato County continue to fight on a small scale in the Plague Land to clean up the scattered remnants of the Resurrection Army.

At the same time, Flynn also sent people to assist the coalition forces in their retreat.

The 100,000 coalition troops were not able to completely defeat the Plague Land, but at least they defeated more than 90% of the enemies.

Such a large plague land made them return home one after another with a large amount of loot.

It is true that the Plague Land is not an adventure holy land filled with gold, and the coalition forces have not been able to secure the richest and most critical eternal burial ground.

But after all, the Plague Land is a country covering an area of ​​300,000 square kilometers.

For such a large area, even if the per capita income and per capita GDP are not high, cumulatively, it is still a considerable number.

Dinars, weapons and equipment, magic props, mithril jewelry...the entire Plague Land was looted!

There are many forces in the coalition that claim to be peaceful and just forces. If they are allowed to rob ordinary people from hostile countries, they may still feel a little psychological burden.

But robbing these zombies in the Plague Land and ransacking their property is a matter of course.

The coalition forces fought hard for many days in a plague land that was not suitable for humans. Finally, they had a good ending and achieved good material gains. This made all forces in the coalition very satisfied.

The coalition allies, loaded with various trophies, successfully withdrew from the Plague Land.

All that is left is a thoroughly plundered plague land,

According to the prior agreement, the Plague Land now belongs to Flynn.

It can be said that the Plague Land has also joined the large circle of Tudou County and has become the latest member of Tudou County.

Of course, the prerequisite for incorporating the Plaguelands into the Potato County system is that Flynn must capture the Eternal Boneyard.

Otherwise, if the Eternal Burial Ground is allowed to slowly accumulate troops and recover its strength, the entire Plague Land will surely fall into war again.

The Plague Land cannot truly become Flynn's territory.

The coalition forces evacuated the Plague Land, and the players from Tudou County entered the Plague Land in large numbers. In addition to arranging heavy troops on the front line to continue to surround the Eternal Boneyard, allowing the players unlimited intrusion.

There are also a large number of players active in various areas of the Plague Land.

It is a very difficult thing to control a plague land of 300,000 square kilometers with a small one.

Especially the Plague Land is a dangerous area full of death and decay.

Without transformation, even if the Plague Land theoretically becomes Flynn's territory, it will still only become a territory on the map.

The Plague Land must be cleaned up and transformed on a large scale before it can truly rule this land.

While dispatching brave men to move in on a large scale, Flynn also gave Shin, whose magic power has soared recently, a new mission.

Now that Zhen has obtained the Ring of Resonance, his magic level has been greatly improved, and his spell-casting endurance is better than six knots.

Madam True, the magic consultant, can now take on more arduous magic-related tasks.

Zhen could do more, so Flynn let Zhen do more.

This does not count as Flynn squeezing others, after all, those who can do more work.

In order to purify and transform the Plague Land, Flynn ordered Zhen to prepare a large number of magic scrolls and potions - spending a lot of materials and mithril powder, as well as squeezing a lot of real magic power, mass-produced professional magic scrolls, etc. .

The scrolls and mithril constructed by Zhen were used in conjunction with the church's regular purification of holy water.

It can have the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

As long as there are enough scrolls, magic potions, and holy water, the entire plague land can be purified bit by bit.

This is a very difficult task.

It’s not that it’s complicated, it’s mainly that the Plague Land is too large.

Just imagine, the Plague Land is 300,000 square kilometers, similar to Italy on Earth.

Flynn is fully prepared and can dispatch up to 20,000 brave men at the same time.

You need 20,000 brave men to clean up the whole of Italy?

This is a very difficult thing.

However, there is good news: when the pollution level in the Plague Land gradually decreases, it will not affect the work and labor of ordinary people.

Flynn can then send more ordinary workers to the Plague Land to carry out purification work.

But until then, the dangerous work of purification, which may cause illness, can only be left to the brave.

Flynn released a series of systematic long-term tasks, which contain many kinds of medium and small tasks, and most of them can be done repeatedly.

By issuing various tasks, players are allowed to bring magical props specially used for purification to purify the entire plague land.

Not only to purify the polluted and cursed land, but also to clean up a large number of various residual zombies, wild monsters, etc.

The Plague Land is full of zombies. These zombies will not suddenly disappear just because the power of the Resurrection Army collapsed!

Flynn hopes that the Plague Land can be purified in the shortest possible time to the point where ordinary people can live and work there.

In this case, Flynn can move a large number of people to work and live in the Plague Land.

Thus begins the era of comprehensive development in the Plague Land!

Of course, before that, Flynn had to take down the Eternal Boneyard.

Purify the entire Plague Land and eliminate the mobs in the Plague Land. At the same time, maintain high military pressure and always look for opportunities to capture the Eternal Boneyard.

Flynn still has a lot to do to digest the Plague Land.

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