Underground space, silver light shines on the hole, and occasionally there are flashes of fire.

Zhou Xuanji is in the air and is constantly comprehension of unconstitutional creation.

For reasons of reason, silence, Sword Emperor V is afraid to leave the distance of the other five husbands.

Can’t fire God has closed his eyes.

This underground space is once again in silence.

The constant flames from which he was unable to fire God, drilled into the body of Zhou Xuanji, to help him strengthen.

He’s getting closer to the eight large Paragon.

Long time.


He’s finally strong, breakthrough to the 8th court, Paragon!

Fire God’s flame is like a tornado that normally spies around Zhou Xuanji.

His Paragon divine power began to change.

momentum shakes underground space.

“His comprehension speed is so fast.”

Zhou Xuanji quickly drilled into his body.

He showed up.

His watch was widespread with silver light, and he couldn’t even cover that silver light.

For seven people to look for him, they’re all surprised.

Did you do it?


looks like a pride of silver light man’s Zhou Xuanji has slowed his eyes down and said, “It’s over.”

It’s over?

The people are stuck and confused in their hearts.

What’s over?

Zhou Xuanji’s eyes sent purple light, Boom, this underground space collapsed directly, and those rocks turned ashes into ashes, with pounds of fog externally destroyed, and Universe appeared in front of people.

They are no longer present at this great star.

They stare at their eyes, and they can’t believe what they saw.

Zhou Xuanji has been strong enough to break fire God’s power?

They’re conscious of looking beyond fire God.

No Fire God has opened his eyes, he opens two wings, three heads are loud and powerful.

The flame is no more than a bear, brighter than the Day of Judgment, burning, brightening the whole vain universe.

10,000 zhang rays of light expulsions of darkness, and the fog spreading in Universe quickly retreated, as if it had met the enemies of heaven.

Seven people can’t hear the surprise in Fire God’s voice.

They’re sighed in relief.


long as Fire God is not angry, that’s good.

鈥淚s this planet actually stuck with him?” The town of Paragon says,

Others also thought of that possibility.

Otherwise, Fire God has no reason to be so thick as Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji turned around, looking towards Fire God, said, 鈥淢any thanks Senior Opportunities”.

Can’t fire God be happy and laugh at said, 鈥淎ctually, it’s your chance, Zhou Xuanji, go back, mess with the universe, finish your ambition!”

After all, without Fire God turning away, blinking his eyes, he turned the sun to disappear at the end of Universe, and his rays of light remained.

Zhou Xuanji fell in front of seven people, and silver light on her body was dispersed, showing the truth.

And he didn’t seem to have any difference with him before, but it was just more unseen and unclear, and it would have made no sense to fear him.

鈥淐ongratulations Lordship on getting great opportunity!”

The result was cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile, while others were busy following congratulations.

They’re all excited.

Their Lord is Primordial Chaos, and now has the opportunity of the ancient era!

They will then follow Zhou Xuanji.

鈥淐ome on, it’s time to go back.鈥?/p>

Zhou Xuanji, whispering with a smile, listened to people looking at each other in dismay.

They suddenly felt Zhou Xuanji changed.

The former Zhou Xuanji showing off ones is now very stable.

Zhou Xuanji once again summoned the pearls and looked at two pearls, and he laughed, “Should you take me back now?”

The two of them are immediately taking the way.

People immediately keep up.

Zhou Xuanji flew in front of and above the others, and he was able to feel the look behind him.

He didn’t care.

Actually, he understands his own change, and he thinks it’s good.

after the unconstitutional creation of comprehension, his heart was completely settled.

The gods once said that Primordial Chaos’s identity would make him more arrogant, lose his mind, and that it is right now that an unconstitutional creature has been created to suppress Primordial Chaos’s expansion.

鈥淧aragon, you’ll see you soon.”

He corner of the mouth raise, looking forward to thinking.

His cultivation base, while only breakthrough to the 8th largest Paragon, has undergone a qualitative change in his power with the unconstitutional creation.

This cultivation technique has no small realm, and as long as he remembers the ancestral voice, he can use the unconstitutional creation.

To reverse all rules!

Create what you think!

Throughout the universe, he’s the only one who has the ancestors with Zover.

Only in the possession of the ancestral voice will there be hope to learn to reverse constitutional creation.

After the ancestors learn, they have to have their ancestral tongues and to integrate them together, which cannot be done at all without the help of the pearls.

That is, even the three days after Peak’s ancient pride.

Because Zhou Xuanji has been staring at the back of Zhou Xuanji, they are curious and afraid not to ask much.

opportunity cannot ask how powerful Zhou Xuanji is.

Do Zhou Xuanji have resistance in the face of Paragon?


There’s no end in the North.


a time when the crack appeared, Zhou Xuanji and the others were stepped out.

“Here it is! It’s really here!鈥?/p>

Others are also happy.

Zhou Xuanji did not speak and packed people directly with Paragon divine power before entering the state of God and moving towards the area of the stars quickly.


He was not able to resist Paragon divine power in Zhou Xuanji because of his darkness.

Then he was moved away.

He just wanted to talk.


suddenly the clouds of the clouds disappear.

They withdrew from the state of God.

鈥淪o fast?鈥?/p>

Paragon cry out in the surprise, an incredible myth.

Zhou Xuanji laughed at said: 鈥淭he area of stars is closer.鈥?/p>


fact, that’s not true.

He’s really getting a lot faster.

Even in the area of stars, that marked galaxy still exists.

Everything is harmonious, and there is no danger in the area of the stars.

Zhou Xuanji told them not to say what had happened for some time and then to disperse each other.

Returning to the area of the stars, they all have a feeling of isolation.

Zhou Xuanji entered the House of Stars.

He just sat down, and the stars came to the palace.

鈥淗ow’s it going? Did Paragon ever bother you?鈥?The Star first asked.

She hit Zhou Xuanji, and suddenly she was surprised.

The more she looks surprised.

How could it be?

what the hell did that guy get?

This aura…

鈥淗e chased me, and I was fortunate to escape.” Zhou Xuanji Peace said that he took those experiences.


first two steps on the Star, she frowned, and said, “What did you get, not only breakthrough to the eighth largest Paragon, your aura… out of this infinite universe?”

She lived countless loads and saw myth Supreme from ancient times.

Where creature comes from ancient times is very different from the present creature, especially aura.

Zhou Xuanji laughed at said: 鈥淪ome things can’t be said that you should understand that.鈥?/p>

The gods used to love him, and now, in turn, this feeling is really good.

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